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266 rv1 Commentarie "'pon Chap.3. polfelfe, and inioy Chri(! and hisbenefites: and that is partly in rhislife, and fully in the life to come. Of this communion fpcakes s~lomon at largeintheSongofSongs, and Dauid, Pfa1.4>· Thevfe. lnthatwe arc toputon Chrj(!, A we areput in rnindctoconr.der our fearefull nakednelfe. What isthat/ An[. There is a nakednesofcreation,and anakednes.follOiv– ingrhe fall.Thenakednes ofc'r~ation is,whe the body withoutallcouering,isin health,ful ofglory and maiefly inrefpea ofothercrea– .rures. Nakednes arilingofthe fall ofman, is elthCr inward, or outward. Inward, is the want oftbe ImageofGod, thewantofinno· cctll:'.'e, ofgood confciencc, ofthe fauour of B Cfo'd1'andafliance in him. For thefe are(as it were) the coueringsofthefoule. Outward nakedncs is, when the body beeing vncoue– red,is full ofdeformitic and fl1ame.Now that inward nakedneaof heart is noted as a fpeci. all euill,qm.J.7.C'xod.J1.ZS. Pro.29,18.Rtu, 3·•7-We mu(! labour to fee and feelethis na– kcdnes in our felues. For by it,we are defor– med and odious in the eie ofGod, Secondly,we arc here put in mind to haue afpeciallcare ofthe trimming and garnifll· ingofour foule. And forth is caufewe mu(! putontht Lordle[~~&, Rom. IJ,I4. And that is done rwowayes.Fir!l,by vncouering our na– kednesbeforeGod, and by praying him to couerit. Tovncoucrour lhame,is thewayto C couer it, P(almt 32.1,2,J. Thefecond way is, rc; fubiea our(clues to the word and fpirit of Gc.d, and tobeconforri1able to Chrifl borh in hislife and death. le Hands vsin hand thus eo pur on Chrifl. For the King of hc•uen haehlong inuired vs to the marriage of his Sonne :wee haueyeelded our felue; robe his gue(!s: and there 1s a rimewhen the kingwill take afuruey ofall his guefls, ~·hether they hauc the wedding garment, which i• Chri(! himfelfe : and theywhich are nor clad with this robe, fliall be ea(! into vtter darkenelfe. Vi!ee are as naked infants expofed to'dcath, e<.teh.t6, 7· Themerite and obedience of Chri(! is as livadling clothes and (wadling D bands. Ifwe would theoliue, we mu!I Jappe and infold our felucs In them. 'J'he ratherI fpeake this : becaufe in thefe d,ayes men and women are intoxicated with afpirituall drun· kennclfe, orrarher madne!Te, whereby they are al•·ays tempering and triflingabout their . bodies, and !errheir fouleslie naked. It may befaid, we haue alput on Chri(! in baprifme. Ianfwer : wehaue had in England peace and profpcri<ie rhefe43. yeares: and weehaueli– ued all this while, asitwere in the warme funnc·fliine : and therefore many ofvs (no doubl) haucwornc this garmct very loofely; Thirdly, there isa greattemptationari– fmg vpon the confideraeion of our owne in– dignity. For when our fins come toour re· membrance,they driuevs from theprefence ofGod, and make vsrhat wee darenotpray. Now the remedy is this.Wemu(! comeclo– thedwith Chri(! intorheprefenceofGod : we maynotcome in ourownenames, butwe mu(! come in his name , and prefenr theme– rite ofChri(! vnro theFather, euen as ifwee wereone and thefame perfon with him:thus lhall we be accepted. Fourthly, it may be demaunded,what wee mu!I doe for our felues in the time ofplague, famine,fwordl We mu(! put on Chrj(!, then lhall we wallie in fafetiein all dangers. This garment ferues nor onely for a couering_of our lhame,but alfo for prorcaion, Ij~. 4· 6. And rfwee bee taken away in any common iudgemcnt, being clothed with Chri(!, there is no more hurt done to vsthen tohim: .and he carrierhvs inhis breafl,as ifwewereparr ofhis bowells, ' Lallly,rhough wee be clothed with Chrill in baptifme,yer "'~mu(!further deliretobe~ cloarhed vpon, z.Cor,s.4. In tbislifewee are clad with the iu(!lceofChrifl, t.Corint,I,JO. thts is onegarment. In thelifetocome, wee lhall beclad with immortalitle.Thisisthefe· cond garment to bcvpon the form<r. Vcrf. z.8. There is nlrther'Jcw nor Grecian. &c. Thefe words(as I haue faid)containc an anfwerto an obieaion, which" this: Ifall beleeuersamong the Gentiles be children of God,and all puton Chri(!, rhenthcreisnd difference betwccne Jew and Gcntile,and the' prcrog.riue of thelew is nothing . Pau/ao– fwcrs rhus : there b'ee fundry differences of mrn in rcfpect ofnation)condition, fexc ;yet in refpctl ofChrifl,all areone. Moreduer,I haue!hewed, that thefe words contairie the- • ground of the adoption of the Galarians. which is an vnionwith Chrifl', whereby all belecuers aremade one with him. There re• maine other things to be added. Byoccafion ofthistexr,two queflions are mooued, the anfwer whereof, ferues much ro clearethemeanlngofPaul, Thefirliis,wlic– ther Magi11'racie and gouernment be neccf- . fary in thefocictiesofChrifiiansl Ahj. Y'ca: Kings A•d.f!2.!!ttnts/ha/l'btt nourfngjathm A~a , ncurfng mothm r.t!JeChurch of God (faith th'e , ProphctE[a) 49·'3·) P•hlbiddesvspraJfor . Kings, ;;nd 11U in ;~Hthoritie , that wum11y lif't ip ptAc-.ndgcJ/inu, l.Timot,>.t , The fifr com– mandement, Hcnc•r thJf•thcr, &c. requires fubieaion ro authority: and thiscommaun· dement is etemall. OhitEl. I. A Dbtluum are cne i• Chrif/' thnfore there is no fubi<8ion arilongthem. An[. Beleeuersare vnder a 1\l·ofold clla1e or regiment :.the fir!lis, the regiment of thi• world in ciuil fcdetie: rbefccond IS, the rrgr– ment ~frhe kingdomo{h€aue,whicli lllnqs in iu.f/iet,ptActojccnfcitnct,i') in thehe/;Gliofl, In the fir!I cllate,there are lundtydllferen~es ofperfons 1hat belecue:fomefathers~~d m·o~ rhm; fome childrcll, fome'm•llersand fer. uants fomc niagiflrares &fubie8s.In rlie fc– ccnd ~DAir,dJC:-rcarcnooutward dlffere'nccs of