Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

' Jl Comjnentarie:vpp'n Obicdton, iS, thar if thepromtfemadero rl~ brahammrght be dr[ammlled, yet the lawe could not doe it. Aud hee glues a double rc:a(on. The firtltsdrawncff<,rn the circum~ flancc ofttmc. Becaufe the promtfe or coue· nant was made with Ahr11ham; and conhouA edbyGod4 'o, 1eares b fo're thi" lawe w;as gt– ·uen: rbcrcforc:,(aith p, ul~ thelawewMnotgt– u~n to J,(anmJlttht promife. 1 •• • .1: . Againtl this rca[on 11 may bee obieCled, that }'/.hraharhi ltede, was ~Ut 4?o• yuf4res in a llrangcla~id,'GwjiJ 1). q. A:nfwer, MiJjn fpeakes of the time that ,••~from thobegin• ningofA:brnhams (cede '• or-from the brrth oil[a•cto rbe gluing ,ofthelawe: andPaul here [peakes of the rimetl1atwao berweene 'thegiUingof the pro·mifeto Abr11ham, God B i:hegiuing ofrhc law :andrhatwas 3o.yeares before thebirth ofJ[a.1c. " · · Againe,.itmay be obreCled,thatthe ICrae– lireswcre ir'i Egypt 43 o. yeare~, Exod. J i.4'CT. 7"he~~o'wel/iii¥o[tiu chtldrcnof l{rttel, whsle the; '·ik~dled t'rl rf.jfj;e.wtU 4 )O.ytares. .rThcrcfore-it. fe~methdrn e'was more time- bctwcene _ph:e promile;at\d rl'\e !awe. Anfwn-, The mean· mgofM'ojlf.JA rhrs place, is thus much: tHat fhcdW'<Ihtlgo!-thcchildrcn of·Jfrad, whrle they dwelt' a~'tJJ1grimi~ was fbt the [pace of 4 30 y~.arcs"P & tHat mpartOfthiStimeth«y dwelt in Eg'~pi10s I!rangers, The words may 1 tlitis btHt~MJ.i.Ud, Thedwe/limz. or Peregrina/i. on ofshechiMinoflfrad , i11 whichthrydru!tin C £g'jfM~M 'll o. yc.m. And thiS peregrinati· o·u begintlesm·thetallingofAbraham, and entlsat rhegu)ingofthe law. · In Pault exfn1ple,wefec what it is to ferch the'SI!trprures;i\ot only toconfider the (cope ofwhole bob~es, andthe p~rts thereof, but to ponder'and weigheucry f~htence,Qnd eue· rypart ofcuery fcntcncc, andcuerycircum– tlance ofti•ne,place,pef[on.This istheright forme ofthe ftuuyof diumitle ro·becvfed of thefonnesof.the Prophets, '' .:fhelecona reafon vied by P••l, is in the f8.verfe, it rna; be framed thus. Ifrhelawe abbli01 the1 j>romr[e, then the inheritanc.e ' ' mull comeby thelaw:butthatc•nnot be.He D prooues it rim<\ Ifthe inheritance oflifc eter– nall be by thelaw, it is no more by the pro• mifc : bur it is by the promi[e: becaufe God gaue it vnto. l16ri<h•m freely by promife: therefore it·comesnot by the·Iaw. The opp_o(ition betwecne tl\e law and th~ promr[eo,e,vsthat P•ulm thisEprtllefpeakS therecer uing ofthat.whrch is Plfered:ltmay be obreeled, tharrhe Qofpcl promifeth ·lift' vpon the condition of our faith. Anf. "the Gofpel hath in i! no mdrall condition ofany thmgro be doneofvs. ' Indeed faith is men– tioned after the forme and manndr"facono ditior. : bu_r in truth it is the free gift df@nd, as well as lrte eternal!: and it is to be,conlide. red norasaworke doncofvs, bm in– llrument to receiue things promifed. This ditferen~eofthclaw and theGofpel nlutt be kcpt~s atrealure: for 1t is the ground ofma– ny worrhie condufions in true religion. And therglmranceof thi•f'olntin theChurchof Rome hathbeen~ the de<ar or Rdigron,fpectally m thearttcleof !tJfbficati"'. · Thirdly,we mull here•obferue,the oppo· fition ber\oeene the law ~nd the free promi(e ofGod 1 in illllification of ·a!inner, Furif!.je comeby th~ itfwt,it comts'»Rt.blthepromife_!faith P41d. And Rem.4.i4, Jffhey..,hrchr<oftke '•• are heim,,hep•mif• u!Jfnont tffi£i~By this we[eethe.Church of,IJ.ome ouerturllcis and abrog~reS~rlle free prom1f~of God. For they ofrhat•<ilhurchteacht, 1hatthe firll.iul!Jfi. cation is bymeeremercic: and that ~he ie· c0nd, i•by thcworkes nfahe !awe. B,lt the Law and the Promife1:alllmt-be mi>'Cd"togc– t her, mor.e then fir.c andiwatcr: the L'"<f>l· ro·y~ ned withtlidrtepromi[e~difahnulls the[aid promift. . . • Lallly, in that Pau~faith, GodgM<and freely bellowed the inhe'cir.tsceb]thepromife, it mull.beconfidcred, thauhbG!uif% isno pnuate,.buta'publrke donation. For'A:bM· hammull beconfidercd asa publtkepctfgn: andthatwhichwasgiuento·him, wasiH hfm giuen ro·all thaofl10uid b'el·el!Ueas·hedid.Art thou thcb.a.t<ue bclceuer I ~oell thootruely tmnevntoGodl he<rels thy comfort: the inberitance.ofcternalllifeisas [urely thme,as it was A6raham1,when lfe bcleeued.Fonho\J art partaker ofthe fame promifewith him : and lvhen Goilgauohim•lrfe·; hce gau'C>thce alfolife in him., AgaincJ•perfons bacl<war<l, andcarelclfc, muU be llitrcd vp With all aili– gence to vfe all good mcanes that they.may beleeuetrucly in Chrill, ond truely turno to · Aot onely of the Ceremonial!, but alfo ol rheMolall. Far the greatelboppofitionis. bet\l•oenethC'morall !awe, ~ndthefree pro. i il;tre bfGod! : ~l•P1 ·,·) , • 1 i ~ ·L.ct V1l ag:dJ1i!m~r-ke Jre.ere the diffcrencr· -b'dweenethe'I'J\w and the Go(ptl' The Law .·prtlmifeth 1\fc bur to the wor~er' for .his 1\J"b"rklf~ , GJ:.: ~pbn condition tt>f obedience. 'FhcGofpel!~c~lled~:)y P••l, thepromi[e,) ol– tcrsand grucs l1f~fr.ecly Without the conditi– on·or anyworl~~~,' and requtrcsnothing bm . God. Forfo as they begin to beleeue, and totutnc vnto God, they areentredinto thecondi!lon•of dbuhAm, aqdifthey conti– .nue, t!J<y.{hARft downe with:Abraham,Jfaa·o, andlac.ob,.inthekjngdomeofbeaueJ<: and afier thi• life they fl~all rett in thc·fiofome of ,{b,;,• ham. Fohhatwhichwasdoncro A/JrAI14m, ihall be done toall ihatwalkl:in hi• llop}'es.l , 19. W'herlfDre thenfirun theLa:Jl·e !.;il.ttil¥ , added, hccms(nftr••f!rf/?.n, , vntiCthl.(te'de. waJ come- to tFiiich tlft protnlf~.rPM mad1, ~\Andl it ""' .rd~z•tdbJ A:ng,iJ inthe haud of ti M'Cdi:-' ·>ato(Jr, r; \ ' t·. !'. ' .n\\~'!"t >. :o, Now.aM<diatours4notof•ne dmt.Cjod .isoneo~ ' · .. ·1 ·" • ' 1 · PA~lhath prooued before, thatthe Law doth not aholrfh the promrfe: his Iall re•fon was;