ACommentarie 11pon God created man, and then fuffcrcd him to A An tNiUtruc.nnat 6ringf•rthgoad fmir.Mat:h. falliwhy God,did not rdlrainc the fall ofA· 7.It may be obieaed,that naturall men may d• .,tohis perfon, bur fuffcrs itto inlarge it doethewatkes of the moralllaw, as togiue fd(e ro all manktnd,fo as ai·Jbe flmt vp vnder almes,aod fuch like.Rorn.>.I4.A•f,..Sinnes hnllC i 1vhy the promife is not giuen toal,but be ofcwoforrs.Onc is,whenany thing is done oncly to bclceucrs!But there arc 11vofpcci<ll flarrcagainll the commaundcment of God. Bround!!, vpon wh1ch we arc ro Clay our Thefecond is, when thead: orworkc is done ;l>lindcs. The tiril is, tharGod hath an abfo. which rhclaw prefcribcs, yet not in thefame lu.rc fou.craignry& lordrlupoucr all hiscrca- 1 manner which the law prcfcribcs, in faith, in tures.Wcmay,uutthcr-cfore difputethecafc · obcdience,to the glory of God. In this fe- \virh God,Rom. 9.zo.H~ may d(}c lPithhiJgwne r cond regard, morall workes performed by wh•tluwiii,M; :The fecond is, that natura !I men,are finoes indccde.Henco it foltpcwaics•nd '"dgcnoenrs of God arc agulfc, lowes,thatL•berry ofwill in rhe doingof that imowbich thC1llOrewcfcarch, the more we l whichiS!ruly good, isloflby chefall of AP!!Jngeour fd ocli: bccau!cthcy are'tlnfo~Uch-. , d,;m:and tbat man cannot by the {frengrh of ~·lc.Rom. " '3J. ., • B narurall will helped by grace, opply him[clfe Markcth~phrafeofp.,,![tluScripturecon- ' I0JbccallingolGod. c!~daa/1v~der{inn~]1f it conclude or Chut vp, ' VVhercasP.tu/faith,that the promi[4Ugi"en then i~ determines wh~t is finne, wbat nor, to luluH~rs, j[ isnJanifefl: that the prom1feis And iftbis bcfo 'then it may al[o dcrcrmir.c · notvniuer[all in refpc~ ofall mankind, but ~.~that is true, anJ whac1s filfe:and fo be cruly ! onc1y IJ)dcfilllte, andvmuerfall in refpeCl of ccarmed a ludgc ofcomrouer{jes mrdigic:m. 1 belecuers. Wherefore their 'doClrinc is not lftrlhutvp !inners vndcuheir.lionc,then alfound, rhatteacn theRedemption wrousht f>? it 0Jutsrhem rhotcrrcvrrdcr their errour; : by Chnll,to be as general asrhe fin ofAd•m: /or crrours be 1-inncs andlrub ofchc Aefldt Indecd,ifw'cregard the~alucand ful!iciende "f~id blafph~moufly,tlw ifthe Scripture be of the death ofChrr(l,it is (o:but ifwe icfpea aIudge,it ts bur;·~ domme ludge.And I fay a~ the Comn1unication and donation of this ~at ne, tb.r \)lfcnders ri1ay plead forrh.em- , benefit,it is not. Forrhough all be flJUt vnder [clues on t.his fort, thatthC law is but adum finne~ ·y-et·the prom1fc is oncly gtUcntoth~m Iudge, lvhen it con<Jcmncs them, and Omts th'at biiUHt.'It is obit:Cl:t>d, that God. •wiU in them vnder finno.•bllt th'cy fhall findeit har·h : Chrifl·rtconciting the w.,/Jr•himftlfe,•z. Cor. alo.ud voice in thcir,confcienccs, when they • 5.19. An(w. The text in hand flJewes,thar by reade it feribully,and<:xainine themfelues by , C the world 1 we are to vndcrlland all bclectlcrs lt1eucnfo rhc Scrtpturc fpeakcs fuf!icicntly through the whole world.And whereas P;aul forthe determinauonofrrurh and falflwod, · faith, God {J,mvp•N vndtr vn6elrefe·, •rl! in matters of faluation 1 when it IS fcarchcd I might hau;,_r;urcy vpon all, Rom. J J. 3z. his withcareandhumtlay. 1 meaning is here (et downc, that he lhut both VVhcn Pm:l[anh, ff~4r~ all /hut vp vr.der · Iewes and CentiJcsvnder vnbclcefc, that he Jinne-;'heputs'.lsin niiodcc:ifourmofiml[era- · might: 'haue mercy vpon all that beleeu~, ble cond1tion, tbatwc arc capciues of finnc both of:IewcsandGcntiles.- andSarao, inclofcd in C'urlins as in a prifon, : Markc!further,theend ofthe law is-conuihkc irnprifoncd malcfaaours char waitc dai- I Clion ' and the end ofour conuiC\ion is, that ly fot rhe comming ofrheludgc,and llancHA / rhc promJ(e ofmercy may begiucn to tbem conrinu:lll fearc ofexecurion.And fceingour l 'that belceue, HerehnotaDJecoinfort,with condirion isfuch, we muU labour ro fe~and 1o incourag~me·nttoall good duti<s. Doth the feele by cxpcri~occ this_ our fpirituall bon- 1 Jaw as it~erein thcnamc<>fGodarrell thee? I dage, that we n"y faywJth P•~'·· We are (oU i cloth lt accufcand conumcethceofm.-nlfold \ vndtrJi.nnt, and that we/ztJow thenu mgo~d1JeJe l __ finnes? doth tt arratgoe theeatthebarre of J,..cUingtnourfoP,.Rom.7.J4.J8.1'biS is one •• Godsiudgcmcnt, and fillthy[oulewith terof the firlllclfons that we mufl takeour in rour! doll thou by the tcflimonieofthelaw the fchople ofChrifl. Againe, if wefcriouOy and thine ownc confcicnce, fee and feele thy bethinke our felues thot we ate captille&of fclfetobca moll mifcroblc and wretched GnGnncand worthy of dc,h, it will make vs ncr ?'welL It may bcthou thinkdl that all with concentation of m1nde to beare the-mithis is apreparation to thy damnation ;.buttt feriesofthis life, fickneiTc,poucrty, reproch, · is not. For it iscontiariwifeaprcparatl?n ~o banifhmcnt,&c.confidering they come farre· rhy faluarion.For theJawwirhaJoudvo1ce m 01orr ofrhat we hauc defCrucd; who arc no thy bearr,proclaimcs rheea finner,a.nd threabettcrthcn Oaues offinne and Satan. rcn3thce wirh perdition; but the end ofall Whcr.casP• .u/[allh, rhat all men with all this is,that Icfus Chrifl may become aSaur. rhat proceeds from them,is 11mt vnder finne, ourvnto thee, fo be it rhou wilt come vnto he teachctb that all a~ionsofmen voregehim, and beleeue in hi:n. For hefouesno /nerare are Gnncs. Thcwi(edome ofthefle/h,that 0Jeepc, 6ut the /of/ f!mpe, ondhecAiies not•ufl \Is, the w1fcfl cogitations, counfds, indinati· mm,lmtfinnerJ to repentAnce. Letvs_rhcrcforc ons of[be flclh,arecnmiiJ vnto G"d. .Rom.8.s. wirh all our he~rts come vnto~hrtfi:md be. TYthevr1cleai4ea!lthings trrevnclettne.Tir. J.I s. Jecur in him, and thar by rhe f~1th ofChnll,l ) ~