Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

c._h.a-p. j. tlfe-;qlj]le t'tJ.the (jalatians. 1 dky,itis t,norejlh~n'1flill•rrilftl Ilii~··ruffered €c, A ha'nged on the tree is curfed'.' Firll,amol)g rh• terna11dearh. '['nerefote rhe<jearhdfChroll ' leweo, they which were hanged, were 'tnoll I~Wr'efp<OlJOf]ch<Meil!tre•of-tti~. pdninun:nt, 'grieuous efadours,ioshlafphe'mers;a~d I : 1 11ililto 1 n re(pectohheValue ~'¥iid dijlniti~ dolarour's·\ and their pumfliihem wasaccorlthereotj<:otinlefulii1'<s deatliciiel'laltjng. · diogl y,morl--g'rieuous. SecondIy;han,gihg(as , ;()!mE/. I r. Ws:liard to fay,'ih)ifC;brtfi fuf. amongall·nariom, foamiltig'the l~wes) wa,~' 1 fered rhepaines of·hell! A,;fw.'•lflle•Latin!: moU odipur, and inf~motis-dtath. 'TijirBir ,l rr•nflarion (commonly rec,efii'ed,)' hath al ' God did-fc;~(ec that the Meffiai Otn'tlllf d•e' much,rh_ar ht c.,,filni be'br!U<'n"cf:fh~ (ormw on ihecfolfe; :and rhcrefofe'heacdtifed'this) of hell, A~.2: 2>J:' .Andthcrc·i~no ollence to kin~ ofdeatlt>If itbe fai.t: Hi'ar tllere\tlls\lo 1 fay,he fuffered thepiinesof h'Cl;fofir(e'fortl\ fault orolrc!nce·in Chrfll l' and rberefii're'!ie· as this fufferifigmay tlaod Wltlt1hepurity of co.uldnot.oea~curfed. taHf~'er ,:·rh~tfle· p'~·l his manhood~and with the rruic1fofiheperfo' cam~ floqe f9r VI' 10 rh·a! our Hone waf applinall vnion ,.,.,G"'' ' .rr;orlJlo . ,I .q edand impuled to him. Ir maj b'Uurfl!etob. · . Thevf;. Frters teach, that if.'ChrHl ba·d iedcd, thatthe theefe l•~ich repentetl l wiu pricked his finger, and let fall bur oae<lrop•of B notaccur(ed:though hew"cre hange<!'bii;t'he olobd, it had'bC'ene•fufficieiil io•tcdecmea)l tree. An(.J. Aurheefe,hc;~a!jrccurfed j'ash'e theworld.Bur-rheydrcame.For:PaMfaith,/f{ )Vasatheefe, and rcpentc<P, 'iHe ctlifc.V~s te1 .;,;o.!;.adnhe'c'u~J!ifthjlaw,ti~eJuinc·vs.THis mooued. For the law ili i~e cuifes rhefe~f, h'ad'hin aneedleire worke, if1a<.pricke 'in rh'e glues plal:e to rheGofpel: iu"ageinent -y~lds 1 , iloger, or ~rry puniOtment' /virhout dearh 1· to mercie;and the Gotpel f'ks:an ei<tej>rio~ ~vbuldhauelionerhcdeede. ·o" rorhelaw. ' 1 ' ,,.. ' '· • " That Chri£t b~carueacurfe'for vs,it lhew1~ Thevfc•.Ifthe maleliidotir h;nged;lie:icrhegrcarneffo,\nd'horribleoelfeofourfinnes< curfed,and'Htfiletheeorih: h01v"vile and acft !hewesrhe.gtfeuou• hardticlfeofbtir heatr~ cur(ed is the liuingmalefactour, the bbfpherhar neuer aImoll mournc fortbem:it lhewes m,er,adolterer;,muither~r1 8.:C:. who hatlll~il~ I tbevnCpeakable loucand mircib'dfGod; fcir trcd no~egt~e· of pu~fll~{rl~J;t~! Let ~~!·t)e1 1 wli1cbivuretBbc:rhankftil.fbrleu':f, ;nd that confider~'d;ro remfieoffenaers. 0 .-1 ,, 1 ' all inannerof\vaies. ' 1 • • ' -·.Ag:iiiie, let vs conGder· rhefcopeo~ rhis " 0'lnthat rheSI>tmeof Gollll'&ame a curfe law. B~aufe'h~t!Jal hangsonrhe tret,ifllc- 1 foroUrfinn~J w'earepurin itiilide, ro fee,ac· ,, c'Urfcd:t~creforefaith·tff'cdawofGod,bi'mn}l knowledge,~hd'~onlidcr rhemjaitdwilhall to ~ be ••kmiJo.iifJ .;;,lfb#riMlM-ai'lie the equityi.f b.Waile theM, <and to·huintlle'our 1 felues fOri C thilla~V-!'andth:iris ,"itia!~niifgs eutll :lbd aclliem:and to ddtel\ tbemmorl~anll more; Vn' · i::urfed,are 1$1 bcTCmoouoo1rom rht' t}lb'at\<Ji lo rhe veryd""11'11riForwhai fs 'more worthy Cenfe!Qfrn\tn>.·''THis charge1!\e'L6rd giues of <;fhilrred, .~.l~flatwhicbciuledr rheSonne ~elfemarrer>;namefy, oflighrs·:Vbded.!nr, arM of God ro bhtcliffcd ! TheY.i.hich IJeleeut Vnfeeii>elyiIJeu!.'• 3· {SJJ\galne,weare'cbm.l fllar Chrill b,·beeiHg :fcurfe'lftih"redleeille'd ri>anded it<lrlfo'much asto1\ime fornicalioti, Ihem tron,·r.necurfe of rhc;.~aW.'Uoe in rrulli vitclea~n~tfe ~ co~roufriefl?,-1efiing1 f'dolilh 'ilievnroall ihetrfinnes, and·liuel vr\toGed! talking\&~. E~hs:fH~c?W'e' ~epufllt M~ny iti'deeae·pr'efelling-Chrill';>make no riliild;rliiftReiPlaies(t:"<lmlnbnljlrnyfe)ar'ero clia\i'ge Oflife-ahll:'and tne'rtifo'tiiS,becaurc be badllllticl'6urdfilll~hriltian'fecieli~s. For a fecrer Aih~iftric·ma'ltes ~iliellflfay'irl<thefil iilojid~Iollilng.\:lsibu~'ibu'!li~ aiid repreCrot t!eatrs; TMNin. ChriP~'thc"r~'fJIM'~H>fotbJf! ·rlie vill'~!ta•ulicketl.fafliilin~ilfthuwdrl~\tndl ~-J'~aurcill!}'C':Grif/; Clln~fo.r'h'e~rts'olio rfienlffdedte:thOif"'i!t'Wtefl? whi'dra'~hislg} 1 thivliidaen·Ath'Cifriie,and looktthlir lnwar8• accwfeajilid'iher.!fofeIO'I'iC:Iiuri~d·, ·a\ilinor• lyl~yoitrf~!r:fti'J)'6u ?ievnt~ yoltrlins;:allli a oitccrobefpokeil.of."~g'<rmb;nrn·our' ! ltuctoGoil. ' """' ·o orl. ,,.. " '•·"•b) exilmple> 1 "1*1\Eiber'lnwdl\lj;ol"iifdeeciei mf!lt i -~·.Inrhar'()hif!H>~..obedie!lt t'<i 1Hi! F:athcr beburieW}'a'slfmeh iiHil\'ybe: for ir'delileih, fn'!;ea'ringihc'C'ilrfedf\helaw','we.2re'l:illgtit an6ih~c\i'rted. r ,,,,... ,1 · • .,,b,,T 1 ' ilnill rhrngitb'iiiblca ourfdtks'idihewii!\Sr ' · ·He&!it1 nl'ay be'deni•'lded) hoW:tliis.taw of, 'God,Our obeaience mulfnd} 6n'ly'~eiii11'i .·Gbd,('6.r;;accHr(id ,.;~.r!(.,.., /er •bim'~,1~kfnl' in/:thi!.or'il\ar~butalfo'irfftllfel'irig 'rhe·m~( dofboe\iii!lr.U~I'itd)mmcllWiffitheord~r 1rfal•l/i rie\1aidon v. tlft~edeath,. this iHhe belt\5'. rllilf'aril! other ceuntri&; in'wMh10\enia:ile oe'dicnce. oh.II;\IBB'rhe~inrell 111 irk~of·6\lr\\. haitg•a'tn·cll~lile~ for ille'fetror'ofth~.Ji~ia? child;tbu~ey llioUi'ftlfferiilgs." "· 1 • r.o.l'i AJ(,.;Jtidicfalll;awes,ifilie_ilhaue-iiith'elirrhl;l ~ MorcobC'r'/ rll:il Chriflw:!s'ad:urtcil\lfi~ r,~ne~t\irM'ind'ferue Fdlrec\ly ro fen~e'fri I'll~ I 'l:orifiriued'by1)\'efenferlce'&"tlmee bf<doJ. precepts'oftlie Decalogrj~~te1perperglil:'an"d (~rj~d.uirdry'o~ir'birr'~~·fiil!.mth;tr<~.D ..W. bindall men;'els not, .Asfor the iudfcilill del ( ;~ 1.2 3'T:h'e)(lolind of~hil fu'nrel!teb.t9• finne '.~r:n'TA~!.i~'lls:of thia' ~~ 'fliai manne~r!f'pu,: .?fth~gjal~'lta'Clol)'r: fot wh'c\m~ qoa ct\l~f'1 mfhm,ent;t~eyconceme lisiitir:for ~Mth ·n~tu:ferh rorl'rrs:off<nd.'.'lhd·ffereir mffp~ . left eue\'~'!i.£rion·free;:>rbi!1igh nor in r~rJHt ·a~m~uM~'d;~hy;~e r.~at is _:Ill!~ r~dei!'~~.~ dfpuAuli'm~n ,'}'<f lti'refp~c'tof rhe1 m'ahn'eil h'bt hlrcwife'acl:ur'(~dl An(oif:I'Ie'aiC01sdctilr' and oNJ~rtHereof. • "'' :.ou · ·.,. '" \. 0rbut rber.urd'pecialr~&hy rH:cll\.!dl.!.~~~point.)!·h~~urrede~ii .J ~ J is