A[ommentarie ')lpon beleeuing in Chrill,arc patis ofhim,and one A with him, therefore they alfoarechildrenof eAbr.ham, and-heires ofall the blel1ings of God. . • ThcintentofPAH/inthefewords, isroe. . llablilh and con6rme an argumet whichbe· fore he had vrgcd in this chapter again!l pa– trons ofworkcs In the cafeef our iuflificati· on: itmay be fsa.!Jlcdthut. AJ .dbrah•mwas iuClo6ed,fo arc a! tllcy that belceue in Chri!l, iU"Clofied: for,!hey areAbraham' children, & fucceeded him, vcrfe >9. bur Abrahamwa• iuC!ified by faith wothourworks: therefore all beleeuers ia Chrillare fo iullo6ed.Letthe al'- , gument·be ob(crued:for it makes again!l the PapiCI, whoifhe!ludy tilhishcadandhcart B ake, 010!1 neu~r anfwer it. ... In this verfe, Paul(etsdowne the fruit and benefit, that comes by the gift ofadoption, to them that beleeue. And that is,to be chil– dren ofAbraham, and heites ofall theblef– Gngs ofGod. And therefore learne here one golden letfon, namely,tl]at the bafcCI perfon rhatis,ifhebeleeuein ChriC!, is in the place ofAbraham, and fucceeds him in the inheri· ranceofthe kingdomeofheauen.Someman may fay; 0 this is excellent comfort, ifl mightknowthatl were intheca(eof Abra– bam. An(. Thoumai!lknowit ccrtenly, if thouwilt doeasAbr•h•mdid; namely, fol· ' low the calling of G<>d, apd obey the Gof– pell, that is, fubiect thy heart to the corn· mandemeotsofGod, which bid thee repent C andbdeeue in Chri!l : forrhenallthegood rhongs reuealed m the Gofpell, lball bee rhinc. Thevfe. Beleeueninthisworldmu(l bee content with any enare that God lhalllayv. pon them.For they are he ires withA~TAham ofheauen and eanh.Io this regard,A6r•ham wu content to forfake his countrey, and his fathers houfe, and aa api!grime to dwell in tents tothe death,Hebr.rr.8,9. Secondly,they that pcleeue in Chriff,mu(l moderate theirworldly cares, and not liue as drudges ofthe world. For they are heim of God, & haue atitleor rightto al good things promifed inthecouenant. Therefore they lhall neuer wanrany goodthingthat is need- D ful forthem. Hethat barb madethem heirs, willcarcfullyprouideforthem. Therefore our care muCl be,to dothe duties thatbelong vntovs: and all other cares we muClcaUvpon God. They in this world, thatareborne to land and louing, are content to liue fpa– ringly, and ofteotimcs very bai'Cly with alit· tle, vpon hope of further onlargemenr, after the deceafeoffome friends. La!lly, our (p_eciallcaremuC! be forhea– uen:for the things ofthis world are but trifles in refpect. The city ofGod in heauen is thy portion, or child• part. Seeke for the affu– rance uftharaboueall things. Thus did A– brahlfm, Hebr.I1.1$,J6. CHAP. IIIL I A.Jlf-J'hAtthehtire, .u/4ng AS b,.i, ~childe, diff'mtbnothi•gfromafm~aot, thoH,gh he6eLordqfaU. ,_ % ButidvtrdtrtHIDIIrtandgoHm:oNrJ tiO'the timeappoin~ttlafthefatb~r. · 3 &'HmfO:we, "When wnure children, Wirein bond•gevnderthe rHdiments•fthe world. 4 BHt.,.brnthe(nlntfJeafrirne,..u come,God tntfogrth hr4fonne m11de of awom11n 1 ant{mad( vnderthelttw, 5 Tb.rht mightrtdttmethemthAt!f'"'""' dtrthe /,up, th~t we might receiHe theadoptionof (onnu. li An4btcau(t;tt•re fonnu, CjodhAtbfent foorth'tbtJPirit•(hidfonnc into;ourh-.rtJ,which crieth,Abba,f•th(r. 7 Whereforethouart no 1'/;lore 4 {erfiAnt~hNt a (onnt: And if thp" bet 11 fonne, thoulfrt al[o An hmeaf f1•dthroNghChrif/. . UHefewordsdependon the former ~ chapter, as an anfwcrro an obie· Cl ion, which may bee framed on this manner: P•ul, thoufai(l that . the Iewes before Cllrilt, "erevnderthe L""'e "'vnder• School<maijl", cap.3 .vcrfe •4-and that Wet Art frtt fr•mthe r.,. Schoolem•f/er, ver(e •s.buingcbildren ofG•d, ••il htimb; Chrif/, vcrfc •9· butweeforour partsthinkc our felues feruants vnder theLawe, as wellu theancientlewes, andtbatthey are as well the children ofGod,aswc. Torhisobiedi~ on, PAul makerh anfwer in rhefe feuen ver– fes, aithevery fir(! words import. And1f•J thatis, whatfoeuer you (uppofe, Ifaythus. And then hepropounds ther"'fonofhisan– fwer, which may be framed thus.IIthetime ofourbondagebccnded, andt~efulltime of ourlibettie come , then are wee fonnes, and not feruaots : but thetimeof our bon– dage is coded, and thefull rime efour liber– tic is come:thereforcwe arenotferuants,but fonocs, Them•ioris omitted, becau(e it is mani– feCI. Theminoris in the fix·e6r!l ver(es : the conclu(ion is <xpreiTed in the (euemh ver(e. Againe, the,;,.,., [the timt cfom-6ond•g• ;, ended, and the time of our /ibtrtieis&ot~~tj is 6rC! ofall de~lared by afimilirude, and then confirmed. The fimilitude isborrowedfro,m the Ciuill Law; and it may be framed th~s. Heires in their minoritie, liuein fubieclie),n toTutor-and Gouernors : but when they_ are of riper yeeres; at the aproyntmenroff'. their parents, they are at theor owne loberrie. Eucn fo,rhc peopleofGod before Chnlt were in rheir int&ncie, vnder theLaw, ga vn– dera Tutour : but when the fulnelfeof time was come, which God hadappoynted, they entred mto the fruition of rheir lobertic. The fir(! part of the fimilitudc os cxptetfed · · in