\ lp rv'f Commentarie "11pon Chap+ ~( t• .\.c:•~m the ffce wlbficatlon ot a tinner, A ercrniticof this death incrcafcth mans mife- \U' '''" ~lood of Chn!l And ch1s makes cho rie. If a man m1ghc {ulferlo many yoares,as , P.t}Jifl~,m we day of dearh,to renounce 1ufi1there arc drops in the [ea, and rhen haue an ncaocn Uy th;:1rworkcs. S1menG11rdin~r. a cndc, Itwcrefomc comfort: but when that bloody pufcrotor, bcringon h1s death-bed time as exp1red,man as as farrc from the ende to\Je oF fr<c iullitication by the blood of ofi11Swoe,aHuerhewas. i...hrdl.Jaid; Yvrt VMJ teU thu wme,butcloenot oThis m fummc and fubflancc ii the curfe pe~th"' g11ppao thcprgpf~. Oncoflatcin a pubhere men.tioncd : and it-were to bee wdbcd l1kc execution ot iutlicc, faid, hee would die chat men would more chinkc; and fpcake 0 ' aC•thalike, and wid1all hee added, that he< "'ehen the)< doe: then would there be more looked to bee faued ondy by the pailion of confcicnceoflinnc. Clm!l. The ntx< point IS,.,ho~recurfed. A•fim. In the proofc of the rcafon. thre~ things ·They wbrch drJ~IfDIIIIlthmgs acc1rdmg1 orh~ law. \~fC:.-t9 beccoofidercd: wharthc-cur(e ts: who Here is an Ittm for them, thatwdl keep fome ar~ iC.t.urft:J: anJ w~en? commaundcmcms, but noc aB. Herl)dwould , ...:.·The cucfe ISCtet1Jalhvoeand ~iferie: and rloe fomethings,ac themotion of l•hnBa?- · (lrtl C"):cr m<UIS lifc,m the end ut tlllShfe, or B ull, but hee would not Jcaue his inccUuous jjt) t!'Jct.. lilc tOCQme. marnagc, with his brorhers wifc,!vlarkc 6. ~~~~ Th~ c;urfcm_tins)tfc, is ciehcr within mo1n, zo. There beeat this d.ay, tha.tare very for- \ot \\·tthouc hu.n. T.hccurlCwt~ht.n man ts roa- \~ard in g<Jod ~hings :.Yet fome of rhemwill 1n)fo~J~.. l11 tllcm10d_e tberJ! J.$ rgnorancc of or !caue their !\•.·tan~g, fame their lying, : ~od,otopr [dy~.s,ot uuehapplnctfc,aod at fomc thctr vnclc:anncfleJ fomc rheir vfuric. t.ne QJC<}nesroattame to tr. Ag~me,thereis a Bur God wtll nor parr llakc:s wirhman: bee great d-1fficulry wuh much pame,coJe.;.rne & IVI!J haucalJ,or none. Hethllt6unlz~umecom~ rct~me' chmgs to bee lca.ned and retained. mauniemn,r,r5gmlryoj all~lam. z. And rhere 1\nd rh:s"acmfcof God vpon our mmdcs. 1sgood realon, chat hee which obeyes,Owuld In rhc:~:tonfcicncc: there arc mnmfol4c a~,:cu~ obey lil a!l. For whereGodrencwcs,becfanr~u.IOns,.tl;.rrors,anLI fcarcs 1 anting vpon cucry• Chfies throughout, and fils him with the feed ocqtlon;~·uJU rhey arc. fla.nungs(as tt woe) ot of aiJ graco,.that they may performeobcd,i~ rhe fire ut hell, vnlciferhey beequencheum ence,accordJngtoallthccommandemcmsof tfu,!Hi:, by cbe blood of Chn!l. In the will, chclaw. rhere tsanincltnanon to aJI manner of Gnocs Agame, hce is curfed that cloth not all wnhout: exceptton.Agamc,there is hardnetfc C thmgs whtcb the Jaw prcfcribeth; or if hee Qf hcan,whcrt'by rbewill ofman ts vnpl1ablc doe them, yl.!t dorh nor continue in a!J. So rothat which is good,YnJetfc ttbc renewed. In then hcc 1s cur(ed,,rhar breakeHhe J:uv but the body theN arc more d1fcafcs then the once,and tharoncJy inone rhouglu :for fuch Phy!'itian:J bookes can exprc!If: and as many a.none dorh nor continuemaJI things. Now clJ[ea[cs<ls therebeem vs, (0many frUJtcs of then,O fjnncfuHman, whar wrlrthoudoe, to fir. ne chtrcare,lob.s.14. auo1de rhc curfe f forthou hafi m thought; .Thccu;fe •id10ut vs, is chrec-folde. The •ord, and dccde, b10km thclaw.Doe!l thou iirll is, afpiri<uall bondage vndcr the power thinke coappeafcchewracbofGgd with gold Qf cbe ~iuell; who by rcafon ofGnne,workes and liluer 1 the uholo uorld, and all chmgs in rh~ heart.s of vnbclecucrs, Ephef. z. z. and thcrcm, arc theLords. And thou maiG not bath the power ofdcath,Heb.:.r4. tbmkc to hide or withdraw thy felfe from the The fecond i•,an Enmitic ofall the erea· prclmce~~God; for all mullcorue and ap· cures with man, I! nee the fall. And chisappeare before his tr.bunall feate,in theirowne p~arcs, bccaufcwhen God rccciuesYs tobee D pcrf<ms. Neither m~}l we rhmke toefcapcb~~ A!$ peoplo, he makes a couenant withal cccaeaule God" mcrcilull. Whatl\llt thou then wros,in our behalfc,Hof:.r8. doe ro efcapeth!S hornble curfd when thou The rhird conr.aines all lo!fcs, calamities, hall done all thou canfl Jo,d1oucanCI no way mifcries,mgoods,fricnds,good name. Reade hdr cor 1eleeue thy lelle. Deut.:S. Tlleolllyway of belpc is rhis: Thou mu!I The curfc in theendcof this life, is death, Ale frOIU this !emceeof the laU',tO the throne which is the fcpararton of bodie and foule, of grace for tTICrcJe 1mllandy~skmg,feekmg! Rom. 5.13. anddeath in his owncnature, is a knuckmgat rhe gaceo( mercy,forpardon ot fearefull Cl'!"!~, ::r.nd the verydownefa11 tO the rhy finnes. And rbat thoum31eH beeencoupHte of hcJL ragcu to tbts dur:e, conlider \.llttb mee, that Thecurfc afceqhislife,ischofccond death; at eh~ firn pU!pofe10 aJ]Jend, and ro rurne o~.V!'1ich is feparat1on Of body and fouJc from v!~tt~ Gou, rJ;y linfles are pardoned m he~· Gvd, with a full a.oprehcnlion of the wrath urn. Da~>·Jd'faab>P(alme gz.g.flho11ght lm/1 I of God. 'Aod 1f ri1e painc of o:1e tooth or cc,-frfl' mr jinncs <1g ..mpmJ{tife,and:hou forga· , £ngcr, hre ohcntttnes fo great}that fllfn ra· •4tfl mr .Mouke rbefpccch,Ith.ct~ght. The pro· therde!:re ro d1e then ltuc: ha"" great then tllgall<:tliJdc, Luk.15.vpon htspurpofc IO r~ l Jh•llthepamc bee, ~<hen al l the parrsof ~owrnw IllS fachc• ,(beforehe hadmdecdhurr-~ dyand to.Julell•ali bee tormented~ And the bled biOlf(;~~o~)was receJUed.to mercy. 1~--~----~---- ---------------- ~--------------~vV~h~cn~---