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1 r.'l · .--~h~ Eti1ijile to the r;alatianr. 267_ ~'lap. 3· c ':! ,;fn~;,but all-ar-c"';,--e~n~,b,...e~r-s-o7 1 c=h--,ri~!!:.,a_n"'d-a"'ll-A.,-,,--;;T;;ih'-e-v'C.,.-e.--;;B-y-cl;--";-- ., ;;T:;-c-x~,w~:.:l'·01 ;;; -.~ff-;~~ex--p-o_O_n-c'dl oneinhim. :rhus•mull the text be voder• anorher;1.Tim.:.4. Cjod.,okl!J~-..,·atlmmlo £lood. 6' fau•d/ that is; n'or aJlp~itit!Jiar perfons V~ obJ,fi.II. Beleeum aregouerned by Gods pon earrh,butall kinds. For herePautfaiih; fpirlr,and rh~rcfore outward gouernmc?t by aflnrtone in Chri.ft: that ls;men'OfaUnations, magifirares is nC'edele[fe. Anf. In rhev1fiblc ofall condiiions,and·ofalf.{c'x!s!.. ,- '·!;.fl ' Church, hypocrites are mingled with ttuc ' Againe, rhe name [l.,•)lfppofed ro Gl!r1-· b'c!e:um, &they are not gouerncd by Gods tiles, lign·ifics,not oncly rniii-of rhe rribei!>f fpirit,butby thcfpirit ofthediuell: an~ <her• Iuda,bu't all circumci(ed]J~Ffdniofall r~ib1!s, lore in refpeaofthem, cm11l authom)' IS re- .ilom.z~i8.''and thcrs it-i! ~Ih:l!le with anlfr~equifirc. Againe,truebeleeuers are part lfto! :A.hd~hos ~ee'fee holll~o t'loJ?bUtfd rh·~ gouerned by thefpirire, fortherinjc of ·this iplaccofSl:r/plUr<:, '1,ChtM. zf.ttl wherebe life. And for this caufe,ciUillgouernementit IJojnphat k1n,g of Iuda iscaJied 'Kingof lfrn•l. requifitc, for the ordering of the o~t~ard Thewordl ludn'Ond !(PadJ·ucfomctimeapl man,andfotthe proretlion·ofrheChurch. _pofed, ludn ligoif)'ing the ~ii\gdomeo~ the ob;,a. Ill. Theytharare in.Chrill,are B: twoTribes, -ludaandBeniamin; and lfrntl freed from Gn, and confequemly, from fub· lignifying the ten tribes. Sometimes agaiok;. ieaionwhfch foilowes vpon fin. An[. Subtheya·reSJnO>um•, and are put one for ano· ietfi<in is either politike,or feJtlile,\Polirike ther,as Pf•l.t t•P ,z, and inthisTexr. And is,when men are (ubietl for d1cil:ewnegood: Iudaarrhistime was indeed the rruclfrabl oQ and this \Vas before the fall, yeelded by:Eu• God, and J.hof•phat 11irhourany iaulri" the toAdnm, Seruilefobiection, when they are text (as fome fuppofe) is rruely calledKingof fubiecHor thegood oftheir ma!!ers: & this lfrad. , onlycomeooflin. Again,!lrbietli_on wirhioy · Thirdly,they whicn areofgrtatbirth,and was before the I all : (ubictlion ioyned with of11igh condition,mull be pur in mind IJOt16 paine and mifery,followsvpon fin,Gm. J.l6. be high minded,norto defpifc them rhac·ate Thefecondquellion is,whethor bondage, <if.low degree, for all arc onein Chri!l :-·tn6 in which fome arc Lords, others bondmcn, ob(cure and bafe pcrfon hatha~good parr ill or flaues,rnay ll•nd with Chril!ian religion? Chrill,asrhegrearcl! men'that bet. ThercAnjw. It may, in the Countries where it is cfore wee may not fwdlin pride for outward tlablilhed by pofltiue !awes, ifit b'e vfed with things,Th• k.illjpbuf/ not lift vphi< h•r.rt againf/ merctt: and moderation. Righteous .Ahra.. hubreihren, 7Jm.J7.%G,Richme:t~(faithP•''') hambad in his owne hou(c,bondfiaues,Gm•- C muft<J~ot bebigh ml•d•d,J'.Tim.a.1]./ob would (h 17. IJ. God did pcrmitthe !ewes to buy not difpifc tllecauf<!ofhishandmaiJ,Ioh 31. the children ofthe Canaamres, Lruiticus z;. 1 3· Naamana great man,refpeaed the c<flin· 45· Palll(aitb, IfanymanbHalled being • ferfell ofhisferuan.,,z,King.;,IJ.. ' cit uant or bondm,cn,lei him not carefsrit, 1.Corin. Fourrhly;liH beleeuers rhull be ofone hart ].ZJ. . and mind, l.{or.I.JO, rn the kingdome of '06iefl.l. Btnotfn-uantsofmm, J.Corint,]. Chn!l rhe Wolfe and the Lamb dwell roge. 23. An[That is,inrerpcaofconfci~hce,the ther, t'fa, I 1.6, And good reafon: for all are fubietlion whereofmufi be referued lo God, one in Chrill. And we haue grearcaufeto be •· Obi•fl. If. Ch'nfiians hauelibertic by humbled, whenfchifmes,contentions, and Cbrill: and wh<re libcrtie il, th'eremayb<e difference~ arife in points of religion. ·For no bondage. Anfw. Chrillians, o11raihe by that fl1ewcsthat hypocrites are mingled wtrh Chri!l fpimoalllibcrtie in tb!SMe,and bodi· 1rue belecue", and that we are but in parr(as lylibertieinthelifcrocome. • yet)vmtedtoChrill, '.u ,, Obidl.l!t. Bondage is againllthcLawe D Lallly, hcnceweelearne nottohateatiy ofnature. Anf.Againll the law ofpure nature man, bur alwayes to carry in mind apurpofc Cteated in innoccncy, nor•gaintl th•Iawc of todoe good roall, by rhough_r,IYoii'l,& detdi corrupt nature,rbe fruit whcreofio bondage. and to doe good to mea inrefpetl·oflhcit 0 hieil. I r. Allare (life in Chri/1 ; theref{)tC names, theirgoods,theirJiues. And this ho· the difference of bond-men ilnd free-men Iymindandpurpofe;mu(lalwayobearefway l mu!lcea(e. Anf·AIIar'eoneinrefp'etlofrhe invs. Thmi4 nohurtinthcmoHntofthe Lord, inward man,ofi,n refpcaoffaiib and fellowEfa,J 1.9, Men rurne rheirlivords &fpeares flripwith Chrill: buralarenot<>nl:inrcfpca mtomarrockes and (ythes, that are ofthe ! of the outward man' and in regard ofCIUili kingdomeofChrill, Efa, •..,. becau{ethey <>rder. · ' - · areonewithChrillbyrhebopdofonefpirit. 'Thcfenferhcnofthe text is this. There Verfe :9. And if;• h, chrij/s, then•"J" 'aie dillintfioris of men in refpet<l qf Nation, Abrahams(ud •nd h"mbypromift. lfomelewes, fome Gentiles,: 'in' refpet! of Before,Pa~lhad taught, v>rfes 7,8,9. that ]condition, foh1ebond, fonie free, fome allbelecuing Gentiles ••ere rhe children of i rich;fomc poore, fomc in aUthoritie, fame A6raham, and not theIewes onely. Here bee \.in 'fubieCI:ion, &c. In refpec.9: of fexe; fame returnes to thefame pointagaine, and prooimen, fomewomen: yet inChcill Icfus, all ueth it by a new Argument, thus: Chrifi is Jareeuen as one man. thefeede ofAhr~tham,..,·er.J6.andalGentiles Z : belecuiog