Chap.~. the Epip!e to the qatatians. belecue. Bur I finde no fuch decree in the. A J:i:m:becauli: they lhall vfeall good meancs; liford. Hereweefee Godsdecree, is onely to t•Jarrbey may b<e filled with the blellings of iu!h6eall rheGemdes in rhelall age of rhe God. fhltdly,we mufl bleffeall,doegood ro world. 'And rhus thetcXr ofP<iu/mu(} be vn· aJJ,and hurt none: for,we;;r~ h(ires of 6/e/]ii~g, derllood Cjadwauld hauul/men to brfaued, 1. 1.Per. 3.8. Laflly, wee ~ufihcremarkeour T im. 1 • n~mely,all men,orali the Gentilesin comforraf we truly rurneto God,andbeleeu_e thelall age of the world,and not all the Gen· mthe holy feede of AbrahAm, aJJ thmgs lhall tilesofallages and times. goewell withvs:Cjod fh•llbleJftthemthllt bkJJ• In the next place,the maner of thefpeech vr,andcarfcthemthatcllrfovs,Gen_. ll·J· and tellimonie of God mull bee confidered, The ninth verfc,IS the concluhon of P••ls in that heeisfaidtoprrach the GoJPeH to Abra· 011!iver: and it is 1n clfechndfubflanceone & bam.Hcrc marke rhe Anriquiric of the Gol· the !iune wnh verlc 7.and ir fignifieth that all pel: and the markes of rruc religion, which men that bee of Abra!,.,,, faith, (thougho-· for his fubfiance was knowne not only to the rherwtfeforramcrs and Gentiles coAbraham) Apollles, but alfo to the Prophets and Pa· thall be pat taker>ofrhe fame bldfingofGod rnarkes, Soauncient is the true way of life, w1thhm1. It may bda~d: How fl1allwe haue & the doctrine of iuflificationbyfaith with· B the fame blelling,when weehauenor the like our workes. Papills pleade Antiquitie for faith I. Anf. God refpects nottbegrcatnes of their Religion: but mvaine: for the proper our talth, fomuch asrhetnithof it. And if points andheads oftheir religion,weretaken faith erre not in his obieCl:that is,ifwee make vp fince rhe daies of ChrH!, fometwo bun· Chrr!l crucifi<d ourRedeemer,and ioyneno· dredyearesafter:[ome 4oo,fome 6oo,fome thing to him:if there be further, awill to be8oo,fome a rhoufand,and fome 1400yeares leeuc,and to apprehend Chrill, with care and after. conllancy to increafe in faith, and a purpofe Thethird point is, the fpeech or teOimo· not to finne;God will accept this true and ho. niettfclfe: In thee/hall•// theGmtilu be 6/ef{cd. nefl will/or the deede. lnthee,that is,in thy feede,Chrijf,Gen.zl.I8. 19 For"' many"' btof tht "'ork!Jofthelaw, who is in thy loincs :into whom theGentiles arevnder th~cur(c. For itiswrittm~Cu'l"ftdide~ are iografredby faith, and confequcntlyinto uer1 one that contiuuesnot i11 all things wriuenin thee. For they are thefeed of Chrifl,lfas3. tht l•w,todoethcm, 1o.whois thefeea of Abr.harn. Againe,here In thefe words, Paul fers downe a fecond it is[aid,AIIthtGenti!t~: butGen.17.4·Abra· reafon, whereby heeprooues,tharnot onely ham iscalled r/;, father, not of all, butof ma»J C thelewes, but alfothe Gentiles, are ble!fed nations. An}. Heisrhefarberofm••J• inre· asAbrah•mwas,byfaith. Andrhercafon is !peel o( his flelh: and he is a father of•ll the drawnefrom the contraries, thus: Th']that Gentiles, in regard of his faith. Againe, it is arrofwarkJr, that is, rhatlooke to be iu!lified' vfuall in Scripture,to put the word,all,form•· byworkes, are vnder the curfe. Therefore, '!],Rom.).J).I8. Andthebenedi&onbere they that are of faith; areblc!Iedandiullifimentioned,comprehends al the fpirirual gra · ed with AbrahAm. Moreoucr,Pauladdes the ces of God, as vocation, iullificarion,glorifiproufe of this fecond rea[on, in the next cation,Eph. 1. v-3words,and it i> framed thus: They which fuiThevfe. In rhat the Lord faith,AOthena. fill not rhelaw,areaccurfed,theywhichareof rions {hail be bltffcdmAbraham, hence I ga· \\'Orkes,fulfill not thelaw: therefore theyare ther,thatthe nationsoftheI ewes lhall beea!. accurfed. led and conuertcd,ro theparticipation oftbis INhereasPAul faith, that tht) are vnd<rthe .blcffing: when, and how, God know<s: bur cur(e, that.,;// brcofworku,wee[ee the whole that it O~all bee done before the ende of the world almoll, wa!kes in thewayof perdition: world,we know.For ifall nations lhall be caJ. ir isa concluGon of nature, that wee mull be led,rhen rhcIewes, D fatted and iuflifiedbyour workes.Tbeyoung Agame,thor whichwas fore·told toAhrt<" Pnnce 10 the Gofpel, fa~d, qood m•Jicr, what ham, is \·erified inour eyes. Forthis our En- 'muftI do~ to 6c fa~~ed? The !ewuwo~t!d not h~e ghlh n•tion, and many other nations are at fuhie[/ to tht iujficeofGod, hut the; •Pahlifh•d this day bletfed in thisfeed ofAbr•ham. Vp· thm owne righttou[.eff' of the l•w, Romanes onthcconfiderarion ofthis, wee are admo· IO.J. Our common people, and they that nilhed ofmany things. Firfl, wee arc togiue (hew to bew1fe, fay, they looke tobefaued by to God greatthankes and praife, that weeare faith: but indecde rheyturne their faith to borne in thcfc daies. For many Prophets, workes.' For what JS their faith I furcly noand great Kmg•, deficed to fee thatwhich we thing elfe (as they fay) hut their good mea· fee, and could not obtaine ir. Secondly, wee ning,or theirgood dcaling,ot theirgoodfer· mull eueryoneofvsinourheartsamend & uingofGod. turnevncoGod, and vnfainedlybeleeue in Henceagaineitfollowcs, that the Papacy Chnll, that wee may now mthe acceptable orPopllhrc!Jglon, is thewaytoperdirion,in day bee partakers of the prom1fed blelling. thatlt prefcnbeth and teacherh iurli6carion The Lord faith,Gen,zz.•8.I• thy f.cdall the by workes, On the conrrarie, our religion is ""!.'!:!!.!f<hctarth p;al/hebtefed,or,bltf[ethem· rbe (afell and furell from daunger, becaufe V z it