/ Chap. 3· the Epijlle t(fthe (ja!atiam. 237 01; , 1 bythehoiyG hoil,tsrhcGofpcl. But I A thtrd a;g;;;ncntisinrhcend, tn thefe wwds,l [{\y agaanc,rhar rhe{~\'i' writeen 1u our h~aru,1s thrtt t(Jc. llt~Jiing of Abraham mt,Jht &.r;mNYJ the liil1 thcl~w oi1'lV(cs. AnJ this ouepfight 1n Gentilu. fhela!bs~lfoanot_hc:rcnd,{hatWJ' m;Haldng c-bcddlurCbvo of che Law and rhe might recei~ethepromifeofe.h~Jf.,rlt; Gofpd, wand hathbcene, rhcruineof the Jou:hms the Author, <A rnefc words, Gofpelo ' Chri/f ha1h rcdmmd VI from 1he cur(4 o/<h< • C.cdcre. Wcmufl here further obferue,that• bdee~ IJ,.,(undry rhing_smay belearned. f~rlh>~all Fame. uing,anddomg, are oppofed, mthe article ot· comparmg.thclc".orJswrrh the 10. \'<l'fel'ut our iufh6cat1on. In our gooJc0AuerfatlOil , eompartng rhe "'mwer, an~'th_e obuiho,n:t:o.. they aor~e: fO.th goes before, and<lo!og folsether' v.efee.~nd are to obierue, ~hat r~c Jowe.s:but1n rhe..work!!ofour·Hilltficauon, threatnings ot 'lle bw, ar·C>tio~bc Vndc.fl(}o~ rhey areas fireand.watcr.H.:nce Igathcr,thac w1rh ao exception fCom rhe Gofpe.• AILan rorhc IU{l1fic4t1onora linncr,there ts required curfed,{atth th·eJaw, rhat doe.not t'onunue•rQ ~.(jJeciaHand an applying fa ~rh', for gencrall docaiJ thmgs written rhcrem,~x~qtrhcyh,VU ta1th is numbred among the workes .of the pArd<m, and t>c rcdcemeti byL.hnft., ~a1d1 t~e laW':and the diuds hauc it, TillS kind ot beleeGofpel. And thus arc all curlcsofrhe bw to uingrhercforc, anddomg, arC.notoppo!ite. beconcciucd, w.ch a li;mtauon or qualtricortt· Againe, hence I gather, that-Workesot fatfh on/rom the Gofpcl. . . and groce,arequrtc excluded from-iutltficauAgaine, io tlm Chrifl hath redeemedv• ombecaufe the oppofitton cloth no't fland befrom the <Urfe ot rhc laiY, here IS our comtwecnc bclceuing, and rhe workcs of nature: fort, thar nrlfher hell, nor dcarh, nor S·acan, bur!i:npJy,bctwecnc bclceuing, and doing. hathany right or poweroucr vs,(Obe it we do Lailly, ir may be Je;nandcd,why the Lerd vnf•ioedly bdceue io Cbrrfl For we are b•ugh1 faith, Hfthatd()lbtiJ::zbirJgt oftb~ laiv;'bt.illbttt; witb4priu. And for rhtscaufe,wc mufl be adconlidcriognonun f1nccrhe fall, call doe the tnom(hed,not ro fcare any eu11J ouermucb,as rhmgs ofthe law? An(. The Lord firtce mans rhe reuilmgs, & curfcs ofeuill tongues, Wltchtall,rcpcarcs the law 10 his old tcnour, not to cr;~.fr,the plaguc,pcflden(;e,fammc,rhcfword, t.nock.e men, but for other \\o'aighrie cau(cs. or dca:h. Forthccurfewhich makes all thcfe, The firll u ro teachvs;that the la\v'is ofa i;OO· and many other thmgs hun(uiJ vnw vs,is re-. llaor,and vnchangeable nature. The fecond moouedfronirhem th.r aroin Chrrll. Ana is,toaducmlc vs,ofour weakencs,and to ll1ew thereforeaU immoderate fearc fhould bt rtvs,whatwc:cannotdoe. Thethirdis,topucvs C llrainetf. in mmd,that1<e mull flrll humole our feiues ThrrJly four dut<e is, to glorifieGod anti· vn~er the hand of God, after we haue begun Ct.rifl, who hathrede<mcd vs,and that both by grace toobey the law; bccaufe eucn then m bod1eand foufe. The redeemed mull hue wecomefarre!horrmdomgrherhmgsw_hich accordmg to the will ofrheir redcerner. J. the la1Y requires at our hands, Cor. G. :o. This IS all d1e thankfulne!fc that 13. Chrl/1 hath redu med vs_frllmlh:cur(~ of wecan fhew to our Rcdec!Derfor his mcrctc. riJ~Iaw~wh~nh~w~Umtrd:4cur}eforvs: (for•tu Lafrly, hcrcanobic:Cfionrnade byfome, wrium, Cetr{ed i:s t:Hcry one that h4ngnhan th~ may bean(wercd. If(fay thcy)wcwere redeerree.) mcdby Chr1ll, bcemgcaptme~ to thc.diucH, 14. That the UrJ!i•g of Abraham might rhcpriccofour Redemptionwaspaidrohrm, comctotheGehti!cs, 1hroughChri/} 14m.that we and not to God•..11'w.Wcwerecapriucs promightrtcciu:thepromt(eoftheJPirit by faith. perly to tile iuflicc of God in the Jaw, to the Pau/hauingprooued the rruth ·of~"doorder whereof we llaod (ilbteCI: and by this Clnncby fundry argumcnts-,. m the tormer mcancs we arc captiues to the curfe of the partofthtschap~er, he bereanlivercth an oblaw,and coofcqucnrly to tbedruc!J, who is the reCiton,thcocca!tonwhereof is trom the 10. D miniflcrofGod, forthccxecutronofrbefaid vtrfe.lt may beframed on this maoer' If they curfc.And beeing captiucs to the diuell, noobe. accu.rfed that continue not in all things rhcrwifecheo as he is the cuinHh·rofGod,for Wnttcnmrhc law to docchc~n, thcnall .mcn chc inA1tling ofpumU1menr; rhe pr1cc tmill areaccurfcd :and the Gemtics arenot parranot be paai to hun, bur to God who is the kers ofthe blc(fi,lg ofAOraham (asyou haue princip.tll) and bath afoucraio;cie ouer him faid.) Anf.vcre is hero made, rhat to them and vs. " that beleeue, there is full redemption from I come now to the forme ofour Rcdemp- ~h~ curfe,~f the law. And Paul for thebetter tion,WhowMmad~ acurf~for 'lis. For the bcr- ~niJgl~temngofht~anfwere, heremakes ade tervnJcrfianding ofthcfewords,fourepomts h~r1pt1oo of our redemption by foure arguareca bee handled. Thefirfhs, what IS rh1s ments, The6rtl tstbe authour: Chref/harh curfcl An(wer. Adoubled·eath: thcfirflof udoc"!td vr f,.om1he curfeoflht lAw. Tile fcrhe bodie,thcf~cond of thefoufe.The firll is, cond ts rhe forme or manner ofour Redemprbefeparatio ofthe bndy &foule.The!econd tlon,In th .. re w?r?s' Whrtt he·WtUmadeacur(c is,thcfepararionofthewhole man from God: for "..s, A1~d thls forme is fur~her d~dared by not in relped: of his vniucrfaJI power an.d the ~gnc,ln thcfc words :forst M wrmcn, Curprefence (for the very damned haue their ,Jrd 14 euer7on: that hangerh o~ the true. The moouingand heing from him,)bur m rcfpcd: -----------------------------------------------~~