Jl C ommentarie "Ppon tifmcof thcSpilit. Thcvfe. Many auouch A the prefcnt church of Rometo becthe true Church ofGod: &that bccaufc,they fay,in it there is trueb:.pt1fm~, \\ hichiiamarke of the Church ofGvd. Botthey are deceiueJ: for b~ptifmcin the cborch of Rome isfeuercd frf'm true faith, or from the Apoflol1ke doC\:nnc: & the outward baprifmc is fc:uered from the inward bapr1fme. For they ofrhar church, ouerturnc iutlific"tionby che Ale ere mcrcieofGod, which is the prmcipall put ofdH~i,N·arc.i bapttfine. A game, the tcnne Tribes rc:t~ined cucumcJfion after thc:it a– pollalic :yet feral that condemned to be no peeplecf God, Of'· 1. 9· The light in the Ianthorne pertains not ro rhe IJmhornc. but B ro the palfcngen an the flreetc : cucn fa the. confdlionof faith in theSymbollof the A · 1.pofiJcs,and bapulitlc,thar are retamed in the Papacie, pe.rr,~;menot to the P.~pacie, bur to another hiddenchurch, which by thefc anJ orher meanes isbathered out of che midddl ofRomi01 B•bylon, And thcrforebaptlfmc israrheraligncofchis, th~nofche Romill1 church, Aga~n,wernufi be \.\'arned to take heed thar we dece1uc nor our fducs,think1ng it a fuffici~ enr matter that we hauc bin baptize< 1.For ex~ cept ChrdlmwarJ!ywaf11 vs by his fp1rir, 1re harunop,;zr; in him,l:;h, J J.8.Ctrctumifion)falth P 4 td) a~ailcthiJOt, "t.r.l.:JTcthoJS be 11 doer of the law,llom.%.2 s, BapCifillC indeedfauerlt, l,Pet. J.Zt. but that IS not the bapr1fm ofwatcr,btlt C thejlipHf,m"onof a goodconfe~rna, h] the refur· "a" "ifChn/1. The outward bap11fn·e with– our the 1nward, IS not rhc marke of Gods child, but tbe marke of the foole that makes a vow:and aften~ard breakcs ir, £tlef·5·3· minillecie. Thu• ApoU" is laid to teach the way of the Lord, k_n,.ing nothmg botth'b•p- . ti/m,(th>tis,thcdoClrine)of/ohn, AU.!8.:s. In tlie·thitd ft:ttfc is b•ptifme taktn tn this pbce, whenP.•11i fauh, J«t<AUb•pti<ea intD Chrif/, The phrafe• vfed in Scripture ofbaptifme, are Orange in rca(~;o: and therefore rhcy arc robe cxpJ-ane.d. Heereit is laid, Yut!Mt Are lntpti~td mt() Chri/1, put on Chri/1. The reafon of this fpeech isrht<efold. The fidl i•thi;: thewa01tng of the body with warerJis otn cur– w;,rd figne to reprefenc eo our eies and mind, the inward .w.af1110g,and our vnion or coniun· Clioo wuh Chrill:thetfor< they thai are bap– ttfed,are fa id toprtt '"Chri/1. The (econd rea– fen is,br.caufc the wnfiungby water,fealsvn rovsour Inward mgrafclogii)to ClH1H:tor as ccrrenlyas thebody is wafhedwirh water; fo ccrrcnlyarc they that hcleeuc ir.gcafted into Chrifl. Thcthird rcafon ofthelpeech is,be– caufcbapcifmeis, afrcr afort, an inllrument wherebyour in{itioninro Chnll,and fe1Jow– f11ip with him is dfi:dcd.. For Jn rherighr and lawfull vfeofbapti(me,Godaccording tob• owncpromife ingraftsthcrn mr_o Chr1!l that 1 )eJeeuc: and rhein\Vard wal11ing is conferted wi<h theourwatd waOting. Fotthefe caufes, they rhat are wal11ed wub water in baptifme lfefaid to put tn Chrlj/, lu rhe fame manner •nu(! othet phrafcs bevndctllood,aswhen it ts[aid,titat.6apu[mt(•utth, I.Ptt.,,:l. that men m,ifl:br6aptJftdfor ;/;e retntjfisJ~ "f{im, .-1[/.; ll.&6.rh.uwu-4r1 bmJtd61 b~tprifm~ intQ the dt•tho(Ch1iji,Rom,6.3. The fccond point, conce<nst~eMatter o :)aptiCiuc. Heere I con(id~r three thing!, rhe ligne,thething lignrfied,rheonalogyoi both. The ligne,lspartly the clem<ntofwarer,Aif, &. 36. &pattlytheRite by diuineinllaution ~ppcrrainingro the clement) whtcb"srhe fa– cramentall vfc ofit in wall>ing ofthe bodte:& rhrfc z.u·arer,and external\~ al11ing ofrbe bo– dy)arc:thc fuJJ & con·~plcrefigncofbaptlfnle. Morl!out>r, IJaptif,nc JS not only a. ligneof our ~dopt1on, bur alfo a fealerhcreof, and a meansro conuay it vntovs: and (ortheber. ter vnJedlandmc ofthJ.~; poinr,and for a (ur. ther clearing ofrhc 2 7· vcrf~.·,I u.•1ll fpr:~k.eo( rhc whole nature ofbao"finc. That which IS to be dcbuercd,I redlie~ to eight hoads. I.rhe nameofbaprifcue,& the phrJ(es. II.themat· ter,HI.the forme. IV.the end. V.thc etlica· cteofbapli(me.V!.tbe nrcdfiry thcrof.VIJ. thecircumllance• .VlH.the vfe. · D Hecrca qucftion ma)' be made; Wbctber waGuug ofthe body in bapt>fme ,mull be by dipptng,or by(prrnklir.gl Anf. In hotcoun– tttcs,& 111 the bop11frne ofmen ofyeares,dip– ping •as vfed,& that by the Apollle;: and to this Pa•ialludes,Rom.6.J. and dippingdoth Touching theuame;Baprifine istakenGs:e waics. f,rf},it !ignifies thct'i.1per!lirious ~.nthingo ofthe Pbarrfes, who bound them(<iues to the bapti(mes or wanting• of cups &potS, A1('r·7·4· Secondly, it Ogn1ficsrhe wafh1ngs appointed by God in theCcremoniall Law, H,br. 9.1o, Thirdly, t< Ognifiesthatwalhing by water which ferucs to !Cale the couenant of{he new Tellamcnt,Mar,z.8. 19. Fourthly, Jt figoifics by a meuphnr,any grieUous crctfe or calamity. Thuschepaffi,>ll ()fChrill, is cdied his bapt11ine, Lu. 1 t .50. Fiftly,it ligni- ~es the bcUowing of exrraordin:trygifts ofl he holy Gholl, and that by impoOtion of handsoftheApofllcs, A[/n.5. and 11.16. L~~l_~/lntfie• the whole Ecclefiallicall mote fully reprefent cut fpirituall •·aflung, rhen fprinckling. Neucrrheles in coJJccoun– rnes,& in rhc bapti!i1lC ofinfanunew ~orn.e, fpriockling is to bevfcd, and not d•ppmg,rn refpcCl oftheir lt<alth and Jile. For the Rule ij ,NectJ!i,ieandch:tritJ difpmfe,.lfhth~ c~rt· -xonia/114"'·Vpon th1s ground,D~tt:iJ. did e~re the fhewbrcad: clrcumcifionwas not .:alwaJes rhecighrday,asappeares by the lfrae_IJrcs in the wtldernes: and for the famecaufe mthefe countries dipping may be omirre~, though otherwifea {acramenrall rite. And a n1ull be remembred,that bapt;zmg figmfirsnotonly that "'·arhino which 1s by diumg of the bodie, but alfo tha~ which i• byfprinckling. Thq