Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap.3. ofan wbolcor perfeCl hcart,toa doubleh~n, 4. n)ay be kcpt,rhough the fleflr relent. Anfwer, In rhisfeofcare the places bc;fq~e-nall]ed, ro WhenP•ul faith, that to,.,;u.,.., prejint,hce be ynder!lood. Ncuerrhcles rh~ wJrole hearr, 4oth~o.r fignifie that hee could perlcClly will foule, and flrcngth, in thcfum111eofrhemO: I that wpich JSgood. For his willbeingp,artly rail law, lignificsall powers of thcfoulc, and rcoewc;d ,_and partly vnrcn.ewed, tll~ good all the Orcngth of all the po')'~rs. Thus dot\) which hc.l!'!lled,hc partly nilled;and the euill Panl,Rom.7.cxpound the law, when he fait \I, I which (l~,hc partly IYJllcd, th<,l""i'JP.rima/1 ;andbythHrohibition ot Obic/J.Vl, ChCI!I rooke our fidh,th•.tthc luil,giliC5rhcmcanmgoftiJ~ ,I!'holelaw, For righmufnrff< of the l•w might bee f•lfiUe4!•.f!, concupifcence,orlllfl,comprehcndsthefirjl Rom. ~-· 4, 44wm The rightcoufncil~ of thoughts,ormotions. , rhelaw is fulfilled invs, not becaufc~eedoe Obiell. If, No.b is (aid tobe iuf/and prrall.things r~quircdin thclaw,but bccaufewee fe/1, Gen.6. and God commaunds Abr•h•m haue fairh mvs, and by wee appre· tow•lkf before him,and tobe per(c/1, Gen. r7.J; bend the obedi<JJCC of Chr1fi in fulfillmg of Paul faith, Let .u man)'u 6ce per(eflhce tbm the law. mir.ded,Ph•lippians3.15. Anfwer. Thcreis B Obid{ . VII. Rom.I3.8.Loueisthcf•lfil- • doubie pcrtc<l•on;per[tllion ifp•rtt,andpcrlingof tf;e l•w: and the regenerate loue their fo[/iot~ojd1gr~es. PerfeEhonof-prrrsis, when a. {)Cighbours. An(. Ifwe cop{dloucourneigh~ man hath mhim, afrcrbee1::.: regencrate,rhe b~ur a~s our fclucs perfadly, wccfhould rhen bcginnlllgs of all vcrrues, and rhc [cedes 9f fulfillrl)!'.wholclaw.Butppr loueisimpcr(ecr. all graces: by which beeendeauours to obey ()bie!J. J' 111. Hcethat isborneof God.pnGod in all hiS Iawes and comma_ondemep,r~. ntthn,r; J.lohn 3·9-ltee thatfinnethn,ot,tul• Pdfc/.1ionof degrmis,whcnthelawisfalfilled fillc!h t)le law. Anfwer. Hee th•t is6ormof b,oth in matccr,andmQnncr, torhe God 1 finnethnur, that is, hee dorh norcomnt~t flgour"ofrhc law. Now the ~ermcr pla~cs finne, qrmakcapractJ(eoffinne. Heemay fp<ake onely ofthe perfection 9f pans: aq4 fall of frailty,yatthen hec recoucrs himfclfc, that is fuch apcrfcCl10nu' which ,weareto a,<;- and dothnot kccpeacourfeinfinning. This .knowledgeour imperfcdion,.4:' no rl'?,orc , js d~e Ql~aningof Sainrlo~n. · but a true and gcnccall cndca~pur to obey 06i<ff. I X, Ihecomm•ndementsrj'Godarc God.l(a.J8.r. , , .!i. nftgrim<!#,I.Ioh,s.J. Aniwcr.Thcyarcnot Obtd:f. ill. Sundry holy men arefaijl to gricuo,us !lt!cewaics didl,in refpect of remiffulfil! rhc law: D•uid turmd from ""hing tbt ' C fion, be>'!U[c they that bclecue in Chrill,haue C?odc_ommarmdt~ kim aH th~ daicJOf hi1lif:,{~t~:, .. the ~~a~[~rellion o~ the la~ pardont_d "1 .~esn th<matte"f PrMb, 1 K10g. '5·?· 2;acharre conoly,m (CfpcClojtmpJ<Wzo:bccau(eChn!ls •~ndElizabethwalk,:A in ~ri~Jhecommanduntn~J <.lbedience in fulfililwg theI~w, is imputed. :0 ' OjGod,and thnt withcttt rcproofebeforc Gpd,Luk. eucry bclceucr. Th~tdly,in rofpect of inchoa. 1.6. 14· There arc twokindes of fHifill•pg uon. Fo1 they that belce~e receiue the SJ?lrit J tbe la~: n,pcLrgflil,thcotherEttangelic•li.Le• of God, whereby they are inabled to endea- . ; all JS, when men doe all tl))ngs requ~ted [n uourfh_l'm(elue• toobeyGoJ)naJihiS com- ! the law, and tl)at by thcnofelues 1 and in rheru- 1 mauqc;!pne1;rs, OtherwlfFi in refpeCl of our i [d%~' .Xhysj\One cucr ful6lled the law) 1<u~ mync P.Er(onall obcdicpce, they <~LC; a,ypke Chnll;ondAd~"' before hi•.(all, TQ.e ENI'P.- .that l]O //W,Il,<an bearc, ,, , .. <t.,~fica/1 mann~r of fi1lfilhng tlieliw, is, toq_e j ' Otli;S[· /(. Th< wor/zys of G•d (U't,prrfe/1, : lecucm Chr.Cl, who .fulfilled the jaw for vs.: ,Dcut.J,Z.4..Gpqdw~r~§ af~workcspt9.od: .and withall, to cndca,uqur in thewhole man, ~hcrcfllt~!~eyar~pc,lf~~•.'<f1nfP·<r. Wqrkes to obey God in all his pr,c"cpts. Aud-this e\'·' that jl re mccrcly workeHJ~God, which bee dcauour ioyncd with the purP.o(c o,f not fit}· workerh by himfell<, end not by man, they ping, is called.rhe rightequfncs of good D ar<0 aiJpcsleCl: and rlm1 mull the tqt inMo- [cicnce;and.iqough it benotreallya fulfilling fes bce,vndcrllood. No)'l good workcs are 1oft~cl~wjet itisa;cepred ofGoq_as ~fulfilw~nk<Jl ofGod in vs:and U'ithall ~hey areour ing of the law~1\·"'1 them tha~.are mChrifl. 1yorkcs, haumg thea begmmngm rhcmmde Fur Gf'd ac«P.!¥Jheen~eapour to,obey, for andwill of man: and hence they are defiled. pcrfcct;o~ed}cnc~, Thus,D_~uid1Z•charie1E-, Fpr,w~en1hefir!land (ccond caufcconcurre I r.<.abe~J,, anq <?thers, are(ai~ rqf4lfillthelaw, 1r. awo.rk~, the fa1d workc rakes vDto 1t the I; OGittl. IV. Wcpray thar.~-ec may fulfill condltlor, ofthcfccond c•ufc.. War~r pure m ,the la)v,lvhen~c(ay,Lrt thj rcilh<,done in<art,h, thefounta(nc, is defiled when it paiJes by the .uitiJinhraum, ,/Ji'/. Wcpraynoi filrhycha•mrll, . ·''- . rhattvc m~yfi'[iijl.rhe law iq!h,i1, purthanve ,, 06i<c(. X I. J( Goclh~ue gmenvHp•m· may Griueas much as may De,tgattain ~~.r)ld poij'ibJela,w, hcc amprc cruclJ theq~r;Y ty- "lu16Hingof rbc l,aw. Thatistl)efcope of the rant.J"'I'I,.V,VJ•enGcd fi~Jl gauethe)a)l',hee RW(ion,,:yV', deOre nott{\pccguall to thq . olfo g~u,eRP·w~r ,to fulf.ll r)lelaw. If.ths law Angeh,and Saints, but only to imitate ihe1:l / i' beo ifllpll(tbl9f Is ~ot&~dslault,b\)tmans, more and mooc,apd to be like to them. whq b;; ~IS ownc fault ~mh )oil ,hJS, pqwer ObicEI. 1;; '1\.om. 7. 18. To rriH u prefont of keeping the low. ·. ,. , E!}:mce' therefore (fay they) ,in will tbe la.~ 1 ,Tlic ground be(ore-n•mcd of rhed.9uplel r . ~