Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

.ACommentarinpon Chap. 3• A tmd bt;~,.:--d;-;;b:--y-;h-:is_c_o_m_p-;1:-a,:- . n-t h-;-, ,.-.,-fi-o-rf.-"k~m-,! htsfearu andforror~es in the time uf de 1 nh. in which becomes lhort offundry martyrs,'vn– lelfe we acknowledge that he indured further paines ofdeath then euerthey did:by hiscon– dlrlon, mthat he takes vpon him theconditi– on ofthe fir!! Atl•m, "hovpon his fall wasro mdure the firlland {ccond death, Here two quell10no arc to be demandcd:thc firll, How and mW~lat manner Chrill fult'e(ed thcwrat)l ofGod. Anfw, Hemdureditwlllinglyofhi,l owneaccord: he d1d not onely in minde fee it beforehiS eyes, burolfo he feltlt: it waslaid ~nd im.pofed on hiO?,and he encounrred with lt: bunt had no dominion or lordlhip ouer h1m,Act.2.24, Thefecond is,How much he fulfercd ofthewrath ofGod/An(. The puniH;– ment he fulfered was in value and meafure anfwerable to all the linnes ofall the Elect pallcprefent,and tocome: the Godhead fup~ porung the manhood,chat it mightbe able to beareand oucrcomathewhole burdenofthe wrath ofGod.lfit befaid,rhar acrearurecan– nothaue an infinlteapprehenlion ofthewrath ofGod: I anfwer,it fulliceth that God laid m– finite wrath vponhim, and thar heapprchcn· dcdttaccordmg to the condition of acrc.a· tpre. Forin fo doing. he incounrred with the whole.wrath ofGod.One m::m in abreach,or at abrtdge, may (bnd again!l: awholeannie and beare the bruot of it: why maynot the~ the manhood of Chrill fupporred by the Godhead,bearethellrelfeof thewholewrath ofGod! Againllthis dotlrine,fundrythings may be obie8ed, ofhisfauour,and fpeciall Joue, wherebyGod ceafetb to be their God. And this is death in– deede,whereoftbefirll, is but alhadow: and this is thecurfe ofthelaw. ThcfecoRd point is, How Chrill wasa curfe, or accurfcd, who is the fountamc: of blelfednelfel ,{,(,.,He is not fo by nature:for heisthe naturall Sonneof God, nor byhit 1 owne fault' for he is the vnfpotted Jambe of God: but by voluntarie difpen[ation' and thereforePaul[aith,ht r#:U made acurfe, And be wasmadea curfe, fir!l,becaufe hewasfeta– part in the eternall counfell of the Father,, and holy Gho!l, to beour redeemer, and confequently to be a cur[e.In this rcga•·d, theFather is[aidtohaue(tAitdhim, Ioh. G. 27, B and he i& faid <~gaineto bepreordtUH,-dhr(oreali worlds, J.Pet.I.lO, andgiuenaccordingtothe c•unftRa•dfortP.!JOWitdgt ofGod, ACl. 3· zz. Se. condly,hewa'J mjldcacurfe, in that he was in timeconfecrated to beour med1atourand fo acurfe. And this confecrationwas firft in his baptifme,inwhich heput vponhim ourguilt, as we put olf the fame in ours; and fecondly onthecro!fe and paffion, in which hetooke votohimthepunilhmentof our finne. And thus was hemodeacurfe. It may bcobictled, that he is the SonneofGod:and theref0reno curfe. An(. Chri!l mull be confidered asthe · Sonne ofGod, and againeas our pledge and furelle, Heb.7.22. In the firllrefpeel:hewas c not accurfed,but in thefecond. ~ The third l'oint is, In what nat<Jre was Chrillaccurfedl Anfw. WholeChri!!God– man,or Man-god,wasaccurfed I For tluLord 1 oflife(faith Paul)wtUcruci~ed,and confequent– Jy accurfed, I, Cor. z. 8. Yet thi•limitation mu!! be added, that the curfewasnotvpon thegodhead of Chri!l, butoncly in his Helh or manhood.For ht(uJftrtd(faitb Pttcr)in tht jlt{h, I,Ptt,4, I, Moreouer,the foule ofChri ll was the more principal! feate ofthe curfe,as it was the principall [eate of.linne. Therefore the Prophetfaith, hemade hiofoulean off.ring for fin-••, Ifa-53 .to,and Chri!lfaid,Myfou/tw heauy to the death. The fourrh point is, How farforth Chri!l was accurfed I ,4.[~>. In rhe fir!! death there D are two degrees ,[tp.ratio• ofthe bodie and foule,and theputrijaflionof the bodie fepara– ted. And Chri(l entred oncly into the fir!!, and not into the fecond. For his body beeing deadindurednocorruption. Againe, inthe fecond death therearc two degrees, The 6r!l is,• feparation from God in fenfe and feeling: and thefecond is,an abfo!ute feparation from God.Into this [econd degreeofdeath Chri!l entred not, becaufe hefaid in the mid!! ofhis paffion,MyGod,mJ God.And thisabfolure fe– paration could not be witheut thed1lfolution of the perfonall vnion.Into the fir!! degree of thefecond death he entred: namcly,into the apprehenfion and feeling of1he wrath and inJ dignatioA ofGod due to mans linne.And this appearcs by his bloodit(wtateofthickoandcloto~;,a_ I. The Scripture afcribesalltothe blood of Chrill,and therefore to rhe de.rh of the bodre. An/. By blood,is meant a b!oodie dearh:by the blood1e death, the death of the crolfc:bythe death of the crelle, adeath ac– curfed, or the dearh ofthe body, ioyned with the moleditlion ofthe law. Obitfl, I/, Tbefulfering oftheangerof God was nor figured in Sacrament or (iiCtA· fices, Alf(. The beaCI,whereofthe burntolfe– ring was made, was fir(! tyed to the hornesol the altar:his blood thenwas lhed : and la(IJy, be was all burnt vpon the altar vnto God; and hereby was figured the fierie wrath oi God. Obitfl. Ill. Tcmporall death,ortl>ccurfe for halfe a day, cannot coumeruai/e cternall death. An{. Yes, in Chrill. Forifman could fuffer and ouercome pumflJment in01cafurc infinite, be lhould notfulfer eternally: bur this no man nor:mgtllcandoe: & therefore man rnuCI fulfer punifl1ment formcofurefi– nitc,fortime infinire:bccaufethe punilhment mull be anfwerable to God, whofe rnaiefiie is infinite. Now Chrill beeingGod and man, fulfered punilhment indcece infinite: and therfore 1t was not nccdfary d1at he fl10uld indure it ererna/Jy. Againe,bere thedignrtie o(rhe pcr{on helpcth' for in thatthe Sonne ofGod (ulfcrcdrhecurfeofthc law for halfea day, . I -