i.6z .11 Comment~rie :t~ppn "~' Chap+ j)fyeares,whobcing.tlll rhen vncircumcl[cd, A dofp1fc the ordinance of God, and rcfufeto .be tircuo>e1fcdi And this appeares by the rcafon folfowing:forh~ bath m4de mJCOHcnRn1 "!loid,!': uow in1iults doe not this, but their pa– rents,or men ofycarcs. , Secondly,rhcfpc.ch ofChrifl is obietled; 1Q! 1• 3: s. ..Exetpt a man be borne ofwater.:~ndthe holy G'hiJjl, he CllmJIJt enurinto tb~ kJ.~~gdome of • q,d_.AnAr, Chrlllalludcstothcwarhmgs of <pc oldTcllamentiEzcc.JG. zs. and withall gtues an expofitlon ofthen1,on this manner: Thou ar< aPharilic ,& louclt much walhing: butifthou wouldeft enter inrothekingdome of heauen, thou mufl be wafhed withclcane '"'~er,tlm is,borncanew by the holy Ghofl. B Aga1rte,l anfwtr, that if the wordsbe meant ot bapt~fim,tbcy carry r~isfenfe. The kin~dome ofheaucn dothnorlignific life etemail, butthe Church of ttfe new Teltament, and that in hisvifible dlatc, Mark.9.1. and bap– nfme makes men viGblC' members of th~ Church, & regeneration by rhefpirit makCs them true and liuely members. Here then baprili11c is ma.denccc!faric,not in rcfpett of ererr.aJll,fc, butinrcfpccr ofouradmiflion and cncrance into the Church whereof it is now the oncly mcanes. The feauenth pomt; istouching theCir– cumOances ofbaprifme,which aretiue. The firfl, concernes theperfons whichare road· mini()cr baptifme, of whomc Ipmpound C fourc quellions. . .nr: The firltis, wherhernotoncl~Mmillcrs ofthe word,but alfo lay-perfons(asrheyare callad)or mecrc priuatc rncn,mayaUminiller bapt~fme1 An/w.Mmillersof rhc wbrd onely. For,to bap!i{eis a parr of the publike Mioi– £lery,Marth.2 8.18. Goe tench a!Jnations hapti– ~inn them. Arid markc how preaching and baPtizing arc ioyncd togcrher: and things which Godhath iuyned, no man may fcpa· rare. Againe,he that mull pcrformc any part oftbe publikc MmiClcry,mu() haucacalling, Romo~o.14.Heb. J.5.but mecre priuate per– Cons haue no calling to this buf.inclfe. And whatfocuerisnocof faith, isfione: now the AdminiClration of baptifme by priuate per- D fonsiswithout faith.For rhereis neither pre· cept, nor fitteexample forltin the word of God. The example ofZ ipp.rA isalleadgcd, Exod. 4.>8. whocircumcifed her child. Anf"'· The example is m!lny waies difcommcndable. For()te did it in rile prefcnccof.hcr husband, when therewas no m:ede: fhce did1tinhail, that fhe might haue prcucntcd her husband.:. fltce did it in anger: for flteccafl the fore-skin atthc fwc ofUl!•(" · And it fccmes 010e was no belceucr,btita mecrcMadianirr.For fltce contemned circumcifion, w·ben !hce called her husbanda man of blood, b, rc4•n oftht circumcifi'•nof tl)( cht!d. vcrf. %6, and in this rcfpctla !ccmcs, MojcJ either p'ur heraway, or flH~C WC!lt away when he went downc tO Egypt. I 1· ·' Againe,iris obieOied,that priuate perfons may reach:and therefore baptife. A•fn>, Pri– uatetuching:, a'nd tnioifleriidl teachingare diltinthn·kiint, as the authoririeo~amallet ufafamily \< iliUillilltli'-"l(ln\1 from theau– thority ofa<MagiUratc.A'P;reateperfon,as i: father ooJn!a&~r.wben h·<!l!fhl!hcrh ihe wont ofGod,• he doeh it by·rigilt·ofamaller or fa– ther,an·dheis·mooil~d to'doeit by the lawof , charirie:,but Mlnifkrs.whl:,.iheytcach, are ''llOOuodll!J te_a£h by fpcciall ca·lJing 1 and they doemvitilauthoritie,as Embalfadoursin the roomeandff'ead>otChrili; 'z,<;:·or.s;:r. A– gaine,rhough a priuare·man alight difpenfe the word alone:yet do~n~t nbttollow that he may adminillerboth th-e-w<:Jrd•and thefeale– thcreof, both which arc foyhed in baptifmc, and ioynrly adQJinillred, '•' ' "' Thcfeoondqueflion is;.whelher baphfm~ adminillred by a wick<loll riian,dTan hererike; be indeed true baptifme?. Aifw. Ifrlwfaid– parry beadmitted ro lland in rheroome ofa' true pa[loror Minillcr, >od kcepc the riglit forme in baptifing,according to'thcinflitiJtiO ,.on,itis r~ue baptifme. The S~til>esand Pha– rifies theqhiefcfl Dotlo\tt'! ofthelewes,were not ofrhc tribe of Leni ,'but oforher tribe•: ' & they were indcedc, euenthe bdl-ofthem; but here.til<c:.-.:ind apoflatacs, .and confe. quently tob~'lkpofed andoxcommu·nicale: neuerthelcs, bccaufe thoycwere ln the place of good teachers, and fate in-M<ferchairc,jtbat is, taught fundry points of M•Jes dotlrine: therefore Chrifrfaith,hw•t thun, Matth. 2 3· '· And to this cffctl wa• tbe-cooc!uGonof the Churches in Africa,againll CJp'i••· Vpon rhefame ground rhefame anfwer is to be madc,ifi<bedemaunded,wbetherbap· tifme adrninj()red by him that cannot preach,beofforccorno! It were indeed to beewHhed that all MinHlers of holy things were preachers ofthe word: neuerthelelfe, if fuch as preach not,Uand in thcroome oflaw· ful pa(!or.,,and keepe the forme ofbaptifme, itisbaptifme indeed. The third que()ion is,whether an Intenti– on to baprife,be necelfatie in him that bapti· fcrh? An(w. Ifthewotdof!nClitutioncomc to the Element, it is aSaoram'entwhatfoeuer the mini()orintend.P••Ireioyced that Cbrill was preached, though many preachedhim ofenuicor contention, intendingnogood. Phii,J,J6. And rhe PtieCl in rl-Je Maf.fc pro– nouncingthe words ofconfecrarion, ifhe in~ tend not ro confccrate (in Popilh learning) rhere i$ nOconfccrarion::wd rhus thebread cJcuarcd is mcere bread, and not the bodie of Chri(): and confeGU<nily the peopleadore not Chrilt,bur an idol. The intention there– fore oftheminde is not necelfarie.fo be itthe Inflitution be obferued. And thedlicacy of rhc Sacrament d<p<nds nat on the will of man,buton thewillofGod. . The Iall quellionis,wh4Hsthc duty ofthe MmiCler