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Chap+ the Epijlle t9 the q a!attam. f\1 1111 !ler 1 nbapciling? iln(w. Hc:fiands in rhe A 10. God promi(crhrofoew,f7'cierothoujtmdt roome ofG od: and what he dothaccordmg ofrhem dJflt loru him. Act. l. 39· Peur fatth to rothclnffimtioo,i<is as much as ifGod him· rhe Iewesthar heard him preach, Theprami· \ fdfc had done ir wlth his owne hand from {ululfmg toyou,4nd toJour children, P4HI fotirh, heauen. And therefore, when rheM1oHler lfthep~trmrsbeluue, lhechtldrtn 4rt holy, r. applierh warer,fwhich is rhefigne and pledge Coq. 14.lfholy,rhen arc rhey in rhe Coucol grace,) ro rhc body, he doth Wl[hall apply nant:now rhey arc holy,becaufewc are in rhe rhe Promife of re.ntflion of finnes and life iudgement of Chriflian chamie, rodleemc euerlaffing,ro rhe portic baptifed,And that is rhem all as regenerarcand fanCiificd, fccrct as much as1f God Owuld (,y to rhc parrie, indgcmenrs(m rhe meaoefeafon)lefnoGod. c•llw,;htm by his name, I freely giuc vnro Now rhen, becaufe infanc. are in the coue· thee rhe pardon ofrhy linnes, at!d life euernanr,they are to be baprifeJ. For rhis is rhe hfling,vpon condltton thou keepe the order realon ofSaint Pfter:To whom thepromifes fer do\vnein baprifme,whichis,toturnevnro belong}ro them belongerh bapti(me; but to me,and ro beleeuc in Chflff. Here we fee a you and your children belong the promifes: ground of fpeciall fairh: for if God for his B thereforeyou&yourc~ildrenarcrobcbapparr by the hand of rhe Mmlflcr apply the llfed.ACI.z.38,39. promi[eofmcrcie vnro eucry particular beIt may be obteCitd, that we cannot tell, lccuer:cuery parricula.rbeleeuerisagaine by whether infants be indcede the children of afpeciall faith to reoeiue the prom1fc.Again, God,or no:& ifthey be not children ofGod, rhe conr.dcrarion of rhis which God harh we may not baptile them. A11[w. The fame d0ne for vs in baprifme, murl ~nooucvs fcrimay bef ...idof men ofyeares: for we know oufly to turne vnro him according to all his nor whethcrrhey be indeed the children of Iawes, and by faith of our hearrs to appre· God. And therefore we maybyrhe l1ke rcah<nd hismercifull promifes, and tore(! on fonexdude them from ai!Sacramems. Arhcm. For when God lhall fpeakevnto vs gaine, we arc to prefume (in all likelihood) particularly, and as it were, alfure vs ofhis thar infant• of beleeuing parents, are the mercies wtth his owne hand and feale, we children ofGod, becaufe in their concepti· mull necdes be much mooucd and affeCted on and birth,God begins to manlfdlhiselerhcrcwith. Clion:lhewing himfdfe a God, nor oncly to The fecond circumrlancc is concerning C theparenrs,butalloto thcirfeede. rhe pcrfonsro be baptlfed: and they are all Secondly,it is obieCied, tharinfanrs haue fuch as be ill the Couenanr, in likelihood, or no faith;& confequemly,thar baptifme is vnin rheiudgement of chariue. For the fea!c profitable vntothem. An{~>. Some thinke, may not be denycd w rhem that bnng the they haue faith, as they haue regeneration, tables ofrhe couenanr. And they are ofrwo rha11s,the inclination or [eede of faith.- Q. fvrrs,Men ofyeare<,and Infants. !hersfay,th~tthe fairh of the parents is alfo M en of yeares char ioyne rhemfclues to rhe fairh of their children: becaufe the pa· rherrue Church, are to be bapufed:ycc berents by theirfaith, receiue rhe promi[e of fore their baptifme, they are ro make conGod,both forrhemfclues and rheir childrec: fef!ion ofrlwr fairh, and 10 prom1fe amendand thus to be borne in the Church ofbeleernenroflife. Ad. t. 38.and 1 o-38. And thus uing parents, is in !lead of the profef!ion of phe<sofScriprurerhatrequire aCiuallfairh, faith. To this fecond opinron I rather in· and amendmentof life in them that arc bap M dine, becaufe it rs rhe auncknt and receiued tifcd,are tu be vnderfloodaf men of ycares, do<'lrine ofthe Church. Infants of bcleeumg parents are hkewifc Thirdly,iri•alleadged, rharinfantsknow to be baptifed. The grounds ofrheir bapnot what is done, whon they :ue baptifed. rif>!learcthefe. F~rll,rhecommandemenrof D An(w. For all this,baptili11ehathhisvfe in God, Mauh.>8.t8. B~pri(' Ailnarian,,&c. io them: for it is a {'ealeofrhe couenant, and a whtch wordsrhc baptilir.e of infants is premcanes toadmitthem inrothefellowlhipof [cribed. Forrhe Apom" by verrue of rillS the vilibleChnrch,wherofforrighttheyare c<':nminion haptifcd wholefamilies.Ad.rG, members. A father makes apurchace fof J 5 and B· Againe, circumcilion of Infants himfelfe and his children: atrhetimeof th.- wascommanded by God, Gen. 17. 14. and fealing the children knmv not what i• done 1 B•pufmc in the new Telhmenr,fuccecdes in &ymhe purchafe is not made in vainelor rhc roome of therethem. foro bapt:fttteof infants is likewifecommanI< m•y be demanded,whetherrhe children Jed. The fecund ground isrh!S: Infants of ofTurkesand Iewes arerobebaptlfedlA•(. bel~(lulng parents, arc in the couenant of No:becau[e the parenCil are focth of the eo~ graccJor rhis is the tenour of the couenant, uen:ant. l"'t!lb-rhy qorJ.,,ndd" God 'f rhy(eede, Gen. . Secondly, It is demaunded, whel'herthe 17. ]. Ic may befaid, rhar rhis promife was children ofprofeiled Papifls, are to be bap· ntade"'thisfort onely to A"'"h""'· becaufe ufedlArfw.Thepuentsare perfons bap<ifed he"'"" be :hefather ofthe faithful!. dnfw, m the nameofrhe Father, Sonne, and holy I lr pemioe,.oall belecumg parents. Exod. Ghofl. And though the Papacie be notthe ----~----------------------------------------~C~hi~,rc~h~\--~ •