Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

A Commentarze l!pon that he is rccctuedinro the houOJOJdor fami- A lyofGod, asach1ldofGod, amembcrof 'Chri!l, and the temple of the holy Gho(l. Thu• /.cob faith in the adoption of Ephraim and Mt~naffu,Ltt the, beminr, & let my name becalhdvpoothtm.Gcn.48. 5.16. And P••l fairh,rbat rhe Corimhians might not be na– medanJ dt(l•nguilhcd by Paul, Ccpb.u, Apol– /os,becau(erhcy werenot baptized into their n:ames,butinto rhenameofChrifi,I.Cor.J. rJ.And thisI rake it tobe:he ful fcnfe ofthe phra!i:. · Hcrewefeewhat is done in baprifme; the couenant cf grace is (olcmnized betweene God and the parrie baptized.And in this CP· uenant fomc aClions belong to God, and B fometorhe panics baptized. GodsaClions aretwo.The fir(! is,the rmkingofpromifc of reconc1Jiation, rhat i~, ofremiffio9offinnes, and lifeeuerla!ling,torhcm that arc baptized and belceur. Thclecond is, the obfignation orfealing of this promifc: and that isrwo– fold:outward,or mward,The outward fealc,is the walhmg by water: and thiswa01ingferues nor to fealc by nature, bt:1t by the inlliruuon ofGod,in thefe words, bapti>;,rthem,&c. and therefore Pattlfaith,ct.... f~(the Church DJ the wafhinuofwaterinthcword, Eph.S'.lG. The in– ward Cealingis by the earne!l of Gods fpirit, Epb. I.IJ.The aClion of rhe parric baptized, is accrraine{bpulation,or obligaricn, whereby he bindes htmfelfe!o giue homage to rh< C Father,Sonnc,and holy Gholi.Thishomage ·!hnds in fairb, whereby all the promifes of God are belceued,and in obedience to all his c~mmandcmcnts.The figneofthis obligati– on is,rhat the partie bapttzed willinglyyeelds · himfelfcto bewaO;od with water. Iris not faid'; lnthenameojCod, butintl:,~ nameof the Failw, Sonne, andholy Gho/f: to tr..tch vs rherighrway to know& to acknow– lcd"ethe true God. This knowledge !lands in f~~epoints,all here exprclfed. The firltis, that there is one God, and no more. Fot though there be three that arc named, yet D HiCrc is b'ur OQC name,rhat is,one in authori- ~ rie,wtll;& worihip ofallthrce.And elfewhere, , n1en are fa~d to be baptized,in t/;cnam~of the tiord,ACl. 1o.4S. The fccond is,tharrhis one ' trueGod, istheFather, ,Sdnne, andholy ~Gtro!I.A myll-ericvnfearchable. Theth~rd, thatthefcthrccarereally dillinCl, fo as rbe Farhcris fir{! in order,the Sonnerhe fecond, ohd the bolyGho!l, notthe firll orfecorrd, Jbuttbe third. The fourth is', that they are afl \oi)e mopel~tlbr;l; l•h. s. r9; and fpecially ih l tbe afrofrt!tond!ia'rion, or couenant ma– ' king. ForrheFarher (end~the Sonnerobe o'ur Rdcemer:the Sonncwotkcs iri his owhe ,perfon.thew'ork"ofrtdemptiO\J:_& the holy l Gholl apJl!id the fame byhis ef!jeacie. The fifr is,rhat theyare all one in.wor!btp: f<lrtli~ , Fatber,Sonne, and holy Ghc£1, areioyntly rro be wor(hieped together, &·God in<hcm. 'JTbe l•fl is, that we arc to krrq,~ God, ·not~~- heisin himfelfe,butashe hath reuealcdhim· felfevnto vs in the coucnant ofGrace: and therforewc muil: acknowledge the Fatherto be our farher,the Sonoe to be our Redemer, rheholy Gb~il to be our corutorrer; and fceketogrowin the knowledge and exper~eoce ofthis, It may be demaunded, whether baprifme may_ not be a~mimllrcd in the JJaroc of Ch11fl alone, orm rhename ofGod,without menrion ofthe perfons in the Gudhead! An/. No. Forthetrueformeofbapttfme is here pr<fcttbed. If it befatd, that Pcurb!dsthem of lerufalcrn, rcp~nt a,a be bapti:c.ed into the namcof{hrift, ACl. Z.J8,I anfwer, that Peters intem in that place is, to fer downe not the forme ofbapttfme, but the cnde and fcopc thereof,wh1ch IS,tha:we may~ttaine tb true fellowlhip withChrill, The fourth point is, coqcerning the endes ofbaptifmc,whieh arefoure.The tirllrs,rhar bapufmeCerues to be aple,dge vnto v• mre– fpedofourweakenelfe, ofall rhegraces and mercies ofGod, and fpccially of out vmon with Chri!l,ofremdlion oflins,and ofmorti– fication. Secondly, it ferucsto be afigne of Chri!lian profellion before the world: and therefore it IS callcJ thejlipufarion~rinttrroga~ tiono/ttgood confcicnce. s.Pct.J.U.Thirdlyit feru~sto be a meancs ofour firll entrance vr adnullion into theviliblcChurch. Laaty, tt is a meancsofvnitie, Reade Eph. 4- S· r. Cor.u,13, The fifth point concerncsrhe Efficacy of bapttf1ne.Ofwhich there be foure necelfarie quel!ions.Thcfirll is,whether the Efficacyof bapttC.ncextcndir ~lfero a!lfinnes, and to chewholeltfe'ofmanl. Foranli•er, I will fer d01vne what we teach, and what the Papill!r We reach, that thevfe 0 fbaprifme inlargeth it felfnq the whole life of man,and that it takes away all finnes pall,prefent,& to come: one caution remcmbred, that rhe parry bap– tifcd,(land to theorder ofbaprifme, whicb is, roturncvriroGod, and to beleeueinChrill, and fo tocontinue by aconrinuall ranouati– on of ,laith and repentance, as occafiol) iball be offered. Reafons may be rhefe. Firl!,the Scripturefpeakes of them that had long be– fore beene baptifed, and th~t in the timepre– [enr,Gaptif,efaueth,I,Pet.3· ><.and.Jeare6H– ricdhj 6aptifme,into rhedcarh if Chri/f. Rom, 6. 4; Antl in the fururerenfeit Is faid, hithat belmmh·& u 6apu(cd 1 foJff6tfaHtd. AndPaHI faith, th?tfheChnrr_h'iii:lwfid>,ththei>afo– ing ofrv~(tr,that it ma_/bqf~nttdglor[qlf.! ttnd withoutJP.~t ~nto qod, EP.H. ~~z6, And,al! this 01e1VeJ t)l_lti bapti(me harh 'the fameefficacie afrer)~hi~Ch irOad ~.for.~,tpc adm~m~r~li?~ thereof. 'Secondly, the cOuenantqf.gracCJs euerl>ll1ng,Ifa.s4- I a:nM.>.19-•o'd' ·~· co– uenan~is the foul]dario,n.or fubl!anceo'(bap– tifrrl~:tHcreforc bapt_ifmfis nor :<>~.befi' a'nyrimc: burit muH h~ueh1s forc,cfolong as rhe·cbucnant is oftorCe. And this ap.. . .peares