Chap.3. the Epi~le to the fjillatians. When 'DauiJ(ald, 1h..c(inncd:N•fhh in the A canf•l·"'l he<rt iul«nc?Iob cannot anfwcr God nameofGodfaid,rhJ finm: u furgincn rim. It jlronc of• thor~[•nd,Iob 9· The righteous man may be thou w1lt lay,rhc curfc "aBfolllte.A•. lhall pray forthepardon ofh1s Gnnes,. awm · The rh:caming <>f lite law mu(\ bee·\>nderwhM hcma;6ehe..,.J,Pfalm. 3:.G.lf we f•J .,e (\ood with an e~cephon, whrch the Gofpell h•uc •io finne,wedcc.suc,,. (eluu, I.Iohn 1. 9· luakes,on rhis manner:TheL:rw fairh 0 curfed The Papillsfay,rhacall chefeplaces are mcm "rhe rranfgrelfoui:and the Gofpel faub,Exof vemall llnna. An[. Thece are no vemall ccpt he r.pcnr. ·ldH.u preached, yet forty daies, linnes, which in their owne nature, arenoca- &NimucOtall be deilroyed: yet wirh.Ul there gain(\ rhclaw ofGod,bur onely beliue it.Tbc ia ad~edan excep11on: ltm•J bethe liordwill flipcnd ofeueryfinnc;. dcath,Rom.6.: 3· Ifwe repcntofhufi<rctwrath,~on.3·9· Agai'ne,thou were perfee\Jy fane\ified,. and confequenrly wilrfay,my finaeiare verygr~euous,therfore fulfillers of the law m chrs ltfe, then Ch11il I feare •lhall nor efcapc the curfe. An[. Forlhould nor be a Sauiour,butan Inftrumenr oi giuenelfe is prom1fed without any limitation, God,co makevs our owneSauiours. Alld to to any number or kindesof linne: (ondy the fay rhis,is blafphemy.Lall!y,chacwhich man Gnagain(\rhe holy Gboil excepted.)Therccould doe by creation, fo much the law refore appeale with boldnes ia chy heart to the B quires at ourhand:buc man bycreation could throne ofgrace, increac for forgiuem!s,asfor loue God with all thepowers of hisfoule,and life&death,and thou lha!t efcap~ rhecur{e. with all the ilrengrh ofall thepowers :which Therhirdpointis, wlienisa!mneraccurnow (Gnccrhe faJI) no man can doe. Ir refed/Ao{.lrrprefent,in the ume ofthiolife.For maines then for an infallibleconclufion, char the Lordfaith not,hcfo~Nheaccnr(eiLbut,heu iris impoilible for any 'man in the time of accurftd. There b'e amongvswhome noferrhislife,co Jidfill the law. monsorexhorrarionowlllamend: and fuch The vfe • .Thts point ferues notably to perfons thinke chemfclues without the reach , condemnerbe folly ofthe world. Thelfrae· ofany danger. Forthey chinke rhc timeisve1 htes fay atMount Sinai, chatthq "'iD doe AD ry long eo •hcla(l iudgemcuc;Bur they are de- ·thi•gswhsch the LArd {hall commaund them, Excciued touching chetufelueo. For God with oduo 19. 8. Ther.oung prince faid, that bee his owncmouch h'arh gtuen the fentence,rhac : hadk!pt •11 the commaundeme•rs frcmhi.youth. they are accurfed,there remaines no'thing Mar. ro.•o. Ourcommonpeoplefay, that but the execution. The .halter is already a· the;can l•ue G•d "'ith All theirheArts, and their bout their neckes: & there remaines nothing ncigh6;urs.u;rhem(c/u,. bur the turning of the·ladder. Nay, the exe- C Secondly, this doe\rine ferues to confute curion·ls already in blindnelfe of mmde, and fundry errours of the Papins, who blafphehordneo ofheart. He chat beleeuet nor,is almoufiy reach, that a man after iu!lification , readycondemncd,Ioh.3. may fulfillrhelaw in thislifc:thara man may La!lly, a memorable conclulion of Pa•l for a time be without alllinne: chat workcs of is here to be obferued. Thatit is impollible the legenerarearcperfect, and may be oppo· for any man, wi<hin·himfclfe, for the time of fed tothe iudgemenrof God: that men may rbishfe, to fulfill the law of God. For Paul fupererogate, and doe mote chenthelawrc- -hcretakes it for aconfe!fcd and granted con- 'luires.Theground ofall rhefeconclulions,is clufion:other~·ifehis argumentwill not hold, ·rhi•: Theyfay, there is a douhle degree of which inu(\ be framed on this manner: Hec fulfilling the law. The fit!! is, in this life, and which fulfil's.nbr thcla11,is curfed: beewhich tbar is, toloue God rrulyaboue all creatures, i'sofworkes,furfilsilot the law: tl\etcfore hee and to l.oue our neighbour as ourfelues, in is accutfed. 1further prooue ir rhus: lf wee truth. Thcfecoitd is,toloueGodwith allche could fulfill the law, wee might beeiu(\lfied powmof rhefoule,and with all the llrcngch bylhe law : but no ti\ah can bee iu(\ified by of all thepo'wers: and this meafureof fulfilchelilw,brbyworkcs: che'reforerio'mancan D ling the law, isreferuedrorheliferocome. I fu!fill thelaw. Againe, Pan/faith, Rom.7. willbriefiyconGderrhereafons&rheground 14.rhatthe la,."'"'ffiriruaU,requiringinward ofrhio blafphcmou• doctrine. and fpirituall obedience, and that hce"'''"""· 06icff. l .. God promiferh rhe lfriltlitcs na/J, and therefore net conformable to the that hewiU circumci[ethcir heorts,rhatthey,.;. law : tliat h""'"' (•idl'tmderJinn" chat .,.hen louehim ,.;rB'IIIlibiirhearts, ..Oth/1thcirf•nlts, hcei.!ulddoe g•od,•uil/w,u prefcnt:that hec'.ran4 .,.;tballthcirf/rcngth,Dcuteron.3o.6. And rielinb.nt him·thc ~•dJ ofd<arlt. Arid all this thuslofi•rurnedtoG,J.with~QMhtart,,ithAII he faith of himfelfe, about twenty yeares afhis foult,andwith'aO hisftrengthaccordingto 11 !/ ttrhisowpe conuerfion. Such as our knowthtlawojMofes, 1.King.:3-:s. An[ ... Tchc ledg~. il, lite~ is otii loue to God and mim. ~llrife[-:ithalirhJ heart] is ta~en in adouble Now wee know Godonelym P.~rr:.rherefore llgmficatl~n.Sometlme 11 ISoppofedtoadouweeloue In .parr.I and confequ~ntly wee doe bl.< hearr,and then tt fJgnifics, .a trueand vpno~fulfill tl\elaw. Ag~the,the Scnprureputs nght heart, wuhour guile or diffimulation. all men, euen the rcgenerare,vnder chena~e Thus they ofZebulon arefaid,not io fght with 1 of. Gnners to thevery d~ath, Ifa.6~.4. AOour a doi16lehe~rl, 1.Chron.u.33. bur withaper- '!g~reoufneiJt u as 4 dtjiled cloth.Pro.: 0.9.Who fe£1 heArt,v.:8. Where matke rhc oppolttion 1 . V 3 of