Chap. 3· the Epijlkto the qalatianJ. fulfilling oftliel~w.ono for.:IJJS li.fe, the other A Bejoreq,d]that is, in rhe.iudgemenrofGod, fouhc!Jfc toc·oqJO,IS falle.,For,thcre" onely before whofc iudgement ?care we mufl •IJapoql',.!l ar1q vnchangeabk[entencc of peare,and beiu1gcd. the law Crn{d i-1 ~~e:ry O?JO: th.t~t contimus The-iuftfoa!Uiue-kJfaith.]The(copcofth~Cc ;ot i~ ait· thin,g! -~rittm in tht;/JJI?J to dot wordsts rhis. The Iew<:s were opprclfcodby the.,, .. . rhe Babylonians 1 and it was furthcrcold~hem .I nowcome to orher vfes of rheformcr con, by the Prophet, chat they fhould be ledde in· c;lpfion.Ifrhe_law l>eimpollible,thcn mufl we ro captiuitic by thcfaidB1byloni~ns. Now-in fFFkeforrhelulfilling ofit,forthPfour[clues rhis diflrelf< oftheirs, the Lord fors downe. in Chrifl, wbn;, the.ndofthda<>for righte,u[- the duty of the faithfull !ewes, namelJ,; that, "'/Je torhemtha' k•luue. Hencw foilowes ne·' they mufl flay rhemfdues by rhm .fairh in cetfarily,rhatour iofl1ficarion mufl bebyrhe the Meffi.lS,and confequently, rhar rh:y'!hall impuration,orapplication ofChriihiuflicc haue (afctJein rhJS l1fe m rhcmtddefl of all vmovs. , dangers)~nd in the end haue erernafiJ~fc.And Becaufe wec"'-nnot ful61lrhe law, we mufl Paulapplies !his rcxtto his purpofe,thus.Life make ir aglatforo(eeounmpotencie,& what B erernall comes by faith: anJ tbcrefore true wecannot doe:and it mufl be our fchoolenurighreoufnctfe before God is by faith. !?or ll_crtodr(ocvHoGhrifl. our unpo· righteou(netfc isrhe foundation of l1fc ererlencywemufltakc occafion to make prayer 'nall:andthereforeit iscallediujli.ftcatid• •fl>fe, tq,Go<!(or his Spirit roinablcvsro obey the Rom.5.17. lawes~fGgd, Tbuscomewe robe doers of Th• 14wu ""'of f•ith,] The meaning of rhelaw,and no orherwifc. thefewordsmufl begarbercd, by rheoppofi· AS'ame,tr may be dcnnnded, (conGJering tioo in rheJatrcr part ofthe ver[e; 6ut he that wecannorfulfill rhclow) h01v oumorkescan dolh th,fo thinpfbaOii•ein them. And the mea. pleafe.GodlAnj.Ineuerygood 1vorke,rherc is ning isrhis. Thelaw doth nor profcribc f%ith ComethingrharisGods, and fomerhing that in the Mcllias: neither dD!h it pFOmi(e )rfe is oursalone. Thedcfedoftbeworkeisours ' to him that bcleeuerh in the Mellias, bot aiQ 0 c, a,ndrhat is pardoned rorhe bel.euer. ro bim that doth rherhingj conramed in rhe Thar which is good In the worke, Is from law. , ' G<ld 1 and that he approoueth ., hoeing his In thefe words,Pau/addes anew argument owne. And rhus euery good worke is fa~d to tothe former,thus . lu(liceis by faith :thelaw pleafe God. · , is nor of faith:thercforc rhe law is not ourlio· ,LaUiy,,tt we hauc begun to pleafe C flicc.Or againe,thm. He that is·iufli6ed,i•oiu· God i!l obedience tofliS lawes,conGdermg we U1fied by faith: rhe law iuflifies no man by fui6H them no.t,all b<>a(lingofour goodncifc faJth:therefore the la.w dorh not ioflifie. The murl. be la~d a1Jd~1 and 1ve mull hm>1ble concluGon isfirll,in the 11,verCTi)cpropoliQLJr fe)ues vndcr1hcJ1andof•9od e,uen to the tion is expreifcd, and confirmedby the refl[. de~th.Readc the praCl:ifc ofD-.uid;.P[ai.l43· monieofrheProphet Ha6acuck.,Theaifump· :.wtlPfai.J)0, 0 ,(96,9,1, , , tion is in rhc·u.vcrfe. ,.. .,· ! ·I. 4•d tbt<J.!IP.manu i.'!/lifi•d67 the /a., in Thev(e.When Paul fairh,Nom~~ u iuftifi• the{igbt'o[Go4,it u m•pif<{f,Forih, i•fl liueth bJ ed bJ rl"'"' inrhc {lght'if.God: he n1;1ken dqo· .f,Uik. • 1 , ·'-" b!emflificarioo:oqe, bcforeGod:rhcothcr >d J.~; Andth' Jaw u not offuith:fmt brthat fbaU' before mcti.luflificarion before God i.s,when d•e,tbefo rhing,,(balllitu in them•. c ! ! · 6od rep~res"' man ioit, and that only f.qr,\1\C iluThe meanmg. ,[By the/a.,] rhar i,, the law D merit,adll abedien<Oe .of0brill. Iuilification !D~~®clyceremo~tiall, but''\lfoiudicialland -before men; is, whenfuch,asprofctfe faitl\JO I P.l!>~all, lndced rhe.occafion ofPaul!difputll· Chrifl,are reputed iu(~ofmeo.Bythis diflin1<ion io this f1lace ,Js taken from ,GircumcJit, ' t\ion, P~u/,whofairh f!b•••!'l'"" i< i•flifiedhJ .on,pcrhiolog to the CC(Cmonfall law: bur he faith wit.ho•t >?orkes.Rom. 3·~Se and /ames,who in)argethhi.sdifputation, from one put ro. faith, thatAbrah~m "'"'iuftifi•d&;Jaith, """ I h:Awb~tldaw. IFoorhey I>Lhich thought Cere-' , n>ork"· lam.:. ,4· arc reconciled : for P••l ,IJ!AfllcSJJecetfar,y•tolu(!ijicari·on,would much Cpeakes of iuUification before God, as he 1 1 ~tJ!lct:.binl<e,mp~all duties nacclfarie, And himfelfeexprdfelyreflifieth, Rom.4. z.and that·,P,4u/fpe:t~cs here of the•moral! ,,it ap· S./am,fpc:ikes,of iufli6Gati\)n before mejJ, pear~s by the IP, verfc,whcre he!!l!eadgerh a which i&nor0oely by the profellionof faith, f~J~JlC<·thatfpeoiJoliyappcrrato.~(tO the 11}0· bot alf0 byworkeo, ii:-;. ,, ~aUlaw: Curfodu eucryone,&,:.. Againe, rhq ., In thefame fort, there is,a d.oobJe BlecH• raw may beconfidcrcd t\VO lvaics,io rhe iuflifi. ,on. Ooefpeciall,whereby G.d/z.•owc~r.httar! "afl<>o'o(o !inner: fir(!, as iriu(\ifierh without h>i. The other, ismorcgen~tall, wherebyw;: Chr(ll :. feco)~O,Iy, as it iuflifieth with Cbri(l: repute all men to beEled, rhatprofcifefaith I ~n<lboth waiesir.iscxduded from iufli6cat\- in Chrifl, leouingfecreriodgemenrs to God, !!l]kohdher~ fpecially io rho fecond regard. Thus Pari/wrlresro the,Ep_hcfians,Philipp1For the inrcnroftheGatuians·was, to ioync ans, &c. as Elect.. And rheMiniflers of ~he ,Chri(iand rhe law,in the wotke of our iufli6word,are ro fpeake ro th~itcongregariono, as ,ealion. ·to the Elec:'t peopleofGod. V 4 In