Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

' ' Cll,ap. 3· th~ Epijlle to the (jala#ans. 25l then wa• thebegrnningofthe ni:...W?rld,a• it /A hroth"toraifevp(ud<tohu bmh,. Deur. :s. were. ~ -:. . . , ... . s.Thcl;t\Vofrenrhs IS partJy~9~remonial:..and · Thefecdnd·qu~lHo'n is: Hll" r~;,. forth , partly'iud'iciall, ondlpccially ioncerncs·the rhel~w1 sabrogart<l !'Anfw.1'lle1 1iw isthree" 1 ltnd ofCanaan. ·For •• couh!rics arc richer fo.ld: MoraJI,Cer~moniall,ludtc(a~l- ~1orall or poorerrhen Canaan; fo tit~'ihhcir allow: istlie,lawofGod~.oooC"r,ning '!!~t!ners; or ! ·a~c~tofhe M1n11lmc be more orleife: T~~ cft!til:lto '?\''d••tcfma.·n .. Now rfief.'<!la_I/,J•w I /l~~e!'rh•,,rhe etgpts,rhe ntoths, the ele,u,eni's, iia~l'ogate8; io;r'c!Ji?ett of rhe·Ctiutch, and /die rW'elfrhs;a~n"r rhe terirhs. And th'e)I'· rheiil'lhar6eleetl~ IHt'cc waie•.' Eidl', m re, , lowahteofl~ti'fenrhs, t1arrilsrwi tn folce i't\ , fpe~of luflifi.c;ii1Jfll.A'o'd this PAufp~~\oue~ ~t · ;r~~s·ond orHer :c~mmoo-,~~~~~~1s hy rbe!il,.l j !atilclo1;hts Ep~ls:·Sccoodly"llfre.lpetf of 1 U1~1illl Jaw ofGo~, bur !•Y p'ofi11ue Jaw,<~Qt 1 rh'e a;~adifJJon,or cdire: Tber~,~ noc.~nd~m»A· countries. ·For if1t dtd,rh'cn Mw1lters f11ouf'l1 l (ion ioctht..ihat .~Jin'(frsjt.R61n.8; I:Third: : 'nor meddle with their Tenths, ejrhe( fodl1? I (y,in;(efpe\l ofri~~r. For in-trte\t:ih,farc , ~:ithering ; or'for rhe81fpolljig ofrhen,, bur' u~Chrt!l' qod actepts rhe ende:tuouuo~ I t~eyOJOold'bebrou~hr 11110 t\le llore-hou{cs bey,fo~obediCncclrfelfe: Neuettheletfc,•h• S. b)':cerrainc'?u~rlcers,and rhey fhould Mpofe taw.!~l-i,'i~rherufe.~f ~oo.dltfe;,'isv,t1Change. 1 ' pfrhem accordtngrothcnee~eofcueryM1- 1 able,and admm no'dbtogation. A~d Chrtil nllher.1.Cftrll.31.Malaq. 1 hclaw,rhatthe ' iQ rh(s'regard did,b')':his death ~ffabliO> it, · theeteniuth'dlore foure-fol,d, orbeabond- i ~6m~ r.3r. ;.. ,. ~ .,' : , .:.... ·. .; .. :,concern~SCa~aan~_··andrhofecoun-~l ~lfe'Ceremomdi'J~, isrhat·whrch pre- 1 ~rtcs.In Europe, (fpectally tn rheNorrher_!lc ' ft;Hbed'ritcs anpj;ellures in rhc wo'rfhippc of 1 andW ctlerne parrs,)a 11ra•~llrer law is reqtir Gda;tri rhe'tinie'oTrbeold fell'~n\ent. Cere· r.d.. Forthep'~ople aremuch giuen to idle,'c'r o'f' figure andli&riifiqrion 1. n'e(fe,and conf«Ju<ntly ro rbbuing:and rhey or oforder. The firll ,arc abrogatbd at the. are o(fierce ·difpl>lition, an~..thcrefore with' ~ommghfChri[f;'who was rhe:accompl!f1i.. rh'eftioyne viol~nce, an'Jdirlorbance of the ~nehioHhemall, t:':olotf. •· 17•• Thefecond polnm?r pe.atc.And for rhis·caufr(excepring' be~lh~cercmomcsof·patticular orUertorhe , irl fome c:ifcs)rbcf• "puntllied with death. ii!!\-esof the old an'd new Tcilaincnt 1 con· ' 0-nd rhis rtn\)l'hor frem.e liard.' For euen.rhe 1 b:'rrienot vs.Forex1rnple:ln the,cdfn~aun- , !f~i.vcs,,wtl~n',ril{the(c w.1s ~ggrauatedwith o.. , ;dc"2eArofrhc~•l\51ath.fomethtn?l:iremo- ,rhcr c~rcunlllltlcc>, t;nighr puninr 11 •·irh 1 rall~omeceremomall,(ome tudtcl~ft.}hatm C • !Jeatb,1S1m. 1 t.G. Ar;d 11,15111 the pow~rof on~-,day offeuen ihere 010uld' h~tyrell, ' r~e Nla~t!lr:ri'~jllill<n hnnesare increafrrl, to IllS morali.Re!l'vpon the feucnrh day from lot'rcal~ rh~·ptlllfh'menr. t-he~reacion is ce(emoniall, in'refpc:d: ofoif Now Iudi'c:iaiJ l.iwd chat:ue'infoundarioO der.Sttielnes of rdl from all labour, is cere· and lub!l~oce \1\-orall;are nr.tabrogated, bl!t n:'on2.1111 in rcfpecl: pf rhe fignificarmn of reil ate p<rperuall., For the berrer d•fcerning ol frd141 fihne;and rdlm heauen.Thcreforerhe ' rll'em,lg•ue two nores. The firfi is this, Ifa p~rticular day of rell,•11d rhc~w\netofre(!, ' [udictali law (erue direCllyandimmediatdy~ rsahrhgarcJ: and'Chrill by h" owoe examrt> guard and fence anyonea(the ten Coruple1aodby the cxompleof rhe Apo!H~s (ex- ) .nj~un'dements, in themalne fcopc and end amplcs·norbcingcontradu5ted in Schptlire) thcr~of,it IStf10rall in ~qllltle,and p.erpcru~IJ'! 'PPI>inted thec•ghrday 1 orrhedayofCh~i!l• 1 1 b~taufe t.hc,cnd andv(e ofis perpc.ruall.1wllf ; rcfurr'eClion' to be the Sabbatll o(rhenew g•uefundry cxah>ples. It IS the lawof G'b'4• T e!lament. th~t he ofthblfra'elitesthar lhall inrice them I ; ludiciall 13\ve~ ar,efuch as coocer~e in,be- 1 to goe an'dwvrll11p other gods,O>all be put'to ntances,lands 1 hai'ga.ine.s, controuerheJ,cau- 1 Ocarh,Dcut, J f G. This Jawferues to miin- · (~s crim_tnall; and they pertaif!C tO~thc regi- · 1 taineand vp'h'6fd'rhe firfi commaundem.ent; , mentof the CommOn-wealth. Ifthe Com- :S the end wheieof is to iniovne vs to takcther 1 man-wealth of the reweswerc noW'flanding, r 1roe God tor our God: 2~d this end is moft :hey,010uldbcgo~ernedby rhefelawes. For nece:farieborh for Gods glory, and for tlie to thern were rhcy gmen.The cafe as oor hke , f<~luation ofmen: and therefore whatfoeuer withvs. Someareofinindc,rharaii·Iudiciall rhingor pcrfon ouerturnerh or abolilheih Iawesarc abrogatcd:aiid [ome3repf coo.tra. this end,tt mun be cur otffrom the focicry of ri~ f.1lindc, that all Com:non.wcalths arc to 1 men. Here nore by theway,thar they which beg·ou<r,lcd '>y rhbn. Buttheyare~cirhdc· h'auebeeneborne, baptJ[:d,•nd broughrvp C~lued: ~nd the m1aoe betwecoe borh,is the among vs, and ycr afterward becomcMa!Terru'rh. Khow •henlharofludrci;tlllawes of , pric!ls, fecke mahc:ouOy 'and obllinarely klofos, fomearc abrOgated, ro~ile .a~~ not. j~_it'hour ccal}ngeo feduce our peopJe,defcru~ Such la.wes asare mcercly ludi~tall, tnat ts, 1 ·ih'rhisrcfpeti, to he put to d'carh. .,, ,, i'udiciallao,dnot l)lorall, and doe p~ruculal· I ' ~ Example:: Th,Hfb•/1 not fi<Jf<~ 4 witch to ly concerne thenat1onofrhc lcivc:!l,the land , /mt,Exod.1t.t8.TI1i~la\\' a(lame is afence to ?f Caqaan, the ti\!)es before Chri~, .the rhe fir!! comniaundeme•ll.°Fur '~;tchcs re· thtng~_oft.heo_Id Tff\amcnt' ar~a9rogated. ' nouncc God,:lnd huma~e (ocicty: and there. Oi thts kmd 1sthe law that comm~nds the 1 - forearcworrhilycurorl-:thoughtheyJocno hur.t: