Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

254 ruf Commentarie "Rpon Chap.3. in worldly cares,liuclike tathetlelfe children. A Secood1y,in that we arcch1ldren, we hauc libertie to come into the prefcnce of God, and to pray vnto him,Eph. 3. 1z. Tbirdly, nothingOJall hurt them that are the children ofGod. The piagur fh•llnot come nurrtheir tllbcrnac/c:they fb•ll walk.!vpon r he IJ· on and t/Je 11jfre, and tuadt them vnder footc. Pfal.91. J 3· t:.ADthingsfhallturncto theirgood. Rom, 8. z8. And the tather; becauferhe Angels of God pitch their· rcnrs a~out them. \ Lafily,God woll beare wi,th the infirmities and frailroes of them that arc his childten, 1f rhere be in them a care to pleafe him, with a purpofe of not linning. l'vlaJ. 3 .J 7· If a ch1ld be ficke,the faohcr or morh-er B doe nor cafl i: our of dare> : much lclfc wJII .God, . T he Juries. FirO, ifyepcGodschildrcn, then wal~.c worthie your profdlion •nd cal– ling. B=norvatfallsoHinner.nd S&tan:carric -your fooncs: beartng fway o– uer theluih.~efyourownc hear.ts, the temp– tations ofthe deuill, and thelcudcuflomes & fa!hions ofohisworld. When D>uid kept hisfathers Oicepe, he behatred bimlelfelikea lhepheard.: .butowhen hewas called from the 0Jeepefold,and chofen robe king, he carried himfelfeaccordingly.So mull we doe,rhatof children ofthediuill, atemade the children ofGod. And ifweliue •ccordmg to.thdulls ofour Ae!h , as rhe men of rhis world doe, C whatfoeucr \Ye profctfc, 1ve arc inc.truth the children of the dlmll. Iolm 8. •·er[. 44- 1. l oh.J. •. .. ·1 Secondly, we muCl vfeeuery d:1y to bring our fclues mro the prefcnccof God. and we mull doe aiJ things as in his tight,& prefence, prefcming our felucs vnto him, as inUru~ mentsofhisglorie indoingofhiswdl. This is the honour that the cholde ofGod owes vnro him.Mal.1.6. Thirdly, our care mull be(according ro, the meafureof grace) ro refemble Chrifl in all good verrues,and holy conuerf.,ion. For he is our eldef! brotherthe firfl borne ofmo– ny brethren:and therefore we Oiould be like vrito him.l./oh.3·'•3· D Fourthly, we mull haueadefireandloue to the word of God, rhot we may grow byir, in knowledge,grace,andgood life.For this is the mdke and foode whereby God feeds his choldren, 1 .Pet.z,:.Suchperfons then among vs, that hauc no loue or liking ofrhc word, but fpend their daicsin ignorance, ~ndfecurity, 01ew thcmfclues to be no children of God. The child in thearmcsofrhc mother ornourcc,that ncuer ddires the brcfl; is cer– tenly a dead child. Lafily, we mull put this in our accounts, that we mull hauc many afHitlioni, ifwe be :Gods children' for hecorretls all his chiJ. dren. And when we arevnder rhc rodof cor– re_tloon,we mull rcGgne<>ur felucs ro the.will andgood pleafure ofGod.This iscbildloke o– bedience:and this mufl be done in Glcnce,& withall quietneife: then God i• bdl.pleafed, The internall meanes of Adoption , it Faorh in·Chrifl, And for thebetter concei– <ting oflt, three queflions are to be propoun– ded, The 6rll, whata kindeoffa11h isthis! dn(. A particular orfpecial foith: and it bath three ads or dfetts. The firllis, to beleeue Chrill robe le["', that is,a Sauiour , the fe– cond is ., robeleeue that Chrillismyor thy S~uiour: th~ third is, to put theconfidence ot hart in him. WhcA Thom.u felt the wounds ofChrill,hefaid,MJ Lord, and my God: and thereupon Chrill faid,BtcaHfo thouhajl(eetu, thcubeluueft,Ioh, 1.0.19. Here marke that to beleeueChrilltobeemyChrifl, isf;ioh. A– gainll tbisfpcciallfaith, the Papi!ls obie(\ 3. argunienrs. Thefirflisthis' Euery fj><ciall faith mull·haue afpeciall word ofGod for his &round:but there is nofpeciall word thar thy lmncs,or my fir.nes, arc forgiuen by Chrill: therefore thereis no fpeciall faioh, A•("''"· Wehauethar wl11ch in forceandvalueise– quiuolenttoafpec~all word: namely, agene– ral promi[e,wlth acommandcmcnt ro apply thefaid promife toour fdues.Secondly,l an– fwer, thattheword and promife of God ge– nerally propounded in Scripture, is made particular in the publike Mmiflerie,on which when the.word is preached to any people, God rcuealcs z., rhmgs vnto them: one, that his woll is to fauc them by Chrill: the other, rhat his will is that men flwuld beleeue io Chrifl . And the word thus applied on the publokc MioiUerie in the nameot God, is as much as if an Angel! lbould particularly fpeakc vr1tovs from heauen. Thefecond Argument. Special! faith(fay they) isabfurde; becaufebyitafinnermull beleeue the pardon ofhis finne•, before hce hath it; in asmnch a5 faith js the me~mes to obraine pardon, An[. Thegiuingand recei– uing ofpardon &faith, are both at one mo– mentoftime.: for when Godgiuestl1e par– don offinnc: atthc fame inllant bee caufetb men to recciucthe fame pardon by faith.For order ofnature,faithgoeth before the recei– uing of the pardon ( becaufefairh is giuen to them that are to be ingrafred'into ChriU,ond pardon to them that ore in Chrill) for time it dorh nor: and therefore tbisfecond Argu– ment isobfurd. Thethird Argument. Thefullcertenrie and peofwalion of Gods nlerdc in Chrill, follow.cs g~odconfcicnceand good workes: andtherfore.fairh follows af<er Iullificarion. Anf. There be z. degre~s oflaith, Aweake faith,&a Urong fairh. A weakc faith isrhar, againCl which doub.ring much preua1lcs? In which there is a [orrow(oi vnbcleele,a w1ll & defireta beleeue in Chrifi, wioh care to vfe good meaHs 1 and to increafe in faith, .Strong faith isthat 1 which preuailes agoonfl doub– ting, and it is a fullperfwafion, or refolution of ; '