Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

.. · ~liap.3• tbfl Epi~le to the (jalatians. 2:41 I Wcemu!l forrhiscaufe doe fuchrbmgs, A be no diuifion but vnityof~lfeC\ion.lris,and whereby we may ob.raineand receiuea plenharh been alwayes the plague of tbe.chur<h, rifull meafurcofGods fpirirc. Rtp••t (fatrh that diuifion of heart and affeClion there . Pf.~tr) ••dJtfo•Urmiuttluhcl] G_hcfl, rakes p!ace, where any diuifion is in il!dge- .Againc,we mu!lcarefully reratne and prement, rhough men erre0fi~~rmirie. Thise: · fer~atbc_J:raceofthefpiririnvs 1 by mcdira· utllcauferh more to be condemned for heretionio rheword ofGod; by earneCI andfretikes, rhcn in~ce<je ougl)t ro bc.e: it maker~ 'quenrprayer 1, byauc;>yding~ll (uc;_h acts, in fcblfmeswher~nonc-Otouldbec: itmakcrh ' ll!o<\4.ofdeede, rlwmay make ab~each in diiTenrions,rq P.c incurable ;l"hichoiherwifc confcicnce : for wharfoeuer offends confer- ~Jghr ~ec'!t()ff. ,And rhereforeifdilfenrii .,ri<:~.quenchesthe fpirir.:T,aCIJt,by.fauour- , iudgem~ntar1fc, wee m1J.!l remember r i ing rhe.rhings ofth~fpirire, R•»!·.8.s-.rhar is, ro fupprclfe cqux, lwred, pride, fclle-loue, by thinking on things fpirirqall,by'atfcding and lerchrt!lianjoue bearef• ~Y· ,. :1 i '!frhem,anddelig~ripg in rhem. . , ,Againe,heere wefee it ts lawfulf, tofpc,ak~ IS Brethrtn,l[peA~ttUtl<n~oe : thoM~hit iq Sermons as men doe, (o it b~edone aftef ' ~ell(t AIH•~se~u~nAnl, when it iJ,CIJnfirm~d, no rhe example o(.Palll, wrrh rhefe cauriops. 1 ~~~~~n d()thA6rog4tt ~r, or!'dde an]tbi11g there- B Firll, it mufi be cone fpalinglyJ and foberly; ' ''·· . . ' . : ~ without oflenrarion. Secondly, it mull b_ce I ,·{.G_N .,. toAbraham•ndhilfude wmthe dvnevpon a1uClcaufe, aswhenrhcfayings .prq'!'.ifes made. HttfAith net, 4ndto the(eedes, ofmen fcrue IQconuince th~ hearers, and a~of"'~"J ;lout, 4ndtotbJ{<tde,1Uofcnt, ,.bich rhar in their con{cicnces. Thirdiy,a.ditferec< uChrift. . muCl br made between !he word-ofman,apd ' '" r.~ 4ndtbu I (•! 1 that theLa•wwhich""' rhewordofGod; lcCljnadding the onc.tfl 43Q.;tiP'tJ~tfier, c•n N91 di[m~u/1 the couenoUJI rhe orber,thc wordo(Godlq(eljis,d that ''"" 6tfcri confirmetl of Got/ in rtfP•ff of excellenCie, J.a(!Jy, Gqdswordonelymutl ' Chrip_, thlllilfoo•{J -k.! thtprpnlt(tcfnone if· bee the found.afior) of rpe dqdrine which is jt{l.. ., raughr,and the word!Jtma~ is roo~~dcd,ii.'1 x8 Fcrijtheinb.,it4n<tG.aftbelAwe, itu rdped ofourinlirmirie to giuc liglit, o~ rQ ••"!m61 prcm;je; lmtGodt••• wvntoAbracon~ince. .. , , ' ham6yprcmif•· . That whichPANI fpeakesafrer the.maner In rhefewords ,PAMI meet~!with afecond ofmen, is aprincipleyfLaw~, oracone!~: Exception, or obieCiion, made again£1 that c fion oftheli~hr ofnature,namely., !hat~.cq1 which hee heere princtpally fian.ds vpon: uenanrorre amcn1con6rmed, may nor be ' namdy,tbat rhe blcllingof 4fr•hamisconabrogated. P~•/fairh, itisthe properric o.f ueyed \O the Genttlco, and that byChri!l. rhem rhat areofreprobateminds to betrHct· The obieClion may bee framed rhus : The 6rt4k_m, Rcm,r.3o. HencefundryqueClioqp prOffiifemade to AbrAham,cannot now per. may be rcfolued. Thefirtl is, whether Legaraine ro rhcGcntilcs, bccaufc the Lawewas cies giucn to ihe maintenance of rhe Malfe, added toil, and by rhcLawttiaabrogared: may bee applted rothe maintenance ofthe andtherefore the Genttles are to be •uCli6ed rruC:worthip of God I .An(rm. The tell~: '. and.faued by rhe obferuatton ofrhe Law. To tour in the giuing offuch Legacies, harh ,L 1 this obieCI1on, P~•lmakes adouble anfwer. doubleinteqtJOn: one is fcnerall,_ ~nd ch~r i~ ' One(s 1 tl]arrhe promifc can nor be abrogato preferilcrheworthipo ,God • tqeoth.eris red :'rhe fecond, that ifit might beeabrogafpectall, and rh~rJs,to preferuerhe idolarrie ' red, yetthe Lawecan nordoeir. Thefirfi oftheMalfe. Inrhishcecrrerh, andth~r~· hec~nfirmesonthis manner: fore his will may bechange~. FQr te(laments TheTeUamenrofGodconfirmcd, can- D vnlawfully maJe, may be abrogated. In rhe. notbe abrogated: gencrall hee erred not : and therefore rhe . The promifes made to 4brAhAm and his goods may lawfully be applied to the !"ai.n- [cede, whichisChriCI, are his Tc!larenance ofrhe rrue worthip of God. ~urir '' mentconfirrued: may be (aid, that the next heires may recall ..Therefore they cannot be abrogated. rhcmwhenthcMaiTeioabolithed, lanfwer, · T~_P,.p•/im• is exprelfed mrhe 17. verfe, No. Becaufe they may fiill.bee applied to 3nd isconfirmed by comparifon, rhus. The chc publi<jue good of the Church. The.afre!lamcnl ofman after it is confirmed , may fecl:on of the dead wa• good in rhis cafe, no~be abrogated: n:uch lelfe the refiamenr though their iudgemenr was !)aught : ana, : I ofGod, verfe 15. TheminoYiopropounded rherefore.regard ''to be had of rheiralfeCiiin rhe·1<>. and 17. verfes. Now I ~om~to on and intent. ·· fpeakeofrbewords as rhey he. The fecond queGion is,whet!Jer we ari: to Brethren] Pa•l had before called them keepecouenanr with hcrerikc.s,and encmie11 col,; 3nd that iullly, becaufe rl.1ey fell from A•fwer, Y<a: forrhc principle; A eau•~••! the dotfrine whi~h hce raught them, to anconfinneJ,m.-, not be ahrog•t•d, is rhe concluother Go(pell. And yet heerehe callsrhem Iron of Nature, which bindes all men with• Bmhnn, And hencelet vs !earne, rbatin diout exceprion,afall tlmcs;ifrhe coucnanr be ~rio,nofiudgemel~r a.nd '?PiJ~i~n, there mull lawful~ . ' .• X The