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A Commentarie 1Jpon Chap.4. Thepal1ion it felfe, is the curfeofthelaw, A laid on thefonneof God, namely, the firtl death, and the paincs of the fecond death, which is in effe<'l: and lubCiance,rhe paines of hell,asl bane n.ewcd in the J-Chap.ver.l3· of this Ep1llle. By thefecond Obedience in fulfilling the low, the fonne of God performed for vs, all things contained rhcrcio,that we might haue iiahtto !tfc euerla(ling, and ttiat according ,.,';herenour of,thelaw,Leuiu8 5. Do<thefe rhingsandlirse. Ofthis obedience two queOi: ansare demanded. The firfi is, whether it Be necelfary for the iu{lificatiOirofa!inner? A4, It is,Thefumme ofthe law ", LONe God ,.,,"'i!J Allth]hearr, alldth)n•ighhourasth][ilfe: now B cuory lot and title ofthe law mu a nccellarily be fulfilled.Matb. 5.18. Much more then the fumme and fublbnce ofthe law. And it cannot be fulfilled byvs,beeinglinncrs:rberfore rhereffiu(\ ncedsbea tranOarion of the law .from our perfons,rothe perfonofthe Medi– atou~, who is to accomplith euery iotofth~ lawforvs. AgaiM, H<thatdoth nor.llthtngs cuht~it~t~d i,drbeidw~il accurfed, Gal. 3· t 3· He ·iilorefore that would efchew the curfe of the 'I~w,'' andcon\crulifeeuerl~(l.lllg, mufi by himfelfc ac'con)plin, all rhings',~onrained irj tbdaiv: andifthiscanti'otbedone, rhcla\w and all the coniCrrts thereof, mu(l needes be accomplifl•cd in the perfonof the Med~>tor: otherwifethecurfc cannotbcauoidcd. Liffl. C i)t, we owevnro GodadoubiCdebtortri~ bure.The 6rll !•,hon\ageor fu!Jietlion ~o be performed with allrhe powers of the loule, and with all the llrengrh ofal the powers,and Jt!iat from the firll conception. The fecond 1 is, a fatisfatl:wn by death forthe breach of rhelaw.And the law i!the bondthat binds vs 'to thepaimentofthisdoubledebt. Andttll 1 tpeiufiiccof God in thclaw be •nfwer(q to tlie full,this bon1 dcanilot bccancelled.Thcr-, j~oreth~[onne'ofGod the Mcdiarour, mun: ,not,onely ctie for vs; bntalfo performe ha- · ·mage for vs ro God, according to the tenour ofthe law. Thcr'efote he faith, that hemuft p;rformt allrighre•ufnejfe, Matth. 3· 15•. Aud ~illl,that Chn{Usthcendofthela,. forr~ght<-11 D oufneffe)Rom.l 0:4· · It is alleadged,that Chrill as man fulfilled . thelaw for himfclfe:and therefore not for vs. An(w. The flefh or manhood of Chrill con– fideredby it fclfe •part from the godhoad of thcSonne, is a creature rhatowes homage vmoGod. Yctifitbc confidered asitiste· Ceiucd into rhc'vnity of the fccond pcrfon, and is become aparr thereof, it is exempted horn the common condition of all other Ill en, and is not bound to performe fubietli– On,as all men arc.~ For if the fon,e of m4n be LordoftheSa66nth. rhen alfo i• hceLord of the whole law. And Pattl herefa[th,that the fq~nc ofGocl,isnot bornc,butmnd( vnd(r the lanr, ' Againe, itis•lleadged, th.r the bload •! Chrift t4k.fth "'*'•J •Ufi•ne,'r.loh,1.7.andwhen all finne is taken away,the law i• fulfilled,and the perfon iulhfied• .Anjw. When Saint Ioim faith,rhe btood'o(Chriftp•rgeth vsfrom ~Ufnne, he excludes the blood ol beans,andall 'meri' tonous meanes of faluation mm~n, out of Chrill, and he excludes not the 'obedience which the Mediatour yecld~iltothe Faih'&r in all hisfulfcrings. Againe,ir is not'tru'e'rh'~t, afinner is iullified when all finne is abollflleil, vnletfeiullice be added. For iullificafi6i\ iS an alteration of afinner from One ~onh1aTJ., to another, from euillto good, from bfe'ro' · death: anarh. erefore finne mull depa{~i,~}i'd m{bcecome m the roome 'thereOf. 'f~t·i darke houfem'ay be inlighrened, darkenl:tie mull 6rfi beabolilhed,andIight mull come' in the fiead thereof. And thara man maybe iuGified,linne mull be couered, and righte· oufnelfe i"!plned. · · Thefecortctquellionis, howthefom\eof God pe,rf?rmcd this obedience?Anj. He was obedient to'his Farherrothe death; aria that ' according toall rhcduri~£ 6'( ·loue in Ill~ 6~11 rable:and:fo'rr~efecond'tliole,heloued his e· nemicas.l!il;tfclfq yea!Jiore thenhil1)fel(e, bccaufdic gaue his lite for man. Marke tben., he'did.all thinEs 1 conu.ined inrhe1Ja'\~' and more troo~in rcfped of the dutiesof the: fecond T'able, Forrhclaw binds vsro loue pur neig~·bpurs as our fciUCS,.. ~nd not more then our felues. This obedience therefore is trulY tobe rearmed ~ w;r~i'of/~ptr€roglltion; and there is none in theworlu befid.:. Thevfe. Tharrhefcnbe'ofGodwascon– form•bleroihelaw, it argues thegoodneiTe, perfetiion,and cxcellelicre thereof. Here.a· g4inc markc the ·diffcref!i::c:, berwce'ne rhe man Chrifi,and all other_men, He was no,t borneCubiecho the Jaw, but made fubiet!: notfubictl: by namre, but by willand byvo– luntarieabafement.AI other men are fubiect notbywdl, bur bynature: not made, but ' borncfubict!. Tberef6rePa11ifairh,rheGen• tilr~ doe h; nafurF the thingt if'the law. The re– mainders ofrhe law fince the fall are ni11ur•ll rn •ll men:rherefore rh~whole law wasna'tu– rall before the f•ll. Man was at the fir!! crea– ted in righteoufnelfe and holine!Ic, Eph. 4• 14.and therefore in a pcrfetl: fubiet!ionand conformiticto the low. It is a natur•ll pro– pertie ofa reafonablc creature, to doe ho-– mAgerothe crcar-or.It is ~n errourrhen~n.rhe papillro tcach,tbat theImageofGodmour firfl parents was fupernarurall. . The fourth point Pr dcgreers, theRe– dempri6 of man fromvndcr thclaw,iu rhefe words[tbat he mightrrdeemeth<m wbtchrure v~dertbc IAw,]Hcre fiue things arcto bec~n-· fidered. The firCl is,what is, n•eant by beerng vnder rhelawU/n(.ThelawmuCl be confide· I ' re.dtwo waies: fir!t, asrhe Ruleollifv. "I;hu1 Angels are vnder the law, andAd•mbefpre hrs fall, arid rheSaintinow in heauen. And none yeeld nwrc fubieClion torhe lawe tht'D they