the Epi~!e to the (jalatians. obferue that Chnll in his manhood increa– fcd in grace,as in age,and llarure.Luk.>.And this'incteafe was without all imperfection: for in his infancie,Chrillreceiuedafull mea– fureofgracefitte forthat age:when he was cwelue yearcs old, he receiueda fitrthermea– fure, fittc for that age: and fo when he was tbirtieyearesold.And thus increafe ofgrcae, and ihc perfection thereof, !land both toge– tbcr.j\nd this increafe is not onely in rcfpeCl of~xeerience,and the manife!1atiop ofgrace before God and men, but alfo in refpeCl of rhchabit orgifr:though rheSrhoolesfor 400, yearcshauctaughtthe conrrar(e, euer lince the daies of Lumb•rd. -,Theth~rdthingis, the vnitingof Belhto thegodhead ofthe Sonne: and that is done, B whenthe fonneofGod makes theflelh,orna– rureofman, apart ofhim(elfe, and commu– nicatesvnto it his owne fublillance. The like example to this isnottobc found againe in the world:yethauewefome refemblance of this myller1e in the plant called Miffdto, whichhath no roote of hisownc, butgrowes in a trceo(an orherkind,aodthence rcceiues his fappe. And {o the manhood.ofthe fonne hath no perfonalitieor perfonall fubfifiance, but is rccciued into the vnitieof the fecond perfon, and is{ullained ofit. It mull be ob– ferued,that there is a difference betweenc tpc manhood ofChn!l,and all other men. Pet<r is aperfonfubGfitng ofhimfelfe, & fo is P•ul, C aad euery particular man: bur fo is not the manhoodofChrifi : and therefore it is robe rearmed a nature,and nora perfon. And it is no dilgrace, but an exaltation to thenature ofrnan,that it fubG!Is bythe vncreatedfubfi– llanceofthe feconp perfon, lrmay beobieCled, thatall beleeuersare ioynedtothefoone of God, as well as the fleth ofChrill:I anfwer,rhey arelo,butin an other kmd!and inalowerdegree,bycommu– nication ofgrace,and notbycommunication ofpcrfonall fubfillance. · Thus we fee how thcfonne was made flelh : thcvfefollowes. Hencewe lcarne tovfeall meanes, that we may become new creatures, D and be borne of God. God becomes man, that we men might bepartakers ofthe diuine namr..Chrill i• made boneofour bone, and Heth ofour fle!h,by his incarnation, that we. might be made bone of his bone,and flelh of his flelh by regeneration.The fonne ofGod was madethe fonne ofman, that we which arc the fonncs of men might be made the fonnes of~od, To be made flelh,isthcabafementof the fonne:ln thi.abafemenr he goes on, till he becomecmen tU awormeoftheeartb, Pfal. zz. mu£1 we abafe our (dues,till we be anni– hilated and brought to nothing: then fhall we be like to Clirill, and filled wllh thegood things ofGod. Our finnes arc a wall of partition between God andvs:foas wearc (arre from God,and God from vs.Ifas9. z.andthis partition is of our ownc making: and by rhis meanes we hauc no accetfe to God ofour felues,though weprayvnto him, and fill hcauen and earrh with our crie. Now the fonne of God made ; man,islmmanuell,thatis,God..;tbvt, lfa. 7· t 4· and his incarnation isameanes whereby we hauc acceffc to God, andheisneere vntov1 whmweprayvnti himintrmh. ~.Chron. as. z. This mull teach vsro draw neere toGod in the hc~ring and obeying ofhisl"ord,inpray– er,andin rhc v[eoftheholy Sacraments. If this benordone,great is our wickednes,and great lltallbethc puni!hmcnt, lob. 21. 14. Pfal.nz7. The incarnation of Chrifi,is the founda– tion ofall ourcoa>fort 1 and all goodth;ngs which we inioy. Byit Godcomforts Ada1}1, Thefud~ ~r tbt won111n foall bruifo th~ forpmts' heAd, !.cob is comforted by the vifion of~ ladJ<r,rcachingfrom heauen to earth:& rhis ladd<r isrhcfonneofGodmade man,Ioh.i, ' 51./•bcornforrs himfelfe inthis, rhat hitl!e· dumtrifbi""'"' ftefo (asrheword Ggnifieth) ' liueth,Iob 19.15 In the old Tellamenr, they whichfought vntoGod,camero theArkeot Propitiatorie,and there were they heard,an~ rcceiued the blcffings ofGod. Now Chrill; God and man, is in !lead '!fthe Arke, Rom, 3·•5.and therefore we mu!lcometohim, if we would recciue any good thing of God. The godhead is the founraine of all good things,and the flelh or manhood is apipe or conduitto conuay the famevntovs. If we would then receiue truecomforr, we mu£1 hungerand thir!l in our hearts~fterChrifi, andbyourfaith eatehis flelhand drinke his blood,loh.6'.s4.56'. The third pomt or degree, is thefubietli, onofthe founeof God to thelaw,expre!fed in the(e wcrds,madevndt'l' the/a.,, Here two que!lions are to be anfwered. , The 6r!l it, who is made fubielho ~helaw l ThefonneofGod. And tbis may not feeme L1range, that he which is Lord of the law, fhould hcfubie~ to thelaw: for he mu£1 be confidered, as hcis our pledge and furetic, l{eb.7.21.and asonethatl!ands in our place, roome,and !1ead;and beforeGod rcprefents the perfon of all the eled:: .and in this re- · fped:is hefubiettro the law, notby nawre, butbyvoluntarieabafement and condition of will. Thcfccond qucfiion is, IJowthefonneol God wasfubictl to the lawlAn(.By a twofold obedience: namely ,by the obedience of his paffion,and by his obedience in fulfilling the law, The obedience ofhis pailion llands b<– lore God asa fa~isfatlion for the breach~~ the law.ln it confider two things, thefounda· rion ofthepaffion, &thepaffion it felfe. The foundation is, th>t the[onnt! if(jodw.u madt finwef.rvt,>.Cor,s.>l.that is,afltheGnncsof alltheEicC!wcre imputed to him, and he in · our rcomc and place wasaccounted aUnner. The