Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

' 276 11Commentarinpon Chap+ - The third IS, that they haue libertiero A a<(option/T~eanfwerisplaineinthewordes: liueandferueGod withoutfcare of damnafromtheobedic:llceofthe fonne,whereby he tion,orany other euill.Luk. '·74· fi?od !o fubieCiion to theJaw. Herorhc queThe laf! is,tbat affiitlions ceafe to be curfi10n of all quefi10ns is anfw<red, namely, fes,and are turned to bldlings: and for thiS what IS thatthin£by which, and for which,a caufetheyare delaied and qualified for t~e Gnnerisiufii6edbeforeGod,andfaued/ Anj. goodoftbem which are affiiCied.Pfai.8?·Jl• The obedience ofthe fenneof God made I ,.,;1/correllthtm that offend with a rod,but 1 man,andmadcvnderthclawforvs.For'this will;qot t11'<;mJ mertyfrom thtm. Prou. 3. 11. is itrhat fnes vs from vndc:r theJaw, &giucs Gricucnotfur thecer"E!.on o(thc lArdi for lm vsthe~doptionoffonnes. And thos alone is /oucth,,.!mpebrcmcUcth. Ierem. 10. z4.Corit,where&ywe Hand before the tribunallfeat reUvsiniudgcmmt: And powre fmh thy wraili ofGod, whichalfoweeare to oj>pofe to the vpon the nAtwns, thAth•uenot k.!zowncthee. This mdgemi:nt ofGod, tohell, death, ar.d conmut! teach men tharprofeffeor teach Chrifi, demnatlon. · · not tobe difcouraged when they bee abufcd, Therefore our common people erfc, that railed on,flaundered,or curfed.For ifthey be look ro bofaucd by their good deeds, that is, from vnderthelawe, and (o from vnder the B by their good nieaning, and dealing. They fiingofa guilty confcience,nothing lhal hurt thus treade the bloud of Chrifi vnder their them. They mufi bee content fora while to owne feete, and bcconie Iefu[es or Sauiours fufferthefnarches, and bitingsof the deuill: totherufelues. ·. . for in the,end his head ihall bee bruifed in Secondly, they em, ihatteacl)iufiificati· peece3. on by rhe elfentiall iufiice ofthegodhead of To end this point , itmay be fald, ifwee the [on: forthat is incommu 0 icablc:& they thot beleeuc be not vnder the lawe, then wee which arejullified by ir, arc aJ(o deified. may liue and die as we hfi. An[. We are free Thirdly,the Papill errcrh,which te,acllcth from the lawe,as a yoke,but not free from it, iuilificacion, partly by rfll]illion offins, a~d as it isthe rule ofobedience, and good life. partly by that which we call inward fanthfiAnd becaufe we are freed from rhe bondage cation: which is impcrfed and rui,ed in thi• ofthe law, thereforewemufi bcalawe to our ' lifewith ourcorruption, and thercforevnfit felues: we mull be VoluntAries, Pf•I.IJ0.4. to acquit and abfolue vsbefore God. withoutcon!lraint, freely ycelding fubicctt: It may be faid, what mufi wee doe that we on to thewill ofGod, and·not for feareof C may be iufi'iliedand thisobedt'encehell,and thelafi iudgement. , efthe l'ylediatour? Anfw. In the old Tcfia. The third and lafi degree, istheFruition ment,whcn a man had finned, he brought a ofadoption,in chefe words [th•W' /night aiheepeor ao oxcto the doore of the Tabcrceiue theaeloption offonw.] Heerc two que!linade, and when the Priell cut the throat of ons are to be confidered . The firfi is, How it,the party laid his handvponthe pead ofit, theChurchofthenewTc!lamemis faicleto Exod.19. to. Andherebyhelignified,that rec<iue the adoption which wasbefore rcceirhe he• !I had doneno hurt, ~n<( th.r he as a ucd in thcoldeTe!lament? An[. In Scripguiltic malefaC!our had deferued death.Now ture athing is often fa id to be done,when it i& all this_ was done in figure:and it t~acheth vs, done morefully and plentifully . Chri!l tells that wemiferablefinnersrnufi come to God; Nnrhanacl,thathee{hallfocheauen,opcn,lohnJ. tha.t we mufi biing our facrifice with vs, 51. tharis, moreplainely opened. For irwas namely,th~LambeofGpq,which istheSon not !hut in theoldT efiament. And,ThchoM ofGod,made man,and made vnder the law: Ghof/w.unot)'t.lohn7·3 9· thotis,in the full that wemufi prefentthislambe and the obrneafure. And,The t>ay intothtHolief/, w.u not D lation thereof, to theFather for vs, laying opent¥bilotheTabern•clc w.ujlanding,He6r.9. our hanason the head ofit:tl\at is,confclling 8. thatis, plainelymademanifell. Andip our guiliinelfe, and chat we haue iu!lly thisplace, Beleeuers of thenew Tefiamcnt deferued death and perdition from the prereuiuetheadoption: becaufe they receiueit in fence ofGod; In ihe!a(! place,wee mull ina more full and plentiful! manner,in that tl\e treate the Lord to accept the blood of rhe fpirit ofchildren is pcwred forth vpon them Lambe for vs, and the wholeobedience of in larger meafure, whether weeregard Illuthe Mediatour. Thus fl>all we be iu!lificd mination,orthcgiftsofRegeneration.This andfaued. Thou wilt fay: I will therefore mufi teach,., that liue in rhefelatrer daycs, doe this,whcn I am dying. !fay agome, let it toput on the condition of Cons and daughbe rl;>y daily excrcifc to tbevety death.Thcu rcrs of GOD, in rcuerenc<, obedience, and wa!l'feauen y<ares in /rarning of thy trade; thankefulnelfe. But alas, among the nmltithinke notthcrelorein an houre or '"o, to rude, iris farre othcrwife. For the 11loH liue workethy reconciliation with God. 11 thou euen as Athei!ls in ignorance, according to art many y<ares in lurning fu~h things as the lufisof th<ir owne hearts. The fatth and are done by the l!rcngth ofnature, think not, repentance, which rhcy profcfTe, "butCctoauaineto things abouc nature, "henand rcmoniall faith,and Repenuncc. how thou wilt. It is a rule receiu<d of •11 The fecond quc!lion is,whence fprings our mcn,thatrhey mull bldfc themfelucs: now ! ~