270 .11 Commentarie 'lJpon Chap. f . Wereinbonda,~;•] The Icwesarc faid robe A bred againG rhe Romllh relig•on:for ir i•hke in bondage in rcfpeClofvs:bccaufc rbcy were ro tharof rhelcwes, in rhe old .Tcltamenr; fub10Cl to more !awes rh•n we are, and they Ganding for'rhc greatell parr, in bodily rites, wanted frmtion of the ltbcrric .which we in· differences ofrime11,pJaces,garments~nexer:. ioy.Thcy had rhe rigbrof fonncs; bur rhey cifes,and afflictions ot rhe body,irrlocall fucinioyed aor their r~ght as we doe: and this is celfion,in the collation ofgrace by rheworke their bondage. Forothcrwife liberrie in con· done,andfi1ch like. This is ruanifeO to rhen,1 fcici1ce from bell, death, and finne, tbcy had , which know the maff<, which indeede i$•nil· cucn as we now haue. thing bur am~r[{e ef ceremonies. .Therefore · Rudimm1Softh•world]thar is, rhe law or thcRomanen!igionisachildiUiaa.d babill1 minHlcrieof Mo(ts. and it is f0 called, in re.. r.cligion: atld ifit were ofGod, yetiS 1t not fit (peCl ofa more lull and plenrifull doClrine,in forthe Church ofrbe new TeGamenr,rbar is the miniUeCJc ofrhe newTcflament. And it conic forth ef her minoririe. Religion rhat is called th• Rudim•niS ofth• world, becaufe Gands iorbeaffiicting of the body 1 is but a Icwric was as it wen:.~ ahrlcfchool~ (ervp in a· ihadow,and an appearance ofhunul1rie, Col. corner ofthe world,thc law ofMufeJ was as·it B z. zJ.And the trt4t worfoippersofGodmthe new were,ana,b,c,oi Primar. in whichChrifrwas Tcftamcnr,wqrfoipHim mf}iru Andrr1#h~ loh. reucaled ro rheworld, in darke.aao obfcure 4.v.24. manner.fpecially ro thdewes. Th•ful.-j{.o(tim•, or thefulltim•, is thar Thevfe.Herewcfee,rhanhepeoplcofche rime in wh1ch rhe capriuirie ofrhe Chutt·h old T dlament, were for righc,,~elres'3s well enderh,and hcrl•berricbeginnes. This rune as we, and rherc:forcthey had right ro aiJ the wasendeJ 40oo. ycares trbm the creation: blot1ings of God. The difference berweenc and it is calleda [un tirm, becaulj: irwas devs and them, isonly in rhc manner which 11gnedandappointcd, bythewillaodprcui. God vfed in d•li><nfing the forefaid blelfings dence ofrhc heauenly Father.For he IS Lord ro vs. _ ofririJe,and all·feafons are in his hand :-ami Againe,thefithcrs of the old Te!lament his will or prouidenccmakes times firorvnbcforcCtrrift;were but as children in refpeCl fir. Marke rh•n, rhar isrheoncly full and fit of.vs no1v. ·Thus much faith P.:mfm cxprelfc time for the ·inioyingofany bldli.ngofGod, words. And they wercfo, twowaie<. Firll,in which he by his prouidence appoinretb.Thli refpeClof the MoCaicall reg1mcnt: bccaufc mulheach vs, when by prayer we aske any they were kept in fubieCl1on to·more !awes C good rhing.at Gods hand, not to prefcribe then we. S"eondly,rbey were fo in rcfpeCl of any time vnto God,but ro lcaue ir to his profeuelation: becaufeGod haeh teuealed more uidencc. Againe,ifthou l10e in any miferie, ro vs,rbenrotbem.Re•dc Luk. 1 o. z4.Irmay wait< on the Lord,and be contenr.Forrhar is be laid, we now arc (the beG ofvs,)butchdrhe fir and beG rimcofrhy deliuerancr,which dren eo Abrahamand theProphers, whether God h~th appoinred. La(!Jy, thou mull be wercfpeCllinowkdg<,or fairh. An/w. lr is fo admonilliCd to pray to God for graceand if"·ecompare perfon and perfon: but it is O·· mercie,and to turncto hi(l"l this day beforeto rher wife, tfw.ecompare body with body, and morrow.For this is rherime which God bath comp.rc the Chnflian Church, wirh the appointed for thcfe duties: thu,;, th• day o( •Church ofche !ewes before Cbnll: rhen we graa,anJ rhcceforc rhcondy fittimc. Heb. cxccederhem, and they are but children to 3·7·Pfal.p.6. v•.This mull reach vs all,to be carefullro inThus much ofrhe Gmilirudc:now I come creafe in knowledge,and in rhcgraceofGod, to the fir(! reafon, whereby PAul confirmcs char we may beanliverablc to our condition. hismaincargumenr. ChriG harh purchafed For roliuotn ignorance(as rbe mo!l do)is rhc and procured your liberrie:rherfore therime lhame ofvs all. For 10 refpeCl ofrhc rimc,wc D thcrcofiscomeand paG. Forthe berterclea· !110uld all be reachers, Hcb. 5· JZ. and yet ring ofrhisreafon, P•t~ifers downc rhe way God knowes, the moll arc very babes. For and order which was vfed in procuring rhis aske a man how he Jookesto befaued,he will liberrie. And irconraines fiuedegrees. The anfwcr,by fcruing God,and by dealing truly. firII is, the fending of the fonne, rhcfecond, Now h1s fcruingofGod. ishis faying of his hisincarnatJon, the third his fubieftion to pra.1crs: and his praicrs are theBelecfC S: tl1e the law;the fourth, our redemprton from_the ccnCommauiJdcmenrs. This is apoqrefer~ Jaw, the fift, the fruition of our adoption, uingofGod,fitrcrfor babes,then for menof vcrf.4·5· yeares. It isfurther to be obferucd, rhar Paul The 6r(l, the fending of thefonne isin fallh,thc fathers cf doe old T eOamcnt 1 wre rhefe words, lntbef•i»<Jfeo(tim•,God[tnt f•rth "'bond.1ge vnder theltnv, after tile manner of hisfomu. Tbar we may attaine to the fcnfe of feruanrs,fpecially by rea[on ofriwand cererhis great Myilenc, fixe qudlions~reco be monies. And hence it foJlowcs, that the ob· propounded. (a·ruationofareli~ion, in which are ID:llllfold The n,a ts,what is meant by God? .AnJiv. boddy ritesand figures, isa kind of bondage, The farher,rhe fi1!l pcrfon.Eph. 1. 3· Bhf!id and per~aincs w the Church, for rhe time of be God rhe Fathero/oHr lArd Ie(Hs Chrift, z. her infancicor rninoruy.Lcr this bercmcm~ Cor. _1. 5·and Ioh. 20. 17. And he is called =:.:::=:.=_:.;__=...:..c---'-===::.,:_:____:_-=:.=_ G od 1