Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap. 3· the Epijlle to the (jalatiant. 259 \ peares by the exampleoftbc Galatians, who A llfcofmatr: then if thou be many mifcw or are now fallen all'ay to another Gofpdl after dt{lretfe, haue rccourfe eo thy baprif.-nc, and Au,denupr. their baptifme, andyet ace infhuttcd and di thecc fl~altthou finde thy comfort, naor elx, I &coneup, retlodbytheir bapttfme. La(lfy,tt bath ben that God is thy God ifthou rruely turne and l.q pd the doctrine of the ancient C:hurch, chat all bclceue in him. Secondly, remember euery ~~~· 1 •'· '· fins are done away by baptifme, cucn linsro day the obligation of homage, whercwtth • ,.•;«w•rir~ 'fll:r, ! • come. The doCtrine ofthe Papillsis, thatbap– fjf,necakes away all linncsthat go before the adminifltarion thereof: and thatfinncs after baptifmearc not taken away by baptifme,but by the Sacrament ofp<nance, Butt he do– Ctrineis erroneous, as may appcare by the arguments whichtheyv(e, Argum. firll. Circumcilion had no vfeaf– ter the adminillration thereof,for the abo!i– lhing of finne. Thereforeneither bath bap· tiline. An(. CircumciOonhad. .1\ndthisap· ·peares , becaufetheProphetspu1~helewes in minde ohheircircumcilion, when they fell away from God, bidding them tocir– cumcifethe foreskinneof their hearts, lm– mit4·4· Argum. fecond. The Apolllesvfcd tocall the11,1 that Gnned after baptifme, eo confcffi– onofGnne, andtorcpcmanc:c, or penance, AU.8.zr.r,/oh,1.9.A•f. Tl!ismakes for vs: for in fo doing they brmg men to their bap· tifma,and to the order fer downc th<re,whicb is, thatthe party baptifed, mu{\ fir!I ofall turnetoGod, & belecuc in Chrifl:and there is no new order fet downe afterward,but one– ly a renewing of this firll baptifmall order, both in the mmillerieof theword, an'd in the fupperofthe Lord. And whereas they make a dillmdion ofpenance the verrue, and pe– nance the Sacrament, placingthe vertue be– fore and after baptifme, and the Sacrament onelyafter : for rhis, they baue no word of God. Argum.tbird. Ifamanh<inligbtn<d, that is, baptifed,andthenfAll againe, hecannot be re– """'dbJrepwance, whtch is in baptifmc,Heb, 6.G. Anf. The text{peaks not of them that rhou ball bound thy fclfe toGod : fpcmlly in thy temptationsrememberu:andfeethou lland eo it,and make it good. The fecond qudlion is, whether baptifmc abo!iflt Originailunne,orno?Tbean[wcrof the Papi!l is, that I! doth: foas in the panic baptifed, there remainetb nothing that God may iul!ly bate: and therefore he fault, that B Originalllinneaftcr baptifme, ceafetb to be linneproperly. We teach, andaretohold, that tJte perfect and intire baptificc(in which the outward and inward baptlfme areioyncd togetber)abo!iOteth thepunilhmentoffinne, and theguilt,tbatis,the obligation to puniOr– menr,and thefault: yet not Gmply,burin t1v0 refpeds:fir!l,inrefped ofimputation;becaufe God doth not impute Originall linne to them thatare in Chri!l: fccondly, in refpetl ofdwinion; bccaufc Originall linnereigneth not in them that are regenerate, Neuenhe– lctfc,afrer baptifme, it remaines in them that are baptlfed,and as llill,and thatproperly,Gn. Pa•/faith,Rom.7.ZO,ij'/doe that l"'oHidn",it i4 nomore /thatdoe it, ln~(;nnethat dweUtth in medorhit, Hcremarke, Pau/callesconcupi– C fcence in himfelfc after regeneration, finne; and that properly: becaufe be faith it isrhc fame that maketh men to finne.And ColotT. 3·S·hcfairh·, UJ,fortifte;aJr eart!,/y, membm: a11d among the reil he nameth, e~i/1 concupi– (cmce,And eo rheEplietians4.ZZ.B<J'""'!"– edintheJPirit ofJ••r mirukt, There!ore afrcr bap11fmefo_me porrion's ttmaine Uill of tlie old man,oroforiginall linne,Saint John faith, J.loh. ~· 8. If wef41ll'ehau~nofinne, '¥Pe'dec<IHe ourfelues, :Anfwer is made, .that this i• fpokep of venial!, orfroalllinnc•: butbowcan 'they be fma!l flr,?cs that a~e t9 .~~ waOted away with the blood ofChnll, as l1e faith, vcrfe?, ·' And if \h!'fe words be fpoken ofinfalits'(~s they are) thenmuflconctipifcencebca Gone in theni:for theyh~ueno actuall1innes.'Lall: ly,Clir1l'l faith, Ioh,J J.IO. He that id ailwafoid muj/hauehufuu, chat is, hiscarnallalfc&i. ons;wajlud, Hereobferuetwo t~ing•. One; that defilements of finne remaine in them that are'ivi.Oted. Thefctdnd,thaithey are :if. ter the ficll'waO,ing, to be do'ne away by Chntl,and not by the a as ofourpenance. fall after baptifme,but ofthemthat fa!\ away by an vniucrfall apoflalie, denying Chrill, For ittsfaid,v.7.that th<Jcrucifi• Chri/1 again<, that is,crucifie Chrill crucified, and(om•k! a D h.ock,e<fh•m, 4ndtr«devnder footeth< blood of Chrifi.Heb.r. o,: 9. Agatnc,the textfpeakco not particularlyof repentance in baprifme, but ofall repentance whatfoeuer 1 yea ofre' ~enc.nce after' bapt.ifrt)e. 'For tbere is no place for repentancewhere Cbnllts renounced. · Arg. 4· Penance(uHi<romefaith) isafe– cond iable after fnipwracke. Anfw. Repcn– iitnce indeede i's a fecond table or boord, whereby a·lioner fallen from ht<baptilme re. tuines ~gaine roi'r,·and ro ceimes ro the ha. ucn of~uerlafliri9 happ!netfe.Thus then wee Cecthat baptlfme is the true C.cramcnrofre– '1\.enrance: for repentance pcrt,mes to the in– Ward baptifme~ Thevfe. If baptifmeferue forthewhoJe Tht grounds of Popiflr doctrine in this poinc,aretwo. Thefir11isthis. Theymake three degrees ofConcupifcenc;e. The, the pr(lncpetfe in the 'Refh to rebe!Jagaln{l the law oftheminde, or thepronen~[Tc tG e– uili.Tbe fcc<1nd flands fn the fir£1 motions to Gnne,"'hichgoebcforcconfenr of will. 'The tbird,qa~d~ in ad• of lull ioyned with con· fentot will, Thethird,they fay, is forbidden in the moral! law , which forbiddes and conY 4 demnes