Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

VI Commentarie "'prin Chap.3. Tllcfccond, a cornmahdcment ncgatiue A includes the affirmarmc, and bmdes vs not onelyroabilaine from emU, butalfotodoe the contrary good. Thethird is,thareucry comrnaundement mu(! bevnder!lood with a curfe aune~ed to it, though the curfc be not c:xprelfcd. The fourth is , that we mull efpecia!ly ex• amine our felues by the firfl and laf! com– maundements. Forthe firtl forbidsthcfir(l motions ofour hearts againU God, and the ]a(I forbids the fir(! motiOns ofour hearts a· gainUourncighbour: though there be no confcnt wdoe the euill which we thinke.Pau/ {airhofh•mfelfe, rharrhecommaundement, Thoufo•lr norlufo, was it that efp.ecially hum- B bled him,Rom.7. . According to rhcfe and other rules,(which 1 now Iomit) wee mufl: with fpcciall care exa– mine our !clues. The want of this ductie, cauferh men torot away in their finnes,with– out rcmorce or true reptnt:mce: and it is the cauferhar (a many men profit folirle in hea– ring the word preached ; becaufc they know not what Hnnc mcanes, neither can they fearcharight theirconfcienccs and liues. Moreouer, afrerwehauc begunncropra– . &ifethi,duery, we mull often (asocc•lion (ball be giucn) rcnucirtorhc end. ConGder Dauidr example, P/~1.1,1 9·59· Where Pat~lfairh, that rhe/mvid add<d rill Chri[l, we fee tharthc Legal! miniflcricof C dearh is aboli01ed now; :md that weeare vn– derthe miniOerieof the fpiritandhfe, And for this caufe we ip rhefe la(! clayes, that are I MiniUers ofthe word, mull preach rhe do– <"trineoffaluation plain~Iy, to the very con– fcier.ces ofmen, z.(or.f.. I. Againc,the peo.. plc ofrhefe dayes oughrro abound Ill know– ledge, and their obedience Owuld be anfwer– ablcro rhcmeafurcofrheir knowledge. And if after much preaching in rhefe dayes of light, rheGofpcl be hid, (asir isro very ma– ny,whorcmaine Cl ill in ignorance, and difo– bedJence) 1t isa fearefuiHigne vnro them of their condemnation, z.Ccr.44· In that theLawtofGod was ordained or deliucred by Angels,wee are pur in minde to D reuerence it, and to cfieeme it~a.s atrcafure. Secondly, we are tofeareto brcake the lea£\ commandement ofrhclaw; becaufe the An– gclsrhar wereordamers ofthcla•·o, doe (no doubt) obfcruethe keepers &.the breakers ofir,' and are ready preU to bcwitnctfes and reuengers againft them that offend. Suphm vpbraidesthelcwes, rhatthe·Lawwasgiuen by the difpenfation ofAngels, and yet they brakeit, Afls7.5). Thirdly, ifthop offend and break< rhdawc, repent wirhfpeede: for tbat is the delire &ioyofAngels. They that deliuercd the law, rcioycc rofee the keeping ofir. Lafilr, 1f thou Gone and repent nor, lookefor 0Jame and confufion b.cforeGod and his Angels. Becaufc Mofes was a mediarour to the -.------- Iewes,Papiils garher,-that therefore Angels and Saints may be mediarours, Anf""· It followes not,Mo(es wasordained a mediator, fo are nor they. Mo[11 was prefent withthe !ewes, and had rellowfl>ipwlththem whofi mediarourhewas. Sainrsareabfentin bea uen, and Angel• though they beeaboutvs; haue no fellowthip with vs, Mofes wasa me– diator but oncf, and that onclyin one thing: ·Saints arc madecontinuall mediators. Latl• ly, M~fnwasamc:diatour in relatingand re• parting the Lawe from God ro the people: Saints and Angels arc made mediators ro re· Jare and report ourprayer$, and the fecrets ofour hearts to God. Whereas Paul faith, rbar A mtdi•rour id not of one, buta third, betwccnc two at the lea£\: it may be demaunded, huw Chrilt can be mediat.our betwecne man and God, con– fideringhcis God I Anfwtr, Though Fa– ther, Sonne,and holy Spirit; beoneandrhe fame in refpea of Gochead, yet are they diilina in refpetl ofporion·, or in refpea of the ll)annerof(ubGCiing: fo as the Father is the father, not the SonNe,orholy Ghoi1 1 the Sonnc, the (o),ne,and nor rl)c Farher, or the holy Ghoil;ihe holy Ghoil,the holy Gholl, and norrhc father, orthe [onne, Thefonne . then, and rhe father, being perfonsreally di· flinet, the fonnc may be 1 and is Media– tour, fir(! ofall, in refpea of o.rdcr tothe farher, and In him, to the fonne, and the holy Gho£1. For the three perfons beeing • of one tiarure and wi)l, wh<n rhe •ppea(ed, in him alfo the fonne, and the holy GhoCI are appeafed. Thus l•h• fairh, if ats] mll"Jirme, weeh;tNeAnltdH«atewirhthe f.rktr- It may befaid, that ChriCI can nor bee Mediarour to himfclfe. An["'"· In Chr~(i conGcer his nature, and his office. By nature, he is thefonneof God: by office, he is Mediarour, and rhu1 hei• God·m•n, or M•n-g•d: and as Mediatour by voluntarie difpenfarion, he is inferiour tobimfelfe~she is rhe dfcnriall fonne of,God_ And in the fame man)lOr, Chriil as God-man isMedi· atour to himfelfe as he is the fonneof God. For as he is the [onne ofGod,he is the partie offended; ashei~ Mediarour God-m~n,he is the party that makes reconciliation. Lafily, the property of God mull be.ob– ferued, that he tsvnchangeable./.<tmtJ 1.17. Mal. 3.1<i. Ir may be obtetled rhar God is [aid in Scripture to repent. A•f. God isf~id to repent, not bccaufe he changerh·eytheJ nature orJ~:ll,l; bur becaufe l1e changeth his a&ions cf noercie and loueinto effetls of;m– gerafrerrhe manner ofmen, Againe,ir may be obi<&ed rha1 God changed rhe:Laweand aboliO>ed ceremonies. Ar.(wtr. This God did by an vnchangeable decree, beforeall worlds :and (o thethange JSJO rhelawe, ~nd not in God, For God can decree tochange' thisorrhar,without change. .. ·The v(e. Gods vncl>angeableneLl"'eisthe founda-