Chap. 4-' the EpijlJe to the (jalatians. 271 God, not becaufe he partakes more of rhe A godhead thenthe{onne, or rheholyGhofi: bur becaufehcis the 6rfiin order ofthe three diuine pcrfons: and he is the beginning of the fonne,and the holy Ghofl, and harh no beginning ofhisown perfon:becaufe he doth not receioc the godheadby commumcat1on from any.other. In this refpeCl: he is called God more commonly then rhefonne, or rhe holyGhofl. . The fecond quefiion is, How the father fendsrhe fonne I /Jnf. By hiscounfell & eter· nail decree whereby the{onne was defigned to the office of aMcdiatour,and confequent– lyto becomeman.ACl:.z. ZJ. And thus is he !aid to bef,./edofthe father,loh.G.z 7· add to B be/a•Eiified,Mdfent mrorheworld, And therefore this-fending impltesno alte– ration or change ofplace. The third queUion is, whether thcfonne was fcnt withhis owne confc:ntor no? .A".fiv. Yea, the decree ofthe father in the decree of the fonne, and the holy Ghofl: becaufcas they areallooe in nature, fo arethey all one in wili.All the perfons then haue a llroke in this fending,yet for orders fake, the father is faid to fend,becaufe he is firfl. The fourth que!lion is,how the father can fend the fonne, conlidering they are both one? An[.ln the dochine touching the Trini· tie,NAture,and Per(on mull:: be diainguifhed. Nature, isafubUancecommonrom~ny, as thcgodhcad.Ap<r(on is that which fubfi!leth C ofir felfe, and bath aproper manner offub– iifling,asrhefather begetting, the fonne be– gorren,thehol• Ghofl proceeding. Now rhe fatherandthefonncareone indeede for na– rurc,or godhcad,but rheyarcnot one for per– fon.Naythustheyare really drfiin(l. The father is notthe[onne, nor the fonne the fa· rher. And rhus cloth the father fend the fonne. The fift queflion is, why the fo called?Anfw. Becaufe he was begotten ofthe farher,byaperfechnd erernall generation, D not to be vtrcred ofman, or conceiued. And we muU be warned, not to conceiue it in any carnal or humane manner.For an earthly fa– ther is in time before thefonne, & thefonne after: bur God the father and the fonnearc cocrernall, and nor one before or after theo– .therforrime. An earthly father rs forth of the(onne, and the fonne forrh ofthe father, burGod.rhefarheris in thefonne, and the Ionne in rhefather. An earthly child is from his father by propagati6, butthe fonnc is fro the heauenly father not by propagation, but by communication offubflanco. La!l!y the hcauenly father beger. the fonne by com– munication of hrs whole fubflance, and fo dorh no earthly father. ·~ Thelafl queflion is, whether the Son be God/For it is here faid,God finr his Sonne.An[ He is God. For he that isfenr forth from jGod, was before hewasfent forth. And the fonne isfaid to befenr forth; becaufc he was: wtrh Godthefatherbeforeali>mlds.loh. 1.1.& becaufebecamefriithe bojomeofhisJarhtr,V.i8. Obiea. I. The fonne is fent ofrhe father; and he that is fentts inferiourto the father; and he thatisinferiourroGod, isnotGod. An[. Twoequallsby commonconfimtmay fend each other: &rhcreforefendingalwaies 1rnplicsnot inequalitie.Againe,inf<rioritie is oftwo forts, in(erioritie ofnature,.and infcri· oririeofcondition. The firfl dotb nor befall Chr~il: becaufc for nature he is one~nd the [~rue with rhefarher. The fecond agrees vn– to him , becaufc of his owne voluntarieac– cord,he abafed himfelfc, & tookevpon him the ll~ape ofaman,Ph.z.). 0 biefl. II. God hath his beginning of none:the fonnc harh his beginning ofthe fa. rher:thcreforc he is not God.An(.The fonne mrefpect ofhis perfon is ofthe father:but in refpect ofhis godhead,he isofnone.The Son ofGoJ conlidercd as he is a fonne, isofthe father,qod -J '"'J God. Bur conCtdered as he io God, he is God ofhimfclfe,becaufe thegod– head of thefonnc is not begotten, more the!) the godhead of the father. Obidl.III. The fonne was madeLord in time.Act.z.3 G.thcreforenoGod;Anj.Chrill as he is rhe fonnc ofGoJ,was not made Lord in time, but narure an etcrnall Lord, as the father. And he isfaidero bem•de Lordin relpect ofhis condition as hee is God·man, and that in rime, in rcfpect of both his na– rures.ln refpect ofhis maphopd,becaufeit is rcceiued into the vnitie ofthe f~cond perfon, and exalted tc. the right hand•ofG0d in hea· uen. In rcfpcCl of his god.head,~he maieflie and Lordfhip whereof,he declared andm~dc mamfefl in rh~ fiell1 after his refurr·eClion. Thus was hemade Lord by decbringhil"· felfetobe foindcede,Rom.r.4.1. Trm.3.1G. Thus we fee how God (em forth his fonne: the vfefollows. This aCl ofGod in fending, declares his infinite loue: for thisfending was for theirfakesthar were the enemies ofGod. And it further CtgQifies vnto Vi the moll free loue ofGod. For clothing invs mooned hin1 to fend, bur his owne goodnes. This loue of God rnu!l mooue vsroloue God againe,and to be thankfull. The fonne of God takes not to himfelfe the office ofaMediatour,but he is called and (enrforthofthcfather: whereby tlvothinos are Ggnified;one, thatthe office ofa Medi~rour was appointed ofthe farher: the other, thatthe Sonnewa• deligned to this office in the eternal! counfell of thebletfedTrinitie. And fo, rhatwemay plfO[e God rn ourcal– lings& places' wemua hauea doublealfu. ranee in our confcieoces:one,that the offices and callings whrch we performe, are good, pleafing vmo God: thefccond, that we arc clefigned.andca!led;ofGod torhefaid offices and tal!ings. By thismuCl w.efiay our minds in all our miferres. . Z 4 The