Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

l. Booke. Cafes of Conjcience. 9 ' -- the Church may know1vhat ro iuJge and fay. A and makcth not hondl prouilion for hr& '"'"' But fOmc againe follow afrer, that is~ rhe.y are wh1ch nrc ofht-Jf.1ml!y,1sfo n~tonous an offen· notrcucaled till after their Ordination: and der, rhat Samt Paul holds htm •. d"J" of rhr thus ludas his wickednclfed1d not appcare at fmh,ar.dwor{cthmaft w{idttl, 1.1 m~.s-.8. T~le h F.rll bur was rcuealed after hclwas called perfon rhar J1Jall railcvpon the l!Jdgc,orfpc~KC :o ~~a~ Apo(lie. euill ofth< /1Hltr of hr<p-.ple, is a grcarertranfAnd thus we fee, what be the Differences grclfour ofGods commaundemc_nr, ~hen he of Sinscouching all which, this mull be held that muleth , or nbuf<th an ordtnarre man, and remembred for a Ground, That eucry Exod.2l.z8. finnc,in what degrcefueuer ir be, is m~rt~tllof The~hirdis, ~he thing done in ~·hich the irfclfc:and no Unne isvmia/lin itownc nature. off~:ncc IS comrmttcd. !hus r~ fal!ific rb:wo~d For the wages ofcmry(innc i4 dcatk· Ron1.6: 2 3. ofGod,a!'ld toprophan~ hu wo~·P:f andfcru:cc, ~s AndJCrJrjcdiscuery one,th4tcontmucth not mall much mo_re abhommabie.mhJs fight, then IS thin~l that arewritten in the /;ook._eofrhe L4w, to the folfifpr.g ofthewordof aman,or the ab~1fc do<rhcm,Gal. 3.1 o. This ground mull be hol· ofhumaneJ~wes and ordinances.Thusagam, den aoainll the Church ofRome, who in her B the hurttng and tndamagmg of the pcrfon Cafe.diuinitie, vfeth to pacific the confciand life ofour nei;hbour,ts a more odious of· cncc,bytcachingmen, that rundry finnes are fcncc,then isthe di011Diflllngofhts goodsand vemall. outward dlate: 0\lld the hl\fH,hAt redcunderh sea. 10. by our dcfaulc vnco bis (oule, is more otfen– Ciue encry way, then che wrong rhat is offered Now though cuery IJnnc ofit felfe be morvaro his bodie. tall,yetallare not equally mortal!: but fome The fourth, isrhe place where it is done. more,fomeleffe. For the better vndcrllanAccording to this Circumllance, if a man ding whereof, it is tobe remembted, that in lhall either fpeakcor do any thing,thatcomes Gnno there be fundry lleps and degrees,whervndertbe name of a breach of pietie or iuby oneand the fame Gnne,may belelfened or llice,in publtkc place,as in rheconJ."gAtion, m incrcafcd, and fo become more or Jelfchai.. open courr, orgeneral/a{fomhly, and that with nom before God. publikeand generallfcandall; hcisagrcatet If it be asked, now can thio be? I anfwer; ofli:ndour,than ifhe fpakeor did rhelamc at that Sinne rn:1y admit aggrauarion, orcxrc.. homc 1 in his houfcorclofet. nuation,fundrywaies: fictl, by the circum· C Thcfifr istheEnd; In regard hereof, he !lances,whichare principally (cauen. that Ucaleth from another, tbar whereby he The fidl, IS the fubied, or perfo• Honing. may fatisfic b1s hungcr,and faue his.l!fc,bcing Forcxample:The!Juneofapublikcperfon, Js driucn to exrrearncncccfiiric, offendeth in a morcha1nous 1 yea morcmorraJJ, rhcnrhe tin lower and letTer degree, then rhc rhecfe that of a priuate man, becaufe he is in cmincm robbeth by the high way fide/or this end, to pi:J.ce , and his aCboos are more excmplanc enrich himfelfeby the hATes ofother mc11. andlcandalous ,then the actions of inferiour The lixt is the Manner ho~ ?Thus he that men. The feru.tnt tba( ~o~c; hi&m.'rfhrs will, commirrerh vncleanenes in the outwardatl, 1fha cloth it nor,is the greater finncr,and 01all doth more gricuouOy tlane,and with greater endure a greater pum0m1cnt, then he that fcandall, then ifhe oncly entertained an vn· neglects the fame vpon limple ignorance, lcleanethought into his heart. And he thar Math.I 0.15. The Miniilerand Dtfpenfcr of linnerh offer purpofe and prefumption, or o rhc Word,ifhe be vnfaithfull and vnprofita· obllinare and refolued malice againll God, ble,bis offence,and con(equenrly his punifh. bath proceeded vnro a higher degree of ini· ment,ISfarregreaterthen orher mens,Math. qui tie, rhen if he had fallen vpon ignorance, D infirmirie, o_r difordered and dHiempcrrd affection. tnlike manner, rhe finne of the !ewes, in forcing Pi!arc by theirthreatning rcarmes( as that he u:asan cnernie to Cxfar, &c.) to the vniutl condemnation of Chrill Ic(us,~as an hightr degree, then rhefinne of Pilatehimfdfc~ who yccldingvnrothcir im· porrunitic pronounced fcntcnceagain!l him, Ioh. 19. 11. The lallisthe time,which alfo Cerucstoaggr~uate the Gnne. Forordinaric dfobcdicnce in the time ofgrace, and wilfuiJ 5· I~· The fecond is,the obieel or partie which is offended. In thiS refpect tt was rhar rhe !ewes dtd more ha.inouOy iin in crucifying Chrifi theSonneofGod, the L9rdofg/qrje, thendid rheir fathers which per(ccurcd aod ktlled the Prophets. Againe, the word of God rea– chcth)that the iniurierhat i£ done vnro tho(e "'home God tenderly Ioucth,is (arre more difplealiog vnto htm, then itir were do~e to others. He that toHchuhyoee, (faith the Pco· phet, me:.tntng the ! ewes h1s chofcn and be. loucd people)touch<th theappleefhi& rye,Zach. 2 S. Themanthatdeuifcth mifchicte againll his harmclelfc brother that dwe~1eth p<aceably /;y him, commttreth 3 finn~: m on odious vnco God anJ man,Prou.)·'9 Pfal.7-4- He that is / called and conucrred vmo God and Chnll, neglect ofGods calling in rbeabound>nce of mc.11.nes,is a grear de~le moredamna;blc,thcn thecommifTion oHinne, in rhe da1esof igno– rance and blmdnctfe, when the like meanes arewanrmg. Tbefecond1rnyto aggrauate finn,, is by addtttonoffinnero linne: and thar is done &,Pct,2,ti. ·----~----------------------------------------------~---_;~n-d~ry~·-----