Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1Chap4. theEpijlletothe(jalatianr. 269 I in the two firtl verfcs, and thefecon:l, in the A Gods Jaw this may not be, except thdather v third and fourth. . · confcnr, Exod.:zz.t]. A-·'J.tnc che r~~i111Jris co:t'lrmcJ byt111o rel· The chtrd quctbon is,wh~cher a marriage [ 0115 : Th~ fir(lu chi:> : '{Jllr l!bc.-cyu protnadc wit hoot andagaintl theconfcnt of pa· curedbyCiwll :- ch~refore eh~ ttm!of yoJr renrs, be a uurnageor no? A~t{. It may be liberty is co;ne. rhu rea(o;J istll rhe 4.•nl c•IJed .. pohtike Or CIU.JJ marriage,becaufeit 5. vcct".!s. T!l~ ft:conl reaLm u t.J.kCtl rroo1 ts rattt1.:.d 111 tnc courts ofmen, accordmg to d1!!{j~nC'' Y:JUbAff~rcc:iud rh~fPirir ofadtJ(ll• bu:nanC faWCl, and by this meaOCS the iffuc ~J1= ch~rforcthctlmcofyouc liberty is come, 1s frt:cd from baftarJy. NeucrthcletfetcJsnor vcr[e d.O fthe(e points inorder-. a diwnc or fpaitunll coniunetwn,or mariagc F~rll,wller<>he :iJni6es,tlutthe fothcr hatb (as 1t o"gllt to bc)b~caufc it IS Hat agaiull rh: authontierodifpole ofhiscbtlde. Thtsi>the commanJemcnt of Gvd. , Ja1vofNJcure, anJ rh: ~~~·ofNatiO!H· P-m! TotJchinz rhc cal11 ngs o( children, they fairh,C!J/.3,10. tb~rr.~ildrenm'l/1 obq thtir p.t- , arc ro be ordered and appointed arrhelllf. rentsin4'1thint/· ~llcn_the Jiu~ll hldobtaicrcrion ofparents. For if ~he par_cnr mayurncdlibcrty toafl!ttl: f>b 111 all thtngs thu bedorrhe VO\V and the m1rrtage of the chdde, longed to him,faue hi1 pcrfon; he delhoyed B then 'nuch enore th-ccallmg. . hllchildren,lob I.H,t8. A ,Jd thts nlc..i,thot Here take notice of the impietie of rhe thechcldren in refpetl: of their bodies, arc Romane rehgioo. There are three fpee~>Jl rbcgoods of the1r pa.reuts. In ch1s refpetr, clto~rcs whereby man hu..:th in fociet1e w1rh thclews per1111tted ro fell cheirchtldren, man: rhe Church, rhecomruon-wealch, che Ex~d.z.1.7. Andfo (acrcd a thing was cheau· familit:. In the church, char rclt~ion (ers vp thoritioofthe pareot, that hewlJich rebclliano•her h_oad,beude Clirill: in :bocommonoully deipifed the fiOJe, IUS put to death, •vc•lrb it lets vp an authoritie that fcruetb '" Dtut,t.t,: '· curbcand rcllraincrheSuprc:macieof Pt tn~ This authoritie lhewesit fclfe, fpecially in cc• in eau(os Ecclcfial!icall. "In the famcly,it two things : tn chemarriagc, and in thecalputs downe the authority ofche f3.ther : tor ling ofthechcld. In the marriageofthechild it utifieth clandel!ine contra eh. and 1t giucs the parentisthe principall agent, and thedcf. ilberry to children pa£1 IZ. or I'f. y•ares of poferthcrcof;:VeHt.7.3· Exod.34·16. J,Cor. age, to enter inro any order ofRCJ,gtona~ 7.J8. Whcreobierue, rhatthecommandegamft the confent oftheir parents. mcot touching rhc marrtagcofthechllde, is Againc, parents mu a- be put in mindcto g1uon, not to rheclulde, but to the p.:uent: C know their authoritie, to r:naintaine ir, and and the parent harh auchoriric by the [aide rv vfc tr aright, for the good ofthetrchdorC, commandemcnr to giue& beitow hcschilde, for theirf•luatio. And ch•ldremuft and rotakc wiucsto h1sfonnes. Thus A brabe warned tn all things hondl and lawfulf,to h11mcooke aw1fe ror l(a4c, and Jfaac fuffercd yecld{ubicdion to their parents :and in tbts himfdfc to be difpof~d atthc appointment (ubcedcon lhal rhey find the bldling ofGotl. ofh1s father. For a more full declar.itiono( Againe, here is fet downc rheofficc:ofparhis authoritie, I propound thcfethrccqucrcnrs, and that is, to prouidc rnect<'ouertCcrs ftcons. •nd Tntors for their children after thm de. The firft is, whetherthe father may cornparture. When Chrift vpon"the crolfr had mand hischcldefO marriel An(. Prc(uppofc rhe pangs ofde.rh vpon him, hecommcnds two things i one, that thccommandcmenc is ! is n,orbcr to rhc tuition of John. Joh.19 .z6. wctboutcom?ullion; thefecond, thatthefaWlw••·iJowes and orphane< are wronged, ther knows what is forthe good ofthe ch•ld: God hcmfclfe t•kcs vpon him the ofliceofa thclanfwer, that he may command h"cnlld Turor in their behalfe Exod.zz.2z. And this to marry, and to marry a perfon thus or thus fhe~,~,~s that 1t ia ancccifary duty robe rhought qualified. Thus lfaac commaunded lacob D vpon. to marry in the houfeof J.•ban, Gme(is18. Thirdly, heere the duety ofchildren is fct 1,z. and IAcob.obcyccl. Now whether a fadowncJand that 1s, char they muU bcfub1cct th~r may commaund his childc to marric eo rhe1r Turors and Goucmours, as to their this or that pcrfon, I doubt, and therefore: ownc fathers and morhers. Ruth /otud Nao· fufpend. mi, and claue tmtohrr M to her owne m"ther, Thef<cond queftion is, whether parents Rmh 1. 16. Chriftwas fubied to J.jeph, who may make voyd tile conera a: fecretly made was but • reputed f>rher, Luk: 2. Jail. The by their children, Without or againll their fonncsofrhcProphetsobey c:Jeirmafiersas confent? An(. The Scripturegiueth them rhcirownefathcn, 2.Ki11gs 2.12. andfodoc authoritie either ro ,·atificfuch contracts, or the femams rorhcirmaficr,2.Kingt s.z;. ro makerhem void,Nu.3o 6. the father may Now I ~omc ro the fecond partofthefimakevoydethe vowof the child pertaining milaudcvc:rfe 3.£uen/owe] rhat is, the Iewes, to Gods wNihip : much more a matrimoni- •ndall thereopleofGod in thcoldeTefta· all prom1fe. Ifayong nlan dcftourca maide, mcnr Wtre children] wrre as children in reand this be found, in cqutty he is to bee eom- (pcd of rhechriftcau Church, in the new Te- \ pcllcd to marric her, Deuteron.zz.:S. yc:t by ltarnc:nr. Z 3 1P:;;:;