Chap.3 tbe Epi~le to the Cjalatians. [fthou be troubled with doubting• & weak- A propc~ties and qualities of the. godhead or nclfc off~ith con!JderthatGod hath giuen manhoodvmovs. It may befa~d, how then thee an -.arneil &pledoe of his louing kind· arethey one with him/ Ian{\verby one and nclfero thec.Wevfe ofren to lookc vpon the the fame fp~rlte dwellmgm Chnll and m all wills ofour fathcrund grand-fathers, that the riwribersof ChtHl, 1.Cor.6.~7· He.' rb~t w: I]HY bcrefolueJ in matters ofdoubt: and c!<A~<th to rh< Lord, uoncfPmtc. Pau![Jith m fo ofccolooke vpon the will ofthy heaucnly this fen(c, Eph<.t.14. thot Chrdl makcth the fa;herfealed & dcliuered to ~heein thy bap· two di!linct nation• oflewes and Genules trfme, and thou fhaltthe better be re[olued on:newm••· Saint /ohnfairh,th;t Chrift d.,,[, in the middeiiof all thy doubts. If thou lie invt, ••d wtin bimbf the fPirirc, Llchn.p,,:3: vrlder any crolfe orcalaniiric, fiauerecourfe Forthcbetter coneeiuin~ofthis, fuppolea to thy baptifme, in which God promifed to man whofe head lies in Iralie, hi•.arri1es Ill bethy God, and ofrhi• promife hcewill nor Germany and Spainc, hi• fcete in England: laile thee. . fuppofe further, thar one and the fame foule Lalily, if a man would be a tluJent in Diextends it fclfeioall the (orefaid parts, _and uiairy,let him learne& practiCe hisbaprifm•- B qutckcns cheat all: they are all now bc58W.C Commentaries are nccdefull to rhelludieol one in refpcct ofone and the famefoulc , 1 and the Scriptures: and the be(i ccimmentaricto all concurre as members to one and rhef.1me a mansown felfe is hismvnbaprifnie. For ifa body :euenfo, all the Saints in hcaucn, and man haue learned to know au,ght,and to praall belcuers vpon earth, haumg one and the Clifc his owne oaptlftne, he fhal the better be fame fpirit o(Chrdl dwelling in rhcm,are all able tovnderCiand rhe whole: and without one in Chrill. this hdpe, rhe Scriptures rhem[elues!hall bo The fecond quellion is, how are all belee; as a riddlevnro vs. uers made one wrth Chrdl/ An{. By adonattThefourth point wherby thegift ofadop· on on Gods part,whcreby ChriCits giuen vntion is defcribed, is c,!te ground thereof, in tovs, and by a receiuing on our part. The thefewords,T•h••• [iilton Chrojl : ••d all•r. donation is whereby ChrHl is rnadc ours for u.<~nCh,i/1. The phrafew)1ich P.<•iv(eth is right, foas a man may fay trucly, Chrtil is borrowed from the cul!ome of them that minewithalhisbcncfirs.O f rhisdonarion4. were baptized io the Apotlles dayes, who things are to be obferued. The firll is, dm put offtheir garments, when they were to be Chri£1 himfelfe and whole Chrillts giucn to bapti[ed,and put on new garments afrcr bap- C vs:for here we are faid to pur on Chrill.Herc tifme. To pur on a garment, i!to apply itro adil!mction mull bc.obf"rued:rhe godhead the body, andtovfe orweare ir. And to put ofChri(l is giuen to vs, nor in refpect offubonChri(\, is to be ioyncd neerclytoChritl, llancc which isincommunicable,bur only in and to haue fpirituJII fellolflhip with hrm. refpcct of operation. But the very llen, or Here then the foundation of our adoption is manhood ofChr~fr is re~lly g1uenro the bein twothings,otJrvnion with Chrillland our lceuingheart,/oh,IS.s4s6. By it\\'~ receiue C· communion with him.O fwhich we arefom tcrnalllif~from the godhead, and by it God what to be aduerrifed, forthe bettervndcris ioyned to man, and man to, !landing ofthe text. rhar Chrill giues his merire &fatisfaClion to Thevnion with Chrill, is a worke ofGod them that belceue. A nd this fatisfatlionimwhercby all bdeeuer1 are made one with pured,iuhe couer whereby our fins arccoue· Chri(l. Hero two quetlions are to bedemanred,Pfa.p.l.&thewhite robes dipped in the ded. The firll, in what rcfpect, or for what blood ofChril!,Rmd.7.14. Thirdly,Chna cau(e are they faidet<> bee one with Chrill / giuestbc efficacy ofhis fpiritto make vscon- .1•fiv<r. T .hey are not one with him in conformable to himfelfe in holines anci newnes ceit or imagCnation : forthis coniunction is . oflife: aod thus h<m•'<!svsp111 oifti,•Idm•n, in tr.ueth a rcall coniund:ion. loh11 17. zz. D ""dputonth~n~w man,cr:4tedafterG~dinrigh· Chrrl! prayes ?. Tb<~.•libti«um_~mJ buonr t<oujiwandho!intS,,thatthc wsthhsm,<U ht uoncrmh th: Fathcr.Secoodly, word preached and the facraments, are(as it they arc not one barely by confentofheart were) the hand ofGod whereby heexhrbites and affection: for thm all families & friends and giues Chritl vntovs with all his benefits. are one : and they of Ierufalem arefaid thus Ofourre~ciuing of Chri(l giuen by God, tobe•fon,h<ar&••~.mmdc, AJs4.J>.Th~rfltwo things mul!bcob[crued: oneis, tha\we ly,they are notonern fubl!ance,for fo many mutl there rcceiue Chrill where God offers beleeuersas there are. [o many dillin<'! perand giucs him, that is, in the word and facrafons arc there: & euery oneofthem dillinct mcnts. The fccond Cs, that faith is our hand from the perfonofChril!:and thefuotlance whereby weerecciuc Chritl, and this recci~ of the godhead of Chri(i is incommunicauing i• done by a fupcrnaturall act of the ble: and the flentof Chriil is in heauen,and mind, whereby wee beleeucChri!l with his fhall there abide vntill the !all iudg~ment: benefits to be OU<S' l•hn l .IZ. Thus wee fee whereupon itcan not be mixed or compounhow wee arc one with Cbri(l and Chritl with ded with our ful>francos.Lttlly,bdeeuers are vs. ' not one wirh Chrill by tr•nsfu!lon ofthe Comrnuoioo with Chrill is, whc we haue, z i>Oire~re;