Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'J..$,0 A Commentarie -vp~n ".\.\1 Chap.3. fally reuealed. Neither is mans redemption A forme,thet~acherand maller is the law. And l>ditlerfail in rcfpect ofthe whole world. For 1 he·teache~hmen to know thcirGnncs,& their Red<!hpribn liy Ghrill was not rellea~ed to deferued daJlln~tion, and he aaufeth vs to all 'nilioiis befor'e the comming bf Chrill: defpairerofcou~ refpect of our· and a benefit ro be apprehended•bj faith, if felues.And•w~nmen haue<beencweUfchoo. itbe vhkoowile,is no benefir.Laflly,itis erro· 1 ledby th·el•w/ and arc brought toacknow. h16Lfslhatfomereach, namcly1 tha~gracefu. ' ledge theitfn;nes, and thatchelyare lbucsof .\ p~rn'attiralhs vniuerfall:rhat is,thaNhe pow. ! Pnrte-and Sat~n1 ·.then mu!l~heylbc.taken-vp : e~!fu "&elc~ue' in Clhtill, and the power to : to an higher f9rme, and<bcrraughtby·awoJ 1 turne to God,ifmen wil,is gener:llly giuen to i thcrfcboolelllatltr, which is•Faith, or die alf!But this cannot be: becaufe it is not giuen Gofpell'Ilbe letfon of<he Gofpel is,rhar men• te'<l11 inen,fo·muoh as to heareof Ctmll,and ! afcer they are hu01bled, '111Ufl Hie to the to kilo•il hi'm. I throneofgrace,belecuc.m Cbr~ll,and withal '•~Seeing'faitb is now comel it'may be de' ; thmhearrsrurnevntoGod :rtHat ,they may lnaunded, what is the guard whereby we are be'IU!lofied :lndglon6ed. :When we haue by kept now?Anfw. Theprecepts uf.iha moiall I the teachingof this fecond maC!er, learned law.Th•f•Jing"frb,wi(• "" .u nailn·orf/aker Br this goodlclfon;wcar~becoinc<hildren and (aj/m,J, to range men in the compalfe of fetuantsofG<Id. . ' iheirowne duti<sJ Ecclef.JZ.Il. Agaioe,the 1 By thisthenit Is rnanifell, :.that there arc peac~ofGod,ortbealfurance of our rccontwoforrso(baddefc~ollers \n-rhefchoole of cili:itionw1thGod, is aguard, tokeepe our Chrill, amongvs. One fortaretheywbicb hearts and (enfes in Chr~ll,Phi/.4.1.lfthis wil come to theLords table, and yet learne nonot doe the deed, God bath in !lore, his corthing, either fromthelaw~ or from theGofredions, and iudgemenrs, to be a·san hedge pcl:but conrentthemfclues with theteaching to·hemmevsin.Hof.:.6. Thisbeeingfo,our• ! ofn.rure. Thefecondfort ar,c they, which duty istoguard and inclofe our (clues, fpecilearne fo~thing, but in ptepollerous man. alfy 6ur hearts, Prw1.4. 'l· and all thefenfes 1 ner. Forlhty haue learned that rnetcieand and powers ofourfoulcs, Pfal.141. 3· by the : faluation comes byChriU:md with thisthey wholcfome precepr. and counfd• of God. I content tJlemfclucs:not fuffering tbernfclues C<>nfideting we lie open to (o rtlany enemies, firll ofall tab"e fchoolcd by the law till they wefhouldconrinually be armed and fenced · defpaireirucfpeaofthero[elues: n.or to be fr1im the head ro (he foo1e)Eph.6, •3. other· fchooled l>ythe Gofpel, till they belceue in Wife we fhal vpo <uety<l<lcaffobeooerturned. ·C Clwll and·repcnt oftheirflnnes, , . 'olTocometo thC24.VUrfe,<helewes might . lna word, he is a good fchollcr in the ~;~~e;?;;e;~~~~~:~.\~~:u~•£!~(~~~};!, : ;~hh':'~;el~~i~~~f~:ta~rlr~~~~·~~{:Fhf,: and•offaluation? The anfwer ia made;h•/•"' fdfc: and beeinghurnbled,fubicds hi& heart u fu'rthcr our (ch•ol•m.Jta.Hereby{<hooltm•- to thevoiceand precepr of the Gofpcl,wbich. fl«i<,vrlderlland one that tcocheth little chil- i biddes vs bclceue in Chrill,tu(lleto God,and ilrenor petits,the firll rudimetso• elements, . telli.fieour faith bynewobedience, A.C.C.\i\hd the law is-f<hoot,naj/moG!mjfl, ' , Inthefecond part ofthe comparifon •s. fortwo caufes.Onc,becaufe it pointsout and ! verfe,P•ulfers downe one point, that atthe '!hltdbwes forthvnro vs Chrill, .bybod1ly r-u,·[ iromming of the faith, the I ewes were frce.d drmcnrs ofceremonies and facrifices.Thefe- ' 1rroin thedominion of thelaw of Mo(,, and , I eobd is,bccaufe·the law, fpecially the moral! D c6foquently.that abrogated, Jaw, vrgeth and'compelleoh mrn to goe to 'Thclawgiuer,thatis, the expounder of()l[o. I Chrifl. For it Orcwesvs our fins,& thatwith. f<s lawwas~o!all buttill.tbe·commingo(Shj.. "Mt rcmedie: it n,ewesvs the damnation that /o,Gen.49· to.The law ofcommallndemeots \ iS'i:lue vnto \"standby this meanes,it makes vs \ 0 !landingiRordinanccs,was:abrogatedby the defpair.eof.(aluatlon onrefrcct ofour fcluc;: flelhof Cllrill,Eph.%.15. And the changeof l and thus it inforccth vs to feekefor hclpeout theJpriell.iJood, brought t~c change ofrhe .lf<>urfcluesintllri!t The -law is-then our Jaw.Heb,7.u. , . w~oolernaller; ~otb.\' plam~te:lchirlg, biii I For the better deering o fthis point,threc l ar.1lripes'arfd correction. ,,. • quelliont~ietobedemaunaed. Thefir!l.,, ··•In tjiis ~erle ;' 11im/fets downerhe manneo when was thepolicie,regiment,orl~wofM .. &'w1>'yof our faluation, whidl is on this m:rn' f's abrogated! A•(w.At thecommmgof.the nef;fii'll,the law pr~p.resvs by humbhng\"~ faith'~'"' 1vheh the Gofpel -firll began to ,be •th 1enco~es tbeGofpcl,and it llirres vp fai•h1 pub!HhedJd 'the world: whtch was attheAf. And faith wrounlit in the hearn apprehend·• l;enfionofC!:hri!l. And he m !111 death can· Gbr,iGlfor;iull!ficatlon, fanctifieari<'n, and c~llediil\eJteremonialllaw ,.and rooke it out l gl<rrifi'cation. P••l fets this forth by a fit fi1fii· of.the<wii¥,CololT.:i.14.When theold~c(la- ,Htude. Thev:hat would bethc.feruanu ani! , tnehtefi<t<!'d', rand the nc)'l began', then .was ·~MdrehofGod,mu!l comeinto the fchoole the'-Qbrog~tion'ofthc law: riow the endmg df J ofGod,and be raughtofhim.In this fchoole ' theold Tcilament, •nd theb'egonnmgof the oret••o formes; and two mallers. In the firfl · ne!v,wasin•theRelilfrection of. Chrill. For ·' then