Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap+ · the~Epi~le to ,the qalatians. 25~\! turail fonncofGod: therefore ye-afefoJmes A a~J heaue!~ and ear~h, J.Cor.;.,zi_.hc ofGod.Ic may bc(a~d,AIIchddren of. God ? hathmle mthiS hfc, and !hall haue poile~IJOn aU baptized? all put on Chrifl? how.can this; in the hfc ~o come. Aga111e, he that 1e ~ods bel fccingfome>reicwes, Come Gentile!; ch1ldchatn the Angells of God ro renuon fomebond,fomefree; Come men/ fomewOhim, and_tomuutlcr vmohtm for 1l1s good men. Theanfwer is madeverfe :7·. l.f!crc ar:e and (alu:ltlon, Hebr..a.J-f. , . d'lfcr·cndcs ofmen indeed, but lA Chnll all · ','fhe firll argument wlmeby the adopuon a~c as one. · ~ · ofGods childrcn·l5 fet forti~, is con~er~mg In thefe words I confider two things.The 1heperfonsro whome lt belo'uget(> ; .tQIIlcfc 6rU is,tlie bencfit~r gilt bellowed on theGawords, .111 J-".arethech>ldr<i•offJod~"So P•iil latiJns, which is fonne-O•ip,adopli'4f 1 ·orthc fau!J, all tbeEphefans are;EMI i epbe(.I.J. conditiOn of Godicbildren. The {ecood i's, And Pact callc:.: all them ro whom ncwr1tcs, the defcription of this benefit by roult :frgu. r,P.ct.I.r. Elcfl ; and iolm t.epii!.J. th<.ch•lmenti.The firll is,by checircurnfianceofthe drm<ifGad.AndJimern·they. folow the •udgeperfons,J<•llarechildr<n ofGad, Thefecond menr ofch,,mir, leauing all fecretiudgencers Js,the iraward meanes, namdy 1 fa,th•n Chrl/1 eo God. Hec~e lobfcruc onc..thu.lg,th~r eue:- l<(u.r. ·The third "• the outward meanes,or B r~ greeuous·fall doth not abol!lh .d~c 1auour the pledge ofadoption) 1~are4~b.cpriz.ed;,a of~od, andexungu11h rhc grace_ or- r~geneta Chrlft. The !all io, the foundatLOn ofadoprauon . Forrhe <;;alaCJans cued IOthdountion and that is, topNton Chrift, or, t~lue o"' dat1ono(rcllgton,alJd had fallen aw2y m anwirh1hilil. , ,. other Gofpel : and yet Panl(aith, thaflhi; For the bett<rconceiuing ofrhe.benefite, •we(forallrhJS) rhe<hildrmo(lj.od, and not 3.quelliO.s may bcmoucd. Thefir!l is,whofe (ome,bu~4/loftht,m: Thistr.u~rh may.bcfeen_e {onsrheGalarians were/ An[. The fonne. of byexpmence. ,J hech1ld o(God i>eforehu God. I cmay be faid, how the fans ofGod/ I fall, hathapurpofenotro linr\e:in the timeof anf1\'Cr againc,God is calleda father, in z.retcmptacionwhch in f~lltng, hce Datha fpeel!: nril,he IS a fa<hcrirt rcfped·of.Chrill, llrifc :after he is fallen,he lierh not in hi• fair, rhc ctTcntiall word: & then God"ligmfic& the as wicked men doe, buthce.1'.c.wuer.echibini.L ' firCl perfon. Agame,God is called • father in lclfe by new repentance.;A:nd dri~OieiVs,that . refpc&of men cletl ro faluatJon !·thell the , thech1ld of GoU·by bi..fall d.och.oot rct"rne nameqod IS put indefinitely: artd ircompreagiilleto the ell.ate•and conauionofwicked hends norondy the firfl: perfo11, but alfo tbe men' When Saintlah,;faarh, huzhatuborn~ fon,& holy Ghofl. For all three doe equally C ofqod{j,m<~hnor,his.meantl'rgrsrhis! hetbt regenerate them that areadopted. And Paul 1s borneofGod, ifhe faH into any offence of fa11h ot the godhcaJ mJefinitely: thmuanc fra~ry,yct doth he not makea praCltfe o(lin, Gad& father<{af..Eph.4.6.And whe wepray, asthe w1cked and vngodly doe. faying. Ot~r{dthtr &c, we inuocare not oncly Ir may bt: laid, the GaJarians, and all tha thefirll perfon, bur alfo the Sono<, and holy Galatians areihecbildrenofGod :but what Gho11. AndthefonofGod,JSexp.reOycalJstbattovsl An[. Tbeyamongvsthatpro. led thtf~dJtr 9/ tternjue,m refped of vs,l(a.9. felfc true fairb 111 Chnll, wtrh care to kec~ 1 veiL 6. and he is CaiJtobaNe hM feed, !fa. 53· good confciencc 1 arciJkawJ(ero hold rhem~ verf.r'r. !cluesto be£hildrcn ofGod, Hee beleeu<th The.fecond quellion io,inwhat refpoCl are I · norrhc Gofpell, that dooth rtotbelccuohi• the GalatiansthechildrcnoFGod? .AnfiP<r, 1 O••oeaooprroh. ' For m theGufpel there is a AchildeofGod is two waycs :· b; nat""• by prormfeof all the blef!ings ofGod, to them grace. The child ofGOdbJ na.rure,is CJuill, thar hGieeue /JanJ there IS alfo acommautlasbe isthc cwnall (onneof God. ·.A:childe D ,Jemenr to apply tile (aide promi(epnd con- ' !Jy grau, isthree wayes. By creattlln;: thus A 4 ' /equenrly, fl) apphc the gai"r of Adoption to d;,m bdor~his fall,aGd the good Ang~lls are ' our fe!ucs, When we< arc b1dden to fay,Oor the chJid,eofGod.Secondly, by theptr/ona/1 farher, wearebidden to beleeue our {dues te> tmion: rhus ChriH aS' heisman is'thcchald of bechildren ofG 0 D, and fotocome vnto God. Thirdly, hJ the graceofadoprton·, thus him. Therefore •·Jth P••l I (ay, that all we areall true beieeucrs,and in tOi·s td..t theGarhat trucly h<"leeuc in Chr1fl, and hauecare latians are (aide tob~e·rlu tbildr""'ffJad'. In to leade a good life, alii fay, are indeede tlie thisgraceofadoptitin,llherehelf•wo atls of children of God, God : one is Aatpwio•, whenor Thevfe. Comfortsarrfing by this benec~pts men for h_1s'ch1hhen.Thc..other is Refitc,are many. Fidl, if thou b'" Gods ch!lJe, J.tncr,lion, whet"eby men ::Ire bornc.ofGod, (urely hee will promde all thing! necelfarie when theImag<of.God rs rcllored in them, for thy (oule and body, Uilath. 6.2 6, Our in nghteou0ldfejand· tru~ holi1~·e.Jte. ·:are mu!l bee tO d..,e theoffice anddutiethat Thl! rhird ·qoe"U.i'drris, what,fnhe exceloclongs vnto vs: w'hen this is done ourcare lcncieof this bancfitl A•f. Grea~eueryway, . is ended, ·A• for the good fucceil;ofour la• lphn r~u: h~ewhlcl>isti1echJideofGod, IS bout!,we m"fl call ourcare on God who wil herf~·and fcll()\~titire-wtrh Chr.•IJ";Pbm.8!17. prouide that no good thing bcwant;novnw andchat ofthe kmgdomcofheauen, andof vs,Pjai,J4.1o. They that drownernerr:'fclucs Y in1