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Chap.3. the Epiflle to the qatatiam. 245 wa• • becaufetheo the inheritance Otould be A God; becaufea Mediator isoftwo, at leaf!,& byd~eJaw;whichcannor be.Againfl this reaoftwo being at d1tfcrcnce berwccn thC{l:lues. (on in theninereeorb& twCtieth verfes,there The Jaw 1:) l:t!d robe ordatned or ddpolcd is an obiettionmade, and anfwered. TheobbyAngcli, becaufc theywere attendam:. on ieClionisrhis. Iflifeand iuUtce comenot by God in the Mount, whcu the law was del•ue· rhe Lawe, rhe law then is in vaine. And tlm reJ, Secondly, they were wirnelfcs andap obieelion is exprclfed by way ofinterrogatiprooucrs ofthe dehucne. Thirdly,it may be on, Wbmfore thenf<rues t!Jt Lar.e? The anthevoice ofGod whereby the !awe was pubfweris in the next word,, Iris addedfortra•f· JiOJed in the hearing ofall thelfraelttcs, was greff/om,thario, forthe reuealing offinne,and vttered and pronounced by the minifterieof the punithmenr thereof, and forthe conuinAngels : forthe holy Ghofl faith, thewml eing ofmen touching their finnes.Rom,3. t 9, fpokfn 67 Angeb w<4 f/ulfafl, Hebr,z.z. th•r i• zo. M.oreouer, PAul[ccs downc thetirr.c or the Jaw. It may be faid,all rhisprooucs nor, continuanceofrhisvfeoftheLawe, when he that Angels ordamcd the law. A•f. Often faith, TiKth< je<decame "which thepromife in Scripture, the worke oraelion ofthe prin w.u made: thads, rill Chriflcomeandac· B cipai!Agent, isafcribed to the ioflrumenr complith rhe worke of mans redemption. or minifler. The Saints arefaid< Here two que!!ions may be demanded. The world. t ,Cor,G. 'whereas indeed they are no 'fir(! i~, whetherrhe law ferue to reuealefinne more but witnelfcs and approouers of this aftertQecomming ofChrifll ForPa•lfaith, iudgcmeor. In thefame manner Tsm,hi' is lt i4 add<d for franf.~uj]iont 1 till Chrij/, An[. [aidtofau,him(t/f,andothm.I.Tsm.....16.The ThcLa.vferues to reuealcfinne, cucn ro rhe la!! trumpet i• fuunded byAngels. Ma1h.z4. end ofthe world : yetin refpcCl ofthelegal! 3 r. and it is coiled the voyceof an Archan· orMofatcall manner ofreuealing finne, itii gcl,and the rrumpe ofGcd. t.Theff+ ad'ded, 6utriUChrifl, For the Lawe before Moreouer PaNI[aith, The/anwwa~ddiue Cllrlll did conuince men of finne, nor onered 6; thehAndofaMcdia~Dr;.lhat is, ofChrt!l, Jy by prcceptsarla threatnings' out alfo by (as fomerhinke:) bu!that cannot be: forrhe Rttesand Ceremonies. For lewtflJ walhing•, hand ofaMedtatour figni6es rhe miniflerio l iand facrifices, "etereall confellionsof finne. and feruiceda Mediarcur, and thisferuice And they were anbandwriringagainfl: vs, as istnferiour to the feruice ofAogeh: bccaufe Paill faith. And this manner of teuealing thelaw wao dcliuercd by Angels, andrecei- ' linne, ended in the de~ rh ofChrifi, C ued ofthem by aMediatour. Therefore the z.14. Agaiuc, the l\linifl:erie o(condemnaMediatour here mentioned, isUI!ofes, who rloil which was in force till Clrrifl, ar his flood be<weencthepropleandGod, in the ,commin~isrurnodinto rheMiniflerieofth'~ deliuery ofrbelaw. DcH1.5,5. It may be ob. fpirie, ana ofgrace. :. Cor.3 . 11. For vnd<r ieCled, thatthereis bur'"' M ediator, Chnf/. ' the Jaw·there·was plentiful! reudation of fin, t.Tsm.z.8. An/""· Mediator of reconcJJi. with darkeandfmall reudarion ofgrace: bur ation is onely one, and that i• Chri!l : and al the commingof Chrifi, men faw heaueil Mofu is aMediatour cnely in rhe relating · opened, and therewasaplemifull reudarion and repotting the'Jaw from God to rhe IfraaP/inne, with-wmoreplentiful! reuelarion of elires. grace and merde. .And in this refpect alfo Pauladdes, that aM<diatouru not of one, the law·is faid to betill Chrift. rhat is, rhar cuery Medtarour i• ofrwo at the Thefccond queflion Is, whetherrhefced Jeafl, and ofrwo ar variance, and difagreeof'Abr.h\un were·before Chril!, or no? A•· ment. And he faith further, thar Cjod u"'" fw•;._. All>hat followed the fl:eppesof'A6rJ. rhar is, alwayesrhefame, and ltke himfclfe, hamrfaitb before Chri(l, were his feede. Yet without change. And the refon ofthe fpcech were they not rhar feede, rhat is, theprin- D isthis . P.aul bath taught, rhat the!awe iras etpall feede, who isChrin, who isthefeede giuen by aMediato"r,and thatthisdccl>rcd blelf:d in himfclfe, andgiuing bJciTcdnelfe a differcncc.berweene God and man. New ri> all other . .Atnd•rhe beleeuers rhar were ir might be [aid, whereisthe fault in this di( oelore Chrifl oraf.ter him, are the [cede of ference,and who isrhccaufeof it/ Paul faith, Abraham, in rafpt<l'theyarofet into Chrtfl, nor God, bwt man :,becau(eGoJ is"'""leson who is principally thefccd 'mcnrioned in this and thefame, . . toxt: · ·' : ' Tbev[e, InrhattheLawisforrranfgrcf. WhenPAN/faith, orJiiUudby ·Angtl!, in the fions, wee are taught ro examine :md {(arch ·b.nd·ofaM<J.iatou"• bee makes adeclaration cur h<artsandliuesby the laweofGod, z,. of rhar·which bee had faid before by an cuiphan.z.r. Fflnneyo11,0 n.riow,not,..orth; rohlodem figne ,-on this manner. ·That theLaWe urd:L.t. 3.40. Let VI foarch our hearts 1 and turne fcrueth to ·dt[couer rranfgrellions, it ap· •gaine/o the Lord. That we may ihe better ex· peares by this,rhar the!ewes could not abide aminour felueo,4. rulesmufl bcobferued, roreceiuerhe Lawe immediately from God, The firfl,when any onefinneis forbidden but it was deliuered by Angels, and receltled in anycmmnandemcm of theLaw, vnderi bythe hand ofaMediarour : and thisargues all the finnesofthefame kind are forbidden, n_l_an_s-'g"-u"-il::.ri:::nc:e•:..;•c.:•::.:n:.:d:...hc:.ic:s..:d:::if:..:a.._gr:.:ec:cm=ec:.nt:...::.w::i l::h.!.......::•::.:ll.:c::•u:.:C.::es:.:o::f..:rh::•::.::m• and all occafions. X 3 The