Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1 Chap. 3· the Epijfle to the Cjalatianr. . 255 \of the Iouc and mercic of God in Chrifl. A ccmed; AIIJe_~Galatimuthatb~tuu~, l!lrtiNtp.. I Thisfccond dcoree of faith foilowes iu(lifi- '"''dinto {hri/1. ForPardhadfatd immediat1 c~tion vpon rh;ob(eruarion and experience 1y beforc,Tcarcrhc(ons ofGod fry {11ith. Again, i ofthe ~routdcncc, an_d goodnelfeo( God, theScriprurcfpeakingofbapllfme,comprc1butthe fir!! degree ot fpeciall faith before hendoboththcoutwardandrhcmwardbapnamcd for order goes before iulhficarion, rifme, 1vhich is the inward bapttfcneof the andfor;imeis tooetherwith it. fpirit,Matb.J.II. and I.Pet,J,U. And thus The fecqnd q~e!lion is, when fitilh begins "baptifn~ealways an infalltblc markeofthe fir(}toboeede in the heart/ An(w.• Whcna childofGod, man beginnes to be touched in his confciIt may further be domandcd, what are the cnce forhis linne~ and vpon feeling of his markes of dJe imvard bapttfme I An[. Th~ ownc fplrltuall pouertlc, ear?el~ly hungers new b1rth,whcrcbyaman1s walhed andcltn.. and rhir(}safter Chri(l and hiS flghteoufnes fed by thefpiriteofGod, bath three fpectall abou:all thinosin the world. Chri!l faith, I markcs. The fir!! is, thcfpirit of grace and will giu~ tohim~hat tbi.r(tethofth~we/1 oft?e 19A· fupplication~,zttcha~.I z.1o. rhar is,the fpirit teraflif;Jruly, Reu. 11. G. TillS promrfe de- B of regcneratton,cauilng men to turn to God, claresthar m thirCling there•ISa mcafure of and·wuhall, tomakemftant prayerand fup· faith. To eate and drinke Chri!l the bread plication for mercy and forgiuenelfe of fins and wateroflife, is to beleeuc in him: and to pall. Thefecond, isto heareand obey the hunoer and thir(l,hauingasitwereafpirimal voycoofGod in all things,/ohn 8.47.and to, app~tite toChrHt, iuhc next ilep rorhis ea· 27. The third is, not to Hnnc, that is, notto tino and drinkmg.Thereforcthis mu(} be reliuein thepraClifeofany finne.after this Pew me~1brcd,rharprofclfoursofrheGofpel,yea birth is begunne, J./ohn 3· Hec thAt iJ6or'11erf teachers ofthe fame> that wane this[enfe of Glld,dothnt~r comn:it (im-u. He may faiJe in 1his their vnworthmes, and this thn(ling,arc far orthat (peach, and doe amilfe m this orrhat w1dc,what gifrSfoeuer they haue:for they arc at9 ion ; burafrer his calling and conucrflon, not ycc come to the fir(\ !lcp oftrue faith. the tenourand courfcofhis life, Chal! bee acThe rhirdqll<'!lionis,.howfaith in Chriii carding to thecommaundcmenrsofGOD. is conceiued in the bcartl An(. It is not faith And tbis is a fpeciall markc to difcerne the to concciue in mindea bare perfwafion, that inward baptlfme. ChriG is my Sauiour:.& thereupon to think Some al!eadge , that hauing-long agoe 10 b.Caued. But faitlJ ill Chn! conceiued beene baptized with water,yerthey feele not in fpirituallexerci(csofinuocarion&repen- C the inward baptifine: and therefore they ranee. When! fee mineowne fins,and Gods feare that they are not thechildren of God. anger againil me for themby theLaw ;when AnjJPtr. Ifthere beo intheeaforrow for thy I fee mineownc guiltines, I draw my felfe tn· corruption •nd fins pa(l : ifthou ha(} a purto the prefenceofGod,making confcllion of po(e to linne no more; ifthou auoyde(l the mine offences, & prayer for pardon ofthem, occalions offin, and fcarel! to offend: if haand in this prayer I (lrmc again!I mine vnbe: uing finned,thou liell not in thy finne,but releefe, I will, delire, and indeuour to alfentto couere(lrhy felfe by new repentance : thou the promife of God touching forgiuenes: & art verdyborn~ofGod, and baptized with withall, I rurpofe with myfelfe tofinneno thebapttfmcottheholyGho!l, more. This is my daily praClifec and thus is Othcrialleadge, thatalthough they hauc fai1h truly conceiued,and con6rmed. Again, beene baptized, yet they feare they haue no faith isconoeiued in thevfeof ho!ymcanes, D faith: and therefore theythinke they are not 1 namely, tbe preachtng ofthe word, ~ndSatbe children ofGod. An{. Ifthere beitn,hee 1craments . For tn hcarmg,and rece1utng the a farrow fotthme vnbeJ1efe,a "'ill and de(Ire \ Lords Supper tomeditate vpon the promrfe to beleeue, and a carero increafe in faith by ofmercie, & in mediwion to apply the faid the vfcofgood meanes, there is a meafore of promife to my felfe, isthe right way to con· rrncfaith in thee, and by itthou maill allUre ceiuerrue faith.Thereforeit mull berememthy felfc tharthouart thechilde oiGod, bred, that faithconceiued withourtheexerOthers again alledge, thatthey hauelong c1fesof rnuocat1on and repentance, or conmade prayer vnto God, and that according ceiued withoutthe vfe of the word and Sato his will;and yetthtir prayers haue not birt craments(ascornmoly it is) is nottrue faith, heard : and therefore they often dcubtthey butan imagination or fiction of the braine, arc not Gods children, An(wtr, Ifthou canll which will faile m the end, pray,though thy prayer benor heard accorThe third pointto bee conGdered, isthc dingto thy defire,conrentthy felfe, Forthe fignc , orthe outward meanes of Adoption, prayer of the heart isthe marke ofthefpiand that IS Bapttfme. It may bedernaunded, rt1 ofadop11on.Rom.8.16.16.And by iithotl ho1v Baptilinecan be amarkc or figne ofthe mail! know that thou art the child ofGod. childeof God, conlidering allfurtsof men Thus then we fee what is the infallible ,are partakers ofit? An{wer, Baptifme alone markeofthe chrldofGod;oamely,baptifine J IS no marke ol Gods cb,Jd,but bapttfmewyroyued with true faith in Chrt!l or the outnedwith faith: forfo n1ua the Text bee conward baptilrne ioyned with th;inward bap. Y z tifme