the £pj~le ,to the q alatianJ. and rheaction of Cimllis, rowan, w1th tile lloly ;;!loll,. ,TM~!Hil!dtlt!t-he.wou[J<Jot lw~e nia'de,i(he.~¥ the walhlng ofwater had , .Ohri/1 r~.aifirt/1 b~ (bwcb PJ ~""""'"'{bill!"/ WRI<r, cbrg~~ghthrw<r;J~5- :G,·:&pn{lne thcrc>– .fp;~ ~orb not <il\11- efre.grace~ure~ufothe bo' d!cis w•lhed witl\1\'~tcr :•bucl*caufe wben it :i~·.\llotlJCd, ·!h.<<W~~toLprom:ife· isbeleeued ~gd.r,cc~i).Je,_d; ;r,M_It~o!lloo.amca·rlod,f'O'"· J.;or~(rt.'!iJh,,G~d~-:1-l Cor.i ~' !i anoLyerm the ·,vof:!;e of,r.e,i!IO.esarion,a!l~i'n:giuinglili:,rhey · ~~.JJ!lt any rlJingtv<rfc,;>,:P<t<ifartn.directly, thar tiJ;,o~(hi>lgJo<"'!J.if l~f{rlthwf.thAf/rjh doth notf~t,but tqe-f/ip;~htion~h"'.;4go0d e<nfr:.ience. ma~s 1<1 Go,/~i;/l;hg;:r;,1:he-"'.otke of crea– tion is-fr911l:Dorl:imulediately and onlymow r~ge,nera,non: iS;a~vorke ofcrea.uun:and cher- ' fore 11 is ofGod umtiediatelJI:ind.notimme– d\ar~l¥ [(pp> tl1eS'lcram~nl, and mcdiarcly from Gvd. The·Rc01 of ChrHl is cleuared and e:.:alted aboue the condition of aiJ crea– tur:es : neue~rhcleffc: venue to giue.I!(;J isnoc iJnh~fidhofChrif!, but io the.godhead: much letfe then fl~allrhe s~craments houe vcrrue in them !O conforre-grace. Foith is fa id to iullifie,yer not by his owneverruc:for 11 dorh not cau(e our iullificatien, but (crue as ameaoes to appr_ehc':ld ir;when it is caufed by God:how then !hall ihe Sacramentscaufe iulluica<ion?Lt.tUIy 1 iftheoutwatd wa!hing ot the body be cleuat.edaboue bis_qaturallcon– dition, jn rhe adminillration,of baprifme, thc11 fooft as theoutward elein~nrisvfedio apySacr"atnent, there i~ a 1hirade~rought: a!}dMin~Hcrsof Sa, ramenrs areworkers of miraclcs,tvhich may not be (aid.:.-,. ,. f\. whtch is neuer blotted out/ A•f. In Swpture there is a two-f,ld markeofdi!l1nClion ,,or.: viGblc,theother inuillble. Of the tirll kinde, wasrhe blood of the palchali lam be, 10 tin: 6tfl pa!Teouer:for by ir th•.firll borue of <be IlradiiCS were marked' whin the 6rll born<l ofrhc Egyptians wore Oaine•. Qfr~isk1ndis baptiline: for by it Chri(han peopleare,d'J– 'f!mguill!ed from Ietves,Turkcs, and infidels. Tile<keis <wo;fold, The tirll,is rhc eternall el<Clion of<!Jod, ~- Tim. •· 19; Tlufoundation ofGod(/a:>dJjnrc, a•d harh rhw {lalt.The L~rd k.:;uwtswho arehis. By.verrue of rhis,Chrifl f.1cth,/k!>or" mJ fo.,p,,loh,t o, And · by thts the Elect of all natio.ns are marked, Ap~c.].and 9.Thefecond IS rbegift ofregeB ncration, which is nothing elfe buttheini.. printing ofthe imageof God in the foul<! of men;and by this beleeueroare (aid robef••· /d,Eph. 1.13 .z.Cor.t.u, And baptifmeisa me.1nesro fee this marke in vs; becaufc a is rhclaucr ofregeneration. The PapiUs h•ue demfed annrher workc, which they call the lnddtbl• ch•r.ttrr: and they makeit to be a dif!inft thingfrom rege– n-:ration: and they fay,it is imprinted in rhe foules of all men, good and badde, and re– mainesiothem when they are condemned.. Whor this marke 010nld be tbey c•ono< tell; fame make it a qualitie; fomc, arelation; burindeede there is no Scripture for 11, the C ~~~~~is, it i• ame<re 6ct10n of the braine ot • The fixth point to be handled concerncs the Necenity ofBaprifmc.H~rewe rruf! pur difference bcrweenc the couenant of grace, an·dbapcifme, which is the confirm:mon or feale of rhe couenaor. To make couenant with God, and to be in the f1idcouenanr, is abfolurcly necetfarie to faluation: forvnlet[e God be our God, &we theferuaotsof God we cannot be faucd, · Agame,thcic do&rme 1s erroniou.'i, in that they reach,rhar theoutward ad in rhe Sacr3menrperformed·by the Mmiller, co.nfcrrcs grace, w.hcreth~re "no gift of faith rore– ceiuerhat which.i! conf~rred: conrrarteto thitfayihg,loh.t.'l z-. A;ma"] ,urrceiuedhJ·m, hrgaut thu P""'" tobt th<.{onntJ•fGod, Indeed theyCay,there rnuH be faith and repentance to d1fpofc the partic: bur this difpolitton ferues Or.elytO take a\ny impedimeou, and D n9t to inablcl(s to rccctuerhar which God gi– ucth. Baprifme it felfeir. necetfariein part; 6rll, in rcfpeel of <he commaundement of God, whoharh inioyncd vorov(e it: fccondly, in refped ofour wcaknetfe;who haue need ofal helpsthat may confirme our faith. Yet bap– tifme is not Gmply necctlarte to faluation:for the wam ofbap11fim(when it cannot be had) doth notcondcmnc; but the contemptof lt \V hen it may be had:and che contcmpc is par. donable, if men repent afterward: forrhe children ofbelceuing parents arebomc ho– ly. J.Cor.]. 14-and theirs is the kingdomeof ofGod:andtberefore,tfthey die before bap– rifine, theyarefaued. The theefe vponthe cro!Te, and many holyMa<tyrs, haue died without baptifme, and are in the kiogdome o(he~ueo. Thevfe. We mull not thinkcirfufficieor rhar"'·c come to the C~urch~ bearcGods worJ,and pray. in the worke done. Forthus O•all we deceiue our fclnes: bur in doing rhefc,at.'ls oi religion, we muO: in our hcartsturncvntoG.od, and b.v faith imbracchis promifes;otherwifc thebeil a<lions we doe fl1~1J bevnprofitabJe VntOVi, Heb.4.•· Againe, ifthe-vGogof the clement in the Sacramentdocnorconferrc grate, then be a!Tured that charmes and fpels, be the words neucr fo good,hauc no vertue in them to doe vs good bnt bydiaholicallo?era<ion. The la!! <JUellJOiliS,wherher bap<ifme im– ~~" a Charael<r or marke in the foulc, }liSobieC!ed, thatthe malechild, which is norcircumcifed mull(by Godscommaun.. dement)becur off from <he people of God, Geu.t].14- ann therefore he rhatJS nor bap– ti(ed mufl alfo becuto[ Anfrr, The text is fpokeo and mcanr,r.otofinfanrs, bur ofm.en ot' '