ACommentarie llpon In ihe fame manner, there is adouble fan- A t'lification:onebefore God, in truth, Eph. 4· •8.thcotber before men;in the iudgemcnt of chilrilie.Thus menarc (aid, to tr<4dvnd<rfoott thebloodofChri{f wh<r<with th'] wete{Antlsft,J.•9· Thu,.!!thatareofrightto be baprifed, are holy and regenerate: not in the iudgementofcertentie,whlch is Gods 1 but m the iudgemenr ofcharirie, which Is mans: fe– cretl alwaies teferucd to God. A~aine,whenPa•l(aith,in th• fightofGod, be giuesvs to vnder(iand,thar thcrel8·an vomer· fall iud~ementofGod,before whom we mu(\ all appeare, and be iudged. And when PaHl faith in the time pre(cor, that God iufl<ft•rh (though nor byworkcs)hefignifics,thatthis lodgement Is alreadic begun vpon vs,euen in thoslife.Thi• mu(\reachvs,towalkcin godly and holy conucr(ation, in the fcare ofGod: and to watch and pray, thatwe maybefound worthy to (\and before God. MaletaClours, when theyare going to iudgemenr,and when they feethe ludgefet;lay alide skorning, and bethinkethemfelucs what tofayor doe. Now wearethefemalcfaClours: and we know that Godhatlialreadie bcj;unto giue iudgement oflis:atlil therfole we mi.J(l.prepare our(clues 16 make agoodr~ckoning. . In thcte(iimonic ofthe Prophetour duue isl'<tdo~ne, and that Is, that we mull in this \Vol:'ld liUe byfaith.That we mayliue by fai1h, wdlbu(\ doe tWO things. One is,to choofc the c mieG<><I for out God: thcfecond is 1 in our ·hcatts to cleauevnto him,and thataccording ' to his word. Fir(\ therefore, we mu(\ cleauc fa(\ to his camma:undements, by entring ioto liuesbyfaith, buthethatisaiu£lman we fee thattruefaitn isalwaiea ioyned withthcpur– pofeofnot fuming,or wirb the iu(\iccofgood confclence:and where they arefouered,rhere uno more but a mcere prctenceoffaith. When P•ulfaith [th•/•,.,;, not off•ith] he fcts downe the maine differencebetw<enc the Law and the Gofpel.The law promifeih life to him that perfotmcs pctf~Cl obedience and that for his 1vorkeo. The Go!pel promifcth l1fe,to h1m that doth nothing ih the caufe o hu faluauon, but onely beleeues in Chrill: and it promifelh faluation to him that bclee– ueth,yctnotfor his faith,or for any work elfc, but for themcntofChtill. Thelaw then re– quires doing to faluation,and the Gofpel be. lecuing,and nothing elfe. Obi,ff.l. TheGofpel requires repentance, and theprafl:ifeofu.A'n(.lrtdeed the law doth nor teach true repentance1 neither Is it·any caufeefir,bur onclyaneccaiion.TheGofpel onely prefcr,ibesrepelltabce, and rhepractiCe thereof: _yet onelyaSJIItaftuit of our faith and as it isrhe way ro faluaiion in which w~ arc to walke,and no otherwi(t, .Obi•tl.ll.T·helawrtquircii •ndcommando fa11h. An(». The law requires faith in God, which is,to pur our affiance fn him. Butthe Gofpcl retjuireafauh in Chti(\, the Media· tour,Godman: and thio faith thclawncuer knew. Obieff.lll.In the Gofpcltberearepromi· r .. oflife' vpoil condition of our obedlern:e. Rom.8.13.!{fry theJPiritJe lmrti(jt thedud".1 th'jk{h,ye fh•llliut,l.}oh.t .9.if"' c•rifej[eotll' /ln•es,GoJuf•itlf~;/ltoforgiMrthe111, A•fw, The ptom!(uofrheGofpelarcnot madeto rile worke, but ro the worker: and to rhc worker notfor his worke,butfor Chli(is(ake, accor· ding to his worke. As for example:promlfe oflifeis made not totile workeofmortificati· on, butto him thatniortifieth hio Acth, and thatnot for liis mortification, butbecaufc he is in Chrj(l, and his mortification io the token or cuiaence thereof. Andthercfo~c it mull ·be remembred,rharal promifcs oftheGofpcl thatmention workes, include in ihcm Re· conciliationwith God ir. Chrj(l, Obitff,/f'.Faith is avtrtue,and to btleeue 1 is a worke:thrreforconeworkcia coromaun. the way of his precepts, and by walking in them. For'tbiscaufe we mu(\haue alwaiesa– bourvsthc eye of knowledge, to direct our tle-ps in the waies ofGod, thatweeucr keepe our (dues in our callmgs, that is the duty we owe to God and man. S~condly, while we (land in the wales ofGod, we 0Jall bea!failed with manyTemptations on the right hand, and on the left: therefore we mu(\ further deabe to the promifes ofGod :belceuiog his prefence,prorection,andaffi~ance,in al ternp· t'ationsanddangets. And thiS ourfa11hmu£l P .be b itwereahand to (lay vs. Heretwo caue– auniu(\beremembred. One, thatwemu£l not ptefcribe vnto God the maner of hisaiTt– llance :butleaut it,10lthother circum!tanccs oftime,and place to God.Thefecond is,when alcarchly thmgs faile vs, we mu(! re!! vpo the bare word ofGod,and belceue the promifeof remiffionofCinnes,and life euerla(\ing.This is to liueby fairh. And this duty muCl be practi< f~d; when we are~~ the field to fight for our countrey:when we lie on our death bed" and whenwe arcin·Any danger. · 1 dedin rheGofpel, and is alfo necctfariero faluarion. Anfw. The Gofpel confiders not faithauvcrrue,orworke, but as an inlliU· ment,or hand,roapprehcnd Chri(i.For faith dNh not cau(e,effeCI,or procure ouriu(lifica– rion andfaluation, buras the bcggcrs hand, it receiues them,beeinl; wholly wroughtand gi– uenofGod. This Di(ljndion of tht law and thcGof– pel, mu(! beob(erutdcatefully, For byit we fee that the Church of R<>me bath erioni– ouflyconfounded the law andthe Gofpcl)lor this many hundredyearea. Thelaw of Moftl (fay they)wrillen in rableaofllone,u the law: t_he (amclaw of.111o(<>J,written in the hrarts of 1 Marke fmther,Pau/ (ai'th, tiJti~<JI manliuti I bjfai'thche rherefor~that is iullificd continueS I tobe iu(iified by hiS raith; and therefore the fecond iufli6cation. that is (aid to be by our workes,is ameere fiCtion. And in that norfc I . . -