Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap.j. the Epijlle to.theqatatianr. worlhip God in fpirir and rructh, and depart A -no more required on our parr, but toreceiu~ froininiquitie. . • _, . andacceptthem. And though we beneucr La(!Jy,here is comlorragam£1 tbe_conGdefovnworrhie in 04r felues, yer iltall itful!ice utionofourvnworthines. Thoufate£lthou for the hauiogof the blcaing of Gud, if art vnworthie of the mercy of God, aftd our names bee Jound in theT eflament of thecefore ha(! no hope . ·And I fay againe: God. · doelhhou truely c!xercifethy felfe in thefpiAgaine! Pimlfaith, that the promife m.1de ritua/lexercifesoffallh, inuocarion, repento Abraham iu>•Hen•ntc••JirmedofGod , It ranee 1, be not dtfcouraged :thou muG not may bedemaunded, by what mcanes it was receiuethe promife immediately.of_Gp_d,but confirmed/ Anf By oath,Htb.6, 1•7.Agatne,[ldoe it forthee. Though thou be it may be demanded, ro whonwt was CO\lfir, vnworthie,yet there ia dignitie, and worthimcdi Anf, ToAbrabam, as b'<ing the father netfcfullicientin him. If thou fay that thou ofallthcfaithf•ll,and then to his foede, that mufi.atthe lea(! rcceiue the promtfe atthe is,fir{! to the Mcdiatour Chri(l, and r.onfehand ofChrHI, I addefurther, thatheewiO quently,toeuery belceucr, whctherlew, or notq'wtncbtheflaxethaldozhhut(moal,o,neither B Gentile; For Ahraham in the fir!! making, mUhehreal,ftbe6ruifdreedt. Hcacceptsthe and in the confirmation thereof, mull bee weakcapprehenGon,ifitbeeintructh. And conudcred as a publikcperfon, reprcfmting our faluarion Oads in this, nottharweknow all the faithful!. . and apprehend him, butthat heeknowsand HcreagainewcfceGodsgqododfe. We apprehends,vs fir!l'ofall. are bound limply to bcleeuc his bare word; V.17. This I f•J] In the•erfes Paul yet in regard ofour wcakcnelfe,h~ is content hathlatd downetwogrounds:oneis,thatte· io rati6e his promife by Path, that there (laments ofmen confirmed, maynot be abn>ight be no occaGon ofvnbclicfe. rogorcd : the other ,,that the protfiifes were Againe,hercweare admonifhcd to reil by made to A6r.ham and hiS feede, whtch is faith an the ptomife of God, as .dhraha"'-" Chrifl. Now,whaf'Ofall this, may fome man did;when there is no hope. Somemayfay,I fay/ Paultherefore addesthefe worda, This I could doefo,.ifGod would fpeake ro mcc, as [•J,Iha~is,the fcope~intentofall my fpeech he did to Ahraham. I anfwer ~game, when is, to fitew, thatt).le'ooocnant or tcGament God fpake toAhrabam, in hjm he:fpakero confirmed by God, can nor be abrogated: all his feed: and therefore totheewholoeuer andfccondly, ifiin>ight fo bee, yctthatthe C thooart,that bclccuc£1 inChri(l.• - law could notabrogate the re(lamet,becaufe And hence wee are to garheyf~re !lop~ of iru-as giucn 4 3o,-yeares afrerrhe con6rmalifeeuerlalling. For in the pcrfoo of Abration·ofthe faid reflamenr. And-becaufe ir h•m,Godhathfpokcntovs : hehath made might be doubtfultwhat Paul mcanes, when promifeofbleffing rovs:hehath made coue-· he faith', tlucoutnAnt con{irmtdClln n111 beA~ronantwith vs : and hee bath !ivorncvnto vs. gated, he explaincs;himfelfe in the'end ofthe What ea we more requireofhim ?whar faying, the.promif"""""'~'madeof tcr groundofrruetomfon/ Hth.6.I7,18. no ejfefJ.. ., La(!Jy, in that God thus confirmes vnto Iris hereto be obfcr_ued, that Paulfaith, vsthepromifeoflife cuerlalling, 11 mu(linrheprcmife ,,.de' ra Abraham is "couenant or ·courage vs to all diligence in the vfe of all tef/.ammt. It IS aCouenantor c~mpael, be1 goodmeancs, whereby we mayattaine tothe caufeGodfor hts.parr p<omtfcth temrffion condition of Abraham : anditmuGarmevs of.!innes and ltf«.c~erla!lrng ,. and requtreth to al patience in be.ring the miferies and cafatth on our part> lrl'rcfpect of tha-ruuruall ' !amities that faJJ out, in rhc Llrair way to ercrobligarioo, i.t•it the,forale ofacouenail life. ' nanr. ltisalfoaWill,or Tel!ament in·rwo D Further, Paul[aith,thatthtpromifeuacot <fpccts. Fir(!, .bcca\Jfe the promife is con- "'"""'confirmed, ••d rh.r in refPeCI of Chri/1: firmed by thedeathofthe mediatour, He6r. .becaofc he is the [cope and foundation ofall 9.r 5· Secondly, rhethingspromifcd, asre. the promifcs ofGod, partly by mcrite, and million ofGns, and life cuerlalling,are giuen partly by efficltcie. By merit: becaufc hchath after the manner of legacies, that is, freely, procured by llis death and paffion,rcmiffion \V.ithout our defect,or procurement. In this ofGnnes and life cuerlatling. By bis ellicacie: we feethe greatgbodnes ofGod,wbovouchbecaufe he fcales vp vnto vs m our confcienlafcth to name tbem in·hisT<t1amcnt, that ccs, remiffion oflinncs, and .,ithall reOorcs : hanecmade couenaot wich rhc ~euill,andaic in vsthe Image ofGod, T!>!>vfc. IfChriG chil·dren ofwcath by naturc,as weallarc. be the gtouod ofthe promifc, rhen is he the A:gaine,in that rhepromifeis a-tef/ament, ground and fonntaincoLal! .the blcffings of , rerruffiopof Gnnos, andltfecuerla(lmg, is a God. An'dlorrhis caufe, _the right way10 1L•gacie: and for the obtainment ofthem, we obtaincany bleffingofGod,is firflto receiue ' ffi\lfl bring ~rothitig vnto God , but hunger the promife;and in the promife, Chri!l:and and thir{latrcrrhem, and make fmte vnto ChriG being ours ; inhim,ap'dfrom him,we God for them, by asking, feekmg,knocking, fhall receiueall tbingsnecctfary. Thm arc all Legacies obtained , and there IS The fecond anfwer ofp 1 ut·to the former - X z obtcclion ------------------------------------~~------~~~- ---r-