j! I' the Epi~!e to,the (ja/4tians. riJaVls , w1rh a faun 1ovncJ wjrfi.oppc, louc 'A ofChnlt,rhiS diihntlion,ended:becauf<the anJ nc1v obed1cnc.e. Thenlha!Lrhe p•pmi~ \ p1yijerie ofmans redemption wasrhenml!{C, of.paodon and.hle ~erl.t{flllg,bqgll.I<;O lOv_s, plamly rcuyaled; and it began then to~~ re. V p<m thisg(ound ,,per(on;Qu~wefrllreand uealed; ro the whole world, Cololf.•·•<S,,n, gr!euousotfendcrs,·mayfeea,plaibe wayro 16.z5. andRom. , 1;-. hel~e andfuccdl}•themfelues.F.or the,worke. Thus we fee rharthelaw ferued fortranf. 1 <;>frhelawcoiJ~li~JOgvs vn4er.U.o'oe, by the greffiona: flccaufe it was to the !ewes as a 'll~rey.ofGotl'l'Cnds'toour fal~atiOJ.1ifwe wil , : guard to kcere them in rhecompa!fcof.tl)ejr f(e,o.hegood mcan~st ·.· .< ,.. • duty, rhattheyfellnotawan~lpndryr;aql; .,f.a{fly,P•ui-faiih)the promifcis)lladenot I grerfions, ' . · , "n· , roeuery onerha~bele'euec-h ac'cqrdingro any · , 'Ihe vfe.This 01ewes thegreatne!Te o£'1':1~, faith .,fhisowiu<f;but. w 'rhem rhar arerrue corruption, and rhatrbc very frameof<opr bcleeucrs by chcfairh of Chri.fr. Therefore' heart is euill continually, rhat the Lord mu(! euerymannJalblotbH•uediahis own faith befaioctefet hislaw about vs as aguan!9f and rcligton, but onely rhey. that a.reof,the- I armed men,ro keepe vs,tbat we Gnnenot.J"' faithofChrill. .n ', t. '' Again~,b~r~ .wefcethevleofGqdslawes, ! . V er f. •3· liuu<fot'•f•ith c•mt;.ie were(fpt s· whicbferu~ro prcuenc, rellratne,and cur off vnderthe larP, And fhut vp vnto'Jhef.ith which finne, into which orherwife men w,ould fall, , j{m4d.,.(terwJ<Y.dP;t}¥e;t/.~d. i .,- volelferhey were compalfed and guardad by - 24. Wherefore tbEd•"' "'"' ou~ (cboolemA{fer !awes. Some obie& for freedome ofwdl, on t• Oh'rift., thAtwe might be made. rightm"6J rhtsmauner: If rhclawesofGodcannotbe faith. -, -~ ·_ I kept; they arc in v.'line: bur theyare notln J%5. But afterthat (11ith iJ com~,Wear,epo more 1 . vamc:thcrefore they may bekept.An(w.The 7Jf1der the (cboo!emafttr. ·- ... 'l'-' ma,~r, or firJl part of rhereafon, is nor true. ,?/l.ulin.the 19Wer.hadfaid,thatthelaww.u I 1For .there.arc other vfc;of the law of God, fortranjgreffi,ns' tiilthejml come, tu·which the rh eo (he keepmg of them: for they ferueto ' P."mijew.umade, l\\nd here he n~akesa more- ! re!lraine, and vreuenropenotfencos: and to I la(gddeclaration-ofhis owne mean(llg, The ~eepe meninordcr,at the lea{! outwardly. 1 {ummeofall,rhathclalrhmay, bered.ucedto \ An othcrvfeofthe lawo!God,wastocon· a comparifon ofrhingsvnlike·,,.,n tliis mancludeand nmr vpthelcwes into thevnitic ~f , oer.Befor.erhecomming offaith,wewerevnone faith & religion. For ch!s caufetheIewes ~er rhe dominion ofMo[ulaw:but after faith had bur ono Temple, one Mcrcie-fcate, one wascome,wewerefree. Thefirll parr of the C high Rricfl,&c; ·Hepce it tollowes, that in~ coinp:irifun isaruphfied by a double fimiligodlytand<i:hrilli~n<i:t.mmon-wealthwbere 1 rude :rhe)aw w.tsa guardvnro v.s.;v..z3·and I true religion is;e{fabljn,ed, there m•y be no the lai>\vasour fcboolemaller, verf. 14.The tolleration <>f any·other-religion. For tli~t fecona part of thq comparifon is in the 15. which isthc·<Ad pf,Gods la"'es, mut! alfo be vhf. < 1-:\ n ' ·""· 1 ihe end 11f alt good lawes·in all Common. ' F.i11h]Thatis,tl1e Gofpel,or,the'doCl:rme 1 wcalrhes andkingdomes, namely,to !hut vp ofrem1llion of finnes and l1fe eucrla{fmg by ! the p.eople into the.vnlry ofone fait.h, , , Clm!FcxhlbttcdmobeRcn,, • 1 ' I 'I.TheChurchofthelewes, iscalleJafoun- , . WJ]Wc Iewes:l Pa•ialew,~nd!the reflof ,rainefe•led,a.t."'dmincl•Jid,Cant.4.13·• vi~(- 1 . thamar1on. ..! : . · ., "'""' :· I ~·n:l..hrdgrdm.Ifa.s-.s.Pfal,8o.IJ.Andh~~- , br:t..,.]That is; tlle wholeOeconoinie, Poli•l Jwc feewhat is the hedge.or wall ofthis gal– ,ci~,and Regimcntcof Mo{es, by·l~ivcs pa•tly , r dim, orvineyard: namely,, the regimentQr mb'f.all,parlly ceremonial!,& pard¥'iudiciall. ' ·poli.ci,e ofi MP(#' by a cb~e(old klnd of Jaw. ·:·\Jclpt]Compa!fedorguarded: Becaulethe 1 1 This·admOJ1iflJeth vs to refpe~ and with law.before Chril1 was to theIewes a.s;a guard ~ !careto obfer.ue go.od!awe•: becaufethey ar~ of\rrmea men l·r.o inclofe and k.e~pe·them, D /a~it were hedgesand fenc~sofallgood focie_ 0 , that they iliould n'ot 'tlcpartfroln--<Tod, and 'ties: and the breaking of t/lem io thepulling frdm their allegiance to nim., ,rv.nro the. downe ofourfence. . ' '"" finnes, idolarries, and fuperllition.s of. the , ,wf>erc:.faul(aith, tiUthrfflith ~erruealifl. Gedt(les~•T '10 ~- , , ,; ..:• : INote,lhauh.c,faith,ortheGofpel,was notr.~1 .,;JiittO thefoith.]iFnat is,rillthefaithcome. . uealcd to theworld, rill!heJa(l age, af[er rb~ -"V!fterwD7i>fU<Ait4J~rom rhe;deo,rion; t.o commingofChri{f, lr max bs{ald,it )!'as alth~llu'bthc:Cbu;olvofGod was in.qocfami' waies rcue 0 \cd to all men; but nor focleercl:l'. In and rheJre{f of tfi.e "'orldrbe'fidecJV.a.l ,nq ~jnrbcfelafl dai<S.,1n/w.it wasnor reQ~a!~l\ peopli:o£6od. Hom~hdaw1ill€hri(l; tl)c tli·al!, either darkely or cleer.eiy, before_rh~ Cburl:h ofGod,wai i'nclofed in'kbeoa~iooof romnungofGhnii.Ad.r4, a6. G•dfuffmJ, thelew<'s,~d>all,thell!otld.befide:wChurc.h rhc/Jentiler tow•lk,em theirow,;, n:.~i11, Epl],,~l , oipeop!elOtGodl :And thiS dllti~IPCJ!!f.a , .U.theywereF•(houtyod, andwi,th•ot Chrifl, f!e"pl•;lmdrna.peoplc, lloodrfol,ll~(J{lle4f-ter Rom. ap~. P4ulpreached,wh~e Chriflwas the_coinmin'gofChrifl, Math._>.,·5• 9•:•"' ~••foinuchtU•Amed, Henfe,rt. followes, tb,~t, ,.!, ib~•J~f tht·Genttles, andmtPJ&e·c•tmof the Vocation ofmen to life euerlalling,is nor thi'S.:InnriiAn.r enttrye.not,After rhe,~fccnfion Voiucrfal:becaufeCim{f was neucr.Vniuer· \ ' "' 1 • , fally