Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

- ,. 152. J1(ommentarie 'Vpon - Cliap_.3: -~ hur!: euen bccaufe they make aleague with\A This I tpeake J nor 10. ceofure and COD· I thediudl. . . dem11e rhe!awesor rh" or any orhet corn. ' -!.ample ;,l:le that Maf}hemeth th• ••meof i monwealrq r,bur onely ro !hew hqw farre Iu. Gllli,fhAIIbeputli>death,Leu1t, %4.H;, Vnder, 1 dicialllawea h~uF !lioralityjluhem1 &~an4 l £land this Jaw of manifell and notorious ' in force, . , • .. I blafpheni1es,iha.tpe~rce through God,jiS thq 1 .'therhird quelli'on ,ir, .;,har it 9utguide \V.or~s import: and then it is a· mainc fe.nfe t<? ! now10 rhe11mc ofthe ne:J.~Llam.entfeelnJ I ih~ third comruaundemcnr. ForGods name.\ 1 rhe Re¥mcnt and law of ..~/tr isabro~;,a;~~l may in no wife be abufcd, and rro~d vnde~ , ,A•(l!'. heoutwardgutcl~·tsrhe Doanneof i'9ote: and therefore blafphemers pearcing i rhenwr~Jl law,anaofth~Gqfpcl.ltiubere-· · : Ccvtare to becur off. This isrhc very law of I fo!~called! f.; mid•-.Jl}e fi:"ff• ofGod Pfat Narure,asapcares by Nabuchadnezzar,wlio I l3,and1h'eroiJd,.fh~ mo•il>.ffa.i 1.4.The In• i gaue in commlundemcut to his people, that J ward guiJe,is _rhe SJ>i~ll'of9od.,_ wrir[qgr6~ ·wltofocucrblalphcmed of rhetrue 1 Iawes ofGod 10 our hea·lts,apd by th~l\1.g41r God,010uld be pur to deaih,ban.J.19.Herc i dmgvs,and being a law vnrovs, Rom. 8-·3· n,?tc,rhat matllfcll and conufded Arhcills;if i 'i· Thirdly , God by manirold a'f111dions they be putto death , haue burrhe1r dolerrs. ~ 1~urtuus and fchoolcs vs partly to preucill Exatllple 4. He tlwcurfah father or m•ther ~nncsro come, and partly robumble gs for jha~dieJiJedwh,Leuir.4 9· Thislalvisane: i that wliic;h is pa!l,t.Cor-,1.~·3 :.lcqt,i_g, ; , cdf~ri:fenfcto rhc fifth comnuunJement, Tbcvle, S.oingthe law IS abrogare<j,(-jis..l and /pholds the honour that is dueropa· l hau~(atd) lj'CmuI~ be a free and voluhlarie ' rents. I people, ferufng God nor\ Jfc'onl!ralni,·6ur ' I '{:.xamplc;.He~,hat/mtlttaman,th~rbedir 1 I ivilllngfy, asif·th<rc werinolawtOCOnljl~ll ' I fballdie~hetleath, 1,. Torhtslaw j vt.AQn.Mitm'f:~lflow,IU~~~r.1 tot6tmoitnt~mf ! I there is no exccprio made buione,& that is, ~~keLorJ.l a. l , 1, Th1 people If' allcume wiU(ng: , ,lvhi!n a man is killedat vnaw:rrcs. Ao<lit is I ?!nlhe.I~Jof•ffi'mfi].,Pfai,JI 0.3.f•tbedpies for bis equirieperpetuall. For iiisa maine& 1 o/iolm]laprift; tbe(jngdomr o/hr.imnfoffer;d ', I dtted fenfe to the Oxth commaundemenr. ' 'vio/m~r.Icreq1iC [aith~tht}/!;1111lt11ch tulrym.m ' ' ConGder an other reafon, Numb.3;.13· The l hiJr~:e,gh~DHr AndhU ~rorhir,'h~em.31.)1. be~ "'Aoleland(fallh the Lord)fb~O.~f.d'filedmrh, I caufe men !h~lllcarnc freelywithourcom~iil.' : ' booJ,~t/1 h11blood be {hedthat kj_fedf.m••· j Goo,or callingvpon.He~~iHhe fault,< o~r ' , Example6Thead•ltmr~1~theadHiurefe rimes. Mtn~fay inheatttoChrill, DefFA ' - flnul horh be f"'" de.:h 1 L<Uii•?-..':·.T)11S ludtCI· C from,~s,wuwtN"'"e of•hJw•ies; and many a;, ' all ferues ro vpho!d an,d mam!~tne dlf(huc, galneare zealous for rhc things of rhi~ life, ·whichisrheend ofthefeuentlicbmmaunde- : bur for duties pertaining ro Gods worJhiP,> menr. Marke withall,rhe reafons, Leuir. :o, ' and the fal~tion oftheirfoulos,rbey are nei· 1i,z3, [,,flrhtland (pueyou"" :'and fmhofe : 'rher hoitiorcold.Thisnegligence and tlackI tpingJ, that is, for fufl'ering this and other ~ nelfeis ful ofdanger:& rh!rcforewlrh fp«dc finnesvnpuni01ed, the q.. uiles w.rec•ft •111. · tob'eameoded. Fort~~rfedjs hr thatdcth •'f• : It may be faid,thar Chritl did norcondcmne work,rofGod••t,l•gentll:and the Lordwjllfpuc 'rhewomanro death, which was taken in~· . ourfuchperfons. · ' . dulrery.' Anfw, He came to be aMediatour, ; ar;, FerJ' are..U thefonnm{qod hJf•ilbin and not a Judge, or Magiflrare. lris~ilead· ' Chrift le(m. ged, rhat'Ziauidwas.nor put ro death for a· 2 7Jor4Uyethatarr hllftifodi"'•Chrijl,haue dulierie. dn(wer, Hewanhe highcLl in the P""" Chrift, kingdome:rhctc was none to iudgc him, A- .•8. Th;re fs ntither It-tt~niJJ' Grician: thtrr i4 gaine,irrnay be faid,rhartfadultery be death, nmhtr b•nd norfru:ther,e_unmbrrmaltworft• then innumerable hcrfons mull die.A•j.We malefiJJ'1••reaU•ne in Chrif/lrfm. mull doe thatwhic wcfindcro berhe willo( D Paulhad faid before, v. 25. thatthe bdee• God;and tb<euents of things mull bcleftto uing I ewes after rbe publilhing of the Gof. -God, · pcl,w<re no more vnder the law as voder a The fecondnote,whcreby we maydifccrric fchoolema!lcr: In this a6.verfe,bcrendcrsa aiudiciall law to be morall for his equity, is reafon hereof: and it may be framed on this this;lfit follow necclfartly and immediately manner: Ifwe Iewes were 011l vndcr rhe Jaw from rhc light,principles,andcondulions of asvnder a fchoolemafler, rh<nwe Jhuuld be na\ure.:l'or example,Dcut.: t.5.Themanfo.U llillafier the manner offcruanrs: but weare notput ontb~ thinfJ th4t •pptrtame toth6 'P'OfJl4rt, norafrer rhe manner offeruants: b<raufe we mrthewomifn the things that npperra;nn• the are children:for eucn ye Galatians, and rhat man.Thislaw is morerhcn Judicial!: for it is allofyou; are children ofGod, not bycira Rule of common honefloe: praai(ed in . cumcilion, or bytbc keeplngofrhc Jaw, bur thofe connrries,by the light ofnat•rt, where·. by (airh in .Chrill. Againe, rhar rhey arc the written Joaw was ncuer known.And things children ofGod 1 he prociues irrhus: Ycarc good and honell which nature teacheth, are baptifed inroChri(l,and in bapttfmeyehaue moral! and mull be done. This isPaulsrule, puronChri!l,in rhatyearcroynedworhhtm, Dolh"rJdtn!ltHreteachthW11.Cor.I1.14. and haue felfowO•ip wnh h1m, whoruhcna·j turail ·-