Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

the Ep.jjlle toth_eCja!atians. 257 The rhino tigniiied,or rhc fub!tatocc ofbap- ~· A rhercforCit is follie ro make repentancea di · rifmcisCb~1 (! himfelfe our Mcd~atou r, as he · !li11Cl: mcanes offa luarion, and a dilhuCl:Sagaue himfelfc to warh and clcan(e vs. Thus cramcnrfrom bapulinc. /'••/faith, thath<cleanfeth hu Church bJfhe Th~rdly, ifit bedcmaundcd,why fo many.- wafoingof,.attr,Eph.$.6. . . perfo<lsthat hauc bccnc baptized,IIUcfor all The Analogic, or proportion of both, rs this, a'ifthey had not becne bapllzed,m the on this manner.Warer refemblcs Chriflcrucommon linnesof rhcworJ~, l•kc propbaoe cified,wirhallhismerirs.Sainr/ohnfaith, The E(aus' anJ ycruoccomforr rhemfelues m 6/oodo[Chrif/ c/,.n(ethvsfromal!ourfinna, 1. their baptifmei An[JV. They doe nor know, loh,J. 7· tharis, the merit and cfncacie of and contiJer the order which GoJ vied 1n Chr~ll crucified, frecth vs from our finnes, coucnantingwith them in bapti{me:burrhey and from the gUilt and punirhmenr thereof. deale prepotlcronOy, oner 01pping rhc com· Exrcrnallwalhing ofthe bodie, refembles 10· mandemenr of repenring and beleeuing, and ward warhing bythefpirir,which (\:mds in iu· in the fir!t plaoe lay holdeof Gods promi(c, fl16cationandfanCl:i6carion, 1. Cor. 6. 11. maderorhcminbaptifme. Thisisihecau(~ Tiq. 5. The dipping ofthe body, Ggnifies B offo much prophanenolfe in the world. morrificarion,or (Cllowflup with Chri!l in his Againe, there bee many perfonsthat haue death: the flaying vnderrhe water, Ggnifies beencbaptized, whobeuerrhelcifecannot a· theburiall ofUnne :and thecomrninsour of bide toheareand readerhe word of God : & thewater,therefurretlionfrom Gnne,to new· the reafon is, becauie they obferue not the nelfe of l•fe.Rom.6..J,4· orderoftheir baptifme, firll ofal to become The third poinr couccrncs rhe Forme of dJfciples, and then tolay hold of theprolj>l· baptifme. Matth.: 8. 19. Goe tMch aUnations, fes of God. 6apti'<ing themintotheNameoftheFa.ther,&c. They likcwife are robe blamed,rhar bring Jexplanerhewordsrhus' Markc, firllitis vptheir youth in ignorance.' For they are [aide, Teach thfm, that is, make them my bapuzed vpon condition that ~hey rhall bedifciples,by calling them to bCleeue! and to :comedifciples of Chnll, when they cpme to repent. Heereweare to conGder the Order 1yeares of difcretion. And they arc by rhis ,wh1ch God obferues in making wirh man the meanes barred from all thememes ofGod: couenant in baptifmc. Fir!t ofall, heecallcs 1for we mufl,asgood difciples,obey thecommen by his word, and commaunds them ro C mandemcnr, that bids vsrurne and belccue, bcleeue and repent: when they beginneto lbcforcwccanhaueanybene6tc orprofirby bc!eeue and repent, then in the fecond place any ofthe promifeo of G<>d. God makes his prom1fe of mercie and for· La(!Jy, weare hecrc taughrin rheworkmg giuenelfe: and thirdly, heefealcshfs promife Q(our faluation, to kcepe the order of God, by baprifine. Thisdminc Order Chri!t figwhich he bath fer down vntovs in baptifmc, nifierhwben hcfauh,m.•k: thm>difciples' and which i•,firflol'all ro rurnevnto God,-accor. ir wasalwayes obferued ofGod. Before heo dlng ro all hi~ !awes:andfecon~Jy,vponour madcanycouenanr wirhAbraham, and be· conuerfion ro lay holde of !he promifes of fore befealed it by circumc1fion, bee faith to God, and the confirmation there~>£ by the him,Wal~ beforenieandGe vpright, qen.J7,1. Sacramcnr.. Thus lball we finde comfort ill And ofhis[eedc,liefaith, rhey niu!t lirU doe theprom1fes ofGod, and hauetrue fellow· righteou(neff' and iudg•menr, andthe,~hu wi.~ 01ip wirh God,ifwe beginnFwhere he hegins. bring vponrhem allrhat hebathJPok$n,Gme(.l8. Ill makmgof his couenant w,i,thvs, and end 19.10 the Ifraehrcshee'faith, tha.lthey mull (,' where he ends. And thiswemufl do nor on· turn~ ~tnd obe], 4ndthrhheewil/,;,ak)/ allhU proJy .in ~he time pfour firfi c:ouu~rfion_, but tllf~ mifcs.ndc•urnantsgood, Deut.Jo.r.6. and !fa. afterward In the rime of dillreffc and afJ,r6,17,t9. Torhele\yesPetcr{aith,.Repent D fl(C'lio 0 , andatfui:htimesas by frailtJCI~~c fir!t, and then the] foafl be6•pti>ced'foj_tbere. fa}Iand otfend,9o~. In aw~r,d_, if fo~pr~c mtflirm'ffinnu, AfJ, .;,s. .,z. AndPhfli; fa id tHe wee alway,f~~cepeour ~~f!'e,sro t!li~or•. to the Euiluch, Iflbpu bt/m,jl ,;;,,;all 1.h; ?er, weelball_fi~de rruc c.o!Dfo~~ inli!'Cand heart, tbot:m4i~ft/leh~pifA-td)AaJ8.37· Pearh. , J . 1 ; • • -••• ' Tliev(e, :fly th_iso~der wee fee, tharrhc lrfo11owef 1 .(14pti"-i•g rhrm int• the name, COI~(\)aundell1ent tobeleeueand to icj)ent>IS o~.t ztythen.4m~o[rhe Farh(r ~ $6nnt, llndhoiie more largeand geneiall, then 1hepwimfeof 6hoj/. Th~fcwor,~• fignifie : firfl, ro baptize merc1ein Chrill. 'For thccommao.n~e31<nt by the comm.,nacmenr and authority of the is giuen ro all hearers to tnrne and' belee•c, Father, Soon~, ~nd holy Gho!l : fecondly, ~nd ihe.,proruife is a\'£1~ onely ro fuch, heato baptizf by and,wirh the inuocation of ~he rers,as.~oe indeed tuin~andbeleeue :thcrcp~n)eof rhet~u~God. WhqtfomerJ<e do; i• fcire'lt;!l ~ .~alrhoo~ tli)•nagine, tharrpe proword ord"d' ,_d~; it in rh~ name of••r Lordf<; n11fe'ofr.Juariog~elqn9s gcnerallyroalma· fm,Chr~fi, rh'\,qs 1 bythemuocation ofthe kinde.' •• .' . ' ' ·, , n~n~~ ol Chriil, ColoJf. 3· '7· Thirdly, r. '}s,galne·, by thji dr'4~f' lrappeare·rtJ; 'that ~tf'l'f"''"'hena,'!'e, r,;·c, fignifiesto watl1 with Repentance belong~ 1 ro baprifme : and it is ""'''' mroker~rl.Ja~thcparrie b~ptizcd hath one ofthe fir!t thingsthat are req,...u_ir_ed_._. a_n_d~:-::'r"=h:..c:.:.nac..m...c:.e.:.olc..q~,q·p named vpon him , and - y -3 rhar