Chap~ 3· the hpijile to the (ja!>Jtians. 247 foundation ofour'comfort. S. Paulfaith, If A by curflng, fwearJOg, &c. without feare, and ""''HeGod,,.tar.eym.e•f him. t, Cor. 8. 3· many doe it(as manydi!folute fouldiers)m a Now the firfl we may certenly fiode in our braucrie: andhe.rcrs theteof for the moll feluco, oamdy,the loue ofGod, and Chrill: part arenothing mooued rhcreat;fo otdmary and for the fccond, God is vncbaoge•ble. is the offence.This !hewea the wiokednclf••of Forthey which are once knowne ofGod,are our rimes. euerkoowne<>fhim;and that euen then when In the fitflreafon, Pa•l deliucrs a notable they fcelcnothingbut Gods anger. concluilon, namely, thatthcthmg wh1eh is Againe, we are put in minde to be vnthe mcanesto procure life vnto vs,J&: alfo the cl1angcablein good things,as in faith, hope, meanes ofour iulhce or iu!lificarion before leue, good counfels, hone!! pron11fes, and God. And good reafon. For iuflice caufeth fuchlike,Cpecially in the maintenance oftrue life, and that which giucth lire; fidl ofollgi· raligioo.Fonveoughtto be hkevnro God.It ucth iuflrce. Hence 1t followcs that workes isthepocGeofourgraciousQgeene, Semper cannot meritorioufly dcferue etcrnallltfe. eadem, Alwaiesone and thefame; no doubt in For iflife be by the workes ofthclaw,then iugood things, fpccially in the religion ~flabli· aicealfo:but that cannot be:for w·e mull firll !bedamong vs. Thefame mull bethe minde B ofall be iullified, before we can doe a good ofallgo<>dCubietband all good people.'· worke.LetthePapillsconf:derthio. Agame, Cor.t>.s8. they whrch rcach,th~t faith rsalone in iullt6- • t.lsrhe!aw thenagain!fthe promi('•fqod! cation, and that both faith and workes conqadfor6sdforifthtrehadbin alaw giuen, which curre as ciluf<!s offaluarion,aredeceiued. For 6'o:Jdhar~egir-unlife, furef;righteor~fnejfe {h3Hld !>y the former concJufion of Paul, i( workcs haM6rene6Jthe!a.,. becaufes offaluarion, then mufl they alfo zz. But the ScriptHre bath inclr1deda!lvnder IJaue alfroakein:eurlu(lificatioo,which they (inne,tl"t thepr•mi.fe6y the(aith if!e(us C hrtf/, haue not. And therefore they arc the way of j!msld 6egi'"" tothem th.e bc!wse. our faluation,but not any caufe at all. Lallly, , In thefc 1vorqs, Pat<I propounds and anhere wefee that many amongvs doe not hold fwers an o:her obiecl:ion, in number the t;:hrill, or bcleeuein him aright; torrheir iu· fourth. The occaGon of the obiedio11,is ta· ltrfication: becaufe they huld him without ken·outofthe former words, in which Paul changcofhearrand life. For byPaHfsconclu- (aith,rh<la».is fur tr~..jgreffions. It m•y be fra· 1 ,Hon,whome Clrrill cjuickoeth, them he iulli– med on this monner. It the law fcrue to conf\eth: and whome he!:loth not quicken, them umceaJJd condemne vs of Gnne,it ferues not C he doth not iullific.Examine thy felfe then:if to giuelife butto kill, and (o it is coptratie-ro 'Chtifi haue fancrified and r.cnued thy heart, the promife whrch giueth life. The a.nfwer is thou art iuflificJ:ifthy heart beyet vnfandimade ncgariuely, G•dfor6id, Anda.double •fied,and thy lifevnreformed,deceiue not thy reafon isrendred of the dcniall. ,The firlljs lfelfcwithfondimaginations:thouarr not yet this: Ifthelawcould giuclife, itfl1ouldalfo liuOified. giuc iu(ljce,or,iuflifie: & fo it nwuld be COil· The zz.vcrfe foiiO\veth,contaioing the fcrrarie to the pro.mife ( bccaufe then there cond reafon, And firlllet vs confider the !huuld be two contrarie waies oftuar6carion, meaning of the words. 1he Smpture] the one by faith alone, the other by fatth. with wordsarem the Originall thus, ThAt Scrip· wor~cs..) Therefore in that it killsandc,on· ture,namely,the Scrrprure before named,the demnej, it is nor contraric to the prpmi(e. • wnttenlaw in the bookes of the old TeLlaThcfecond reafon is in the zz.verfe. T.hings r ment.And furrhcr,6y the '•"'• we muLl vnderfubordinate, whereof oneferues for the O· lland,Godinthclaw,Rom.n.3z.Godhath ther, arc not contraric :thclaw and the proconcluded all vnd ervnbelcefe. _ miCe arc fubordinare; for the law prepares · Cf•nchJdedf[hc law is compared to aJudge, rhe u,ay for the accomphflung of the pro. D orfergeant:lmne.roaprifon. Andthelawis mrfc, mthat it illUts all vnder finne, thatthe ' faid to concludc,or inclofc men vnder finne· promife may begiuen to them that belecue becaufeit doth ro rhe full accufe and con: in Chrifl. uins:evsoffinne,foasour mouthesarellopThe vfe. In that Pau/reietls tlfeblafpheped,and we hauc no·•·ay ro efcape. mous obiccrion, with God for6id: we arc ~I!J All men thatcame ofeAdamby gene- :aught to auord thmgsfard or dooc to the rallon,wtth allrhatcomesftomthem their J<H>Onour ofGod,~>ithloathingand dctcflathought!,deGres,wordes,and deedes, ' tion. When it was related to /lh•band le~•- Thtpromi(e] The thing promrfed, which is b,/l,that N ab•thhad blafphemed God, they rcmrllionofGnne,and hfeeucrlaLling. beemgrdolarm, folemnrzea fafl pretendmg By th•faith •f Chri/f] That is the faith daqgcr by the Gone. 1. King. ZI,IZ, CaiphM whereofChrill is boththeautbor' and mat· fuppofing that Cl:uill had blafphcmed, rent ter. This is added,to Gonifievnr<>;, who are hrsgarments. Mmh.:G. When/ob did but true beleeuers,namdy:they which ~rebeleefufpcCl his children ofblafpheming God, he ucrs bythe faith ofChrill. callcdrhemandfandifiedthem.lob •->-Iris Againfl this text of Pa•l, blinde reaCon the fault ofourdaics. that many blafpheme mooueth many quellions, as n•mely why --------------------------------------~X~4 God