Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

C~.ap. 3• the Epijlle to the (jalatiam. Zt9l' God as hlS obec;lepcefur hts wfhli.--atJon. A' accept h1m as ourfurccy m life and dearh•. lnsob1ected roarcheobedJenccof Chr1fl · Tile declarauon ol the concluhon fol· 1 is co.'p~o:jmpurcltonQoe, bu.t td Chnft,who Iowes 111 chenmthvcrfe,and 1t fhewcs whoarc· wa 1 rhe doer of1t, . A•[. lr is,to be imputed, cbe cruc chlldrcn"f Abr•b•m. The meaum;: ihat JS,alcribed eohim as to che author therof the words mull.fir!lbc confidcrcd. T~b., of;~ncj.lj'irhall, qc~~~fe he did p<rforme it in •ff<ith, is to bee of Abr•h•msfarch,Rom, 'f. o'u~ruo,meand !tell.<!, and that for vs, iris to aG. And 10bee of Abraham• fmth; ,. rob~· ticjmpuc~d ro ~s. !]· , Jceue a<ld apply chcproma(eofrrgh~C9P.fuc~, ..~~col'dly,ltis.o.Pce~fd,thatworkesarealand hfe euerlallmg by Chrall, as A6r.h•m (oimputed as well asfa\th. Pialme 1oo, 3r. dad: andcorcflan at forourtullaficanon and fh~;eijxe~Htediu4gflP'"t, tmd it wM imfut.ed faJuation, vcrf.Io:Thcyartfaid tobe of wt~r/:t, tof:!nJor rtghuoufr.;fff• A•fwer, 'there""'' whodoc the workesof rhelaJv, and lookc ro flifcoj theperfon,•mhujliaofthe•EI. l•f/ictof bccaulhfied thereby: thertforechey are of I the p:rjcn, is th'lflvl]tCilcmakes the pe•fon of laath,who bclceue in Chralt,and lookuo bee ' man au(l: luf/iccofthe.Gl,is thatwhachmakes faucdand iu(t.fied thereby. cheactof che perfon iufl;and not-the perfon And they which thus beleeue wit)l A/mtaf(<llf: .Now cheWalwe fpeakesonly of the B h•m,arefai<i to beehuchildren. le may_be dciull!~col Phi•mactaon:andthemeaningof maunJed,hpw! A'1""• Cllildrenol AbrAche words is this, ch~tGod reputed his aeli· h•m, arc ol two (om: fome by nature, fome I 9\lJ'J a,iHII action>~l)~reas men m.tght haply by grace. By nature are they which areof A· ~opfl,;,tnneit. This.p.Jace therefor< prooues br•h•m by t,te fidh, or naturall generarton, 1 n~~!~atworkeoare amputed (orrh•aullafica· as Ifmac/was. By grace,all bekeueuareohil· Ji9£1J?.fi!ny man. .!"{ dren of Abr~~h•m: and thac thteewaaes. Farll, ' ~· l\li.r!ll.Y,it isoglected, that impur~d iullice by lruiration, in chat Abr~tbam is fer fouh vn• -:;~i.,.J]e~~rknown,e in,rbe Churchpll 1soo, eo vs as a parrernc, in thelteppeo ol whd(c yem.f.~f.ter Chr~l\,..4•/. It is falfe. Bm~~ra faith all crue belecuers walke, Rowane> 'f. u. Scnn.•J t:.lJh,'IJ'prefly, De.;!, Ifput to flight bJ thedtatli Sccondly,bel<eue!sarechildren ofA&r•ham, miL Tcmp. 1 gfChrijl,and the iuj/ic~ ofCbnfl u •mputcdtov" by fuccefhon,in thatthey fuc.ceede him m the c. n.Epifr,1 .an4~Mi\\e,1j'hc f•ti.sjalli•••f Chrtjfi.simputed anhcrarance of the fame bleffJng, Thirdly, 1 9°· . '~"6-.~.Stine,Cundry.q(che Fathers,as Augu· they arechaldren to him by a kindcoffpiriru·. 1 fti"f,J;f'f1fl'"' (hryjoflcf"e,Thcockw, Aofeime, all generaliOn.ForAbrah•mby belccuing the eqtrc;\\ipg vpoo che ccxtof PaNI,t.C4r-s.>r , promifcofa lcede,dad afterafort beget them. auouci~~J~IJa,t the iu(licewhercby weareaulli- C lndeede propedy the promife and Election ficd,1s a)9' inws,but in_Chnll. And ll<isa re· of God, makesrhcmchildren~andA~rAham c~ti'd ~o~rjne wi\hahcm,th~t•ft••er isiufti· byhis faich, bcleeuing.the forefaid promifc, (!'1hif~"h •'•••: npw faith alone pre[upporeceiucs then<ol God as his chddrcn.In rhi1 ,(.~~ ~Jumpuratl~>n ofmthee. . 1 regatd bdecuers are ea/led childrenof the pro· ,.J;he ~fc.Henc~it followes,chat thereis no mije.Rom.9.H.and thefeed,that as,ofthe faith ·rJl;Ff5;P.£m.~_ns ~ork~,e!thcr in the beginmn~, of Abr.cham,Rom.4.16. Now then the mea· Of 1 inA1~ accompi1lh~peqt of our iultificatt· ningof thetex.t is,that belecuers,though vn· 1 ga}1; tsimfut_ed for tuqicerohim that circumcifed,arethcchi Jdrcn of /lbrah•m. It bde'eueth andworketh not,Rom.'f-5· may be(aad,whatptmtledge is thiS/ An[""· I ,1, :A.S3\P,e,bytha§!!'CC ~oth,eretsbulolleauGreat: forchcclllldrenol Abrah•marechal· Af:l.. , 1 jl,Jij~)\~ton ; ~nq ~1~qhe fecond bzworkes, d1cn of the coucnant, auJ chtldren ofGod, Ro.f.;,t I w\l<f!1~1~man qf,~ gpod rnan,tvnadebet· Thevfe.Inthasvcrfe PaHI feis downe one .Wo\I~Jil'i<rc fict10n. Poraull Ahf¥ham as not thmg, namely. the true markeof che chalde I aHilt6sqp..g has good workes wher~wath hec a- D .of AbrAham, and that .,,to be of ahe fatth of l;t.g!!~d~d, but afrer I!!~ firflau!IJficatJOn,fatth Abr.ham. Here then marke firll of all, 1he' I ~.1\1!! i<yP.utcd tohjrp.(orr,ighteoufneffe. Jewe.,though dcfcendingoflf••c,areno chil· ,;, ,T~I[!Jl¥ohcrcwefee ~<-hat is chacyery thing dren ofAbrah•m,becau[echey follow not dre I w)t~rebylweare to app<are iull befoJe God, (aith of A6rah~,. Sc:condly,tbeTurkes afc ~a\~_,rq)i_~ faued, and rha~ is, the ob-edience of no children,though they plead defccot frotn' I f~Bq•I\\"IPUtcd tovs of God, and apprchcn- .dgAr (ometimes, and fomerinie from Sara, d~ bJ. s>~rlatth. ' Ieuming themfclues Agarens, and Saracens. , ri,\IJJ.fy, hcrewefee our duty. God fits asa Forehey rrcade•vn9cr foote che faith of A· ' \udge oucr vs, herakes a reckoningot vs tor hr~~h11m, Thirdly, the Papi!l wall nothing ' all our domgs: the law 1san hand·wflt;ng at.elpe hamfclfeby the plea ofAntiquity,Suc· \ g,at~Jl: y.$: to ~omc he !O?purcsthclr finnes,to ceffionj ~ndvniuerfall conf~nr,excepthecan loWF.~ce rcmmrhcm. ,,Wee therefore mull ,fl,.wfome good cuJdence, that hcc isofrhc I ~ome.mcp che prefence ofGod,plead,gUIIue, talthof Abr.ham, whrch lteecann0t" for this ,.an~,~~J?OJvledge our.f.;lue. eo bee as bank· faith hce hath cortuprcd,_as I hauell!ewed. rupt~1~nd mereat ~!m t~grauncparJ·qn tova> Laflly, our profcffion ot A6r4hnms faith, &to jlCC!'P.t rhefapstactton of .<::·'"'(1 forvo: partly in acaching,and partly in heanng, and theqw1l~God nut 1m.p~c~ our hnoc~, but the 1 mci1c vfe of thtfacramcnt 1 , is not fuffic1ent obcJJcnceofChnJtlos ourJUllificatlQp: and wproouevs the cbaldren of Abraham, For .- ~,. ·- v -• .,