·' The third qu'e!lion is, what if dammagrs :A ofSet/!, oOilhathgitun meanotherfeede,4jlne(. at;d lolfes fofl'ow vpon the couenan< made·' •P5- that·is,another (ontJe. .. : ~nclcolliirmd,mutltr cbcn b'<ob(erued?Aii- 1 · Lallly,-jflsfaide,th'auHisode particula_r ,fr>er: Ofcmienan_ts fome are finglc, tbac i•> feed ofu1brabam isCbri!lIefu•. Here by the lt.lre promifcs ,nor confirmed b~ oorh rand name Ch-.;~;firll and pnnqpally theMedia, fomeagaine are wtth oath.'Agaioe,fomd:b'• · rour is n-lcanr, and chenJecondly aii-Iewes benancs are mocre Ciuill, b'efog madi-ofm~ry :and Gen'<tlc!~cleeuing, th'acare feranagiaf. ; lrb inan ;'n!id-IOme are morechen ciutiF;bcing ,tc'd;(nra t'{~rill'bycheii'fiith', For Pati/(aitlf; rnad'cof mah to God, lis cdntra6h ofruam- _Rom,9.Rclhat'thtdhii!J;!hoJGiil, or•thh''litl- l age. No1v if co\lehants be lih!lle eonenant•, ldren •{theprmti(e, are t/Jefeede if Abrabani : ' and meerely ciuill, chcn•m:iy<hey beecban· 1Ay;aine,q~X{z9;'Fbry'»h!cpartofC6r~f./',4ie i gcdby tbc rilokeis!6rbftlifir:fuf<~Lfou:'s,.ir rhe{ml•"f-Abraham. "An'd !Be nan\'e·Chrijl hurtsand lolfes arife. ·Yettfcoilenanu· beE Ggnifics, nor onely the hdd br MedJatou·r, 1 confirmed·byoath, 'and tfibey Uee ma<le,to God and man, but ai!O'ilie Church~tat5ereJ i God ; tbej'rfiay rtot be changea/ fo longas partly o(Iewesl and parllyofGenult•-.'{~< ,rliey' a're lawfoll, though great' ofies mfirc: ~ boa" (fat\hPa•l) "one; out thrmemfim ar~ R.c:~4e tbcexample ofJofu•, !of.9. •8. A good .. m••].' tflfnfo ii-Chri/1, i,OYili.u. u. that is~ 'Mit'nfwearetl, ••il ch•n'getbnot;thoughh<rld{• thechurch Qf<;hrtfl. A,gaipe, I be~~' in m, fl!ii-eb], P{4f¥9.4:• , ''' · ' bodierh<~;mltindrrnif thrf"§!ri'n!,Iof'cJhhjl, 1 The ·foutrh"q_Mlieri i~, ·whrther a conColoj[. t -1!J. ·ond rh.ecnur~b fs calfCd lll'..l'iiW ?raCl maynllt' bt dtlfolt)oJ'; wlien one offhe plementofChi-rfr, tph<(.'i.",·;~''It may b"eti)!:it~ ~ift<es'Ham'i:'difeafe· cotir:igl~~'m deadly Cled, rhat by this rne~r!C_s WCee~eoP~6tJ- \ilailer,and indirabfe/ ·-dif-1-lffuchad1feafc ham, IS many; anp not olle: becaufe Chfj{j (61towtllee<iill'rla, ll'le pl'atriage not con· andallbeJecumarerhefe<de, '·:Anfw.'IJ'l\ey rdrrtmat'f,'ivee tn':ly_pr'efumelhatGoddoth are all one in rcfpeCl of obe and the'"!ame c!ilfoludili'ecoilt :ict; And'thecoil'enantdif. bleffing of God, wliich is' fir!\ giueo.'tcl fdlucd-fly, Gl:ld;weinay\vit!Jorlltiangcr hold Cbnll, .an~ by ChriU eo all that bclceue ifi tb&·Cabt~gar'.e'd',t~ r ·v "1w' ··' him. A.'hir~Vnetn Ch"rij}; Cdla.3:18: a;d'-hu Thchfl qu,\'(lionis, Wherhcrthechu,rch gathmihi;,gi inlie••••••ai.i;lh into onehtad: hl'Ronreh:Wifiilfdealrwick~dlyinalieriog •fipbe[.t.•o, . · ,• ., 1 tli\::lafFrdHunentef Chctil; 'w'hen ir mmi1· Iris hcfc robe obferu'ed, rhatrhepromifffiilir!le f.b-ras-'Supper vndei 6ne klnde I c 'Cos rilaudoAbrnhfl', are 11/(linadeto e~rin, -'#nr>~er, Sfhey ilrlnl!' :ig,ait\~ rh.e light ofna: • ond rhen'iQChriflto·all tliar bekcueid'him', lrlire!· 1vfJich ;dac'heth vs nor ro'abrogatc the be they!ewes or Gentiles. This ccndtiflon lfdbments efni~n)1much1Clfe rlie tellamerii "ofgreat vfe. Firfl, by ir wee lcarne thc?dif ·ofG<>~, It il'alkiJged, rhat wee receiue·• ferehceof the prornrf<>6f fbe La"·e~fid the 1 (v,l\ofC €hrifl yrider one klnde, Anfwm, .Gofpcll, T\lcpromifesofrheLalre, areilil :1'\-tie 1rrdcede; ' But 1vee rnu!h:oofidcr the reCli:d and'tiiaae to the perfon of eucry~an end of ti)C Sacrament isro !igni6e and re· particul~rly: rbc promlfes oftbe Gofpel_are ip'rl:fcnr perfed 1ourilhmenf)' ih-; and by . 'fir{! direeted~and made!O'Cbrill, and'jhen 1 er~ri(l' : n01y perfcCf oo"nOJment is not in ·by·c_onCequcn't, to them thatare by faiih iri~ :6rhd •lone,·bur iq bread'and wine; and by gratrcdinro Chrifl. ' ' "-" ·:~- jrliem'llolhioyne~lrogerl1er; is Ggn1fied,rbar Secondly ,•by thisw~cj~a~ne tbacknowl Chi-i[l isrhehr<acl ahd rhe water oflife·: nowledge the communion ·that is bet\~cen'e iro 'ii~olilh rhe'coppc, is ro aSoltOrtbe prin• Chrif!.andvs. ·ChnllasMcdiatour,is fir!I of :d~hll·vCe ofthe gaaramenc, and tolelfen otir · all elected, and we in him· i ChrilHs fir.fl iuleolnfim! ·~: ·:. ·. · · !lified,th'ar is,aequir ofo'ili finoes,andwce iu- : ·Ill the 1G." vcffc'Pau/faith, The promifu D llified in bin>: bee is beireofrbeworld, ~nd ;V(t'('IJJ. 1 d;to ·J\?Bi\ulam·, m the plurall numwee heires in him : hec died vpon thc.croffe, ·S.cr i' b~eaufe rh.cy werefonJetime made ro not as a priuare perCon, but a$0publilieper- ,Ahraha'i',(mite!lnte to liis feeilc, andComeCon reprefentingall the Eleft : and alfib.e .1!- ,riiTie to borlf!'~iiil theywere often repeated led died in him, and with him. In thefame Id -1b,rkbam','1ind l"erefbrenrecalled prominJatl<r rhey rifewirh him to lif~,and fit ahh'e Jfe!-, rhou:;b- in fubflanc.e they are bur one. right hand ofGod with h1m in glorie. ' 'I' IPli'e'(~ed 0 ft)bPSh}/mhere mentioned, is the Thirdly, hccrc wee (ee th'eground of the !fe~dJ)o1 ofihf Rell,,burof rhe pri>mife,Rom, certainetieofp<r(euerance, ofo!J them that ; 9 •.'f.' alia• this•f<'tde isfirfl Chrinlrfus, and are rherrue chtldren of God. Forrhcoffice !th_c!~all rhatp~lf~ue in C:b"~· For all thc(e of Chrill' to which hws(et aparr~'isrore- ,ft~ g:uon t<i''Aiirah•mas clitldren by theproceiue rhe promife of God for vs, and·roaprnltl:"andEl~&iah of God, Moreouer ,this plielttnrovs;· And rhis worke is don• by (c<8 is 11ot mahy (as P••lobferueth)bur one: Chri!l \\irhout impcdim~nt, and without tf)at is;one in number. le is obicClcd tbarthe / repentonce on his parr. T)lcfeale and-foq!'· \JcircJ' [falll'] 1s.a;name colt~[fj,e,and ligni6es dationofourfaJuation is rh1s, that God acili~\vboJCpoflCriticofAbriihlfm. An(lPer. It Ceprsand knowcsvsforh!s, .. z.Tirnoth. :::19. J..Qtb (omctJm~c,butnotalwaies: (or Eue fa1th . and £hat \VhicJ1 conccrncs·vs,Js,thatwemu(J: / ~-.: ------ wor!hip --~~----~~------~----------------~---·