Chap.4. · the.Epi~le to the qalatians. che rioht w~y toblctfethy feJfe,.,; is·to pleade A Dodrinei rhen €Oilcernmg faluaion, rbac auJlr;before God,and to intrcate him to ac* arebeOde,orconrrary to the Scriptures(as a ~ept the obedrencc of the Medl~~our fo:r .great parr oftbe Romifh'Religion is)are110t thee, " · . ·, reuealcd by the fpiritc ofGod, bur ateth~hVerf• 6. s'"""] that is, fuch asertro the <'lionsofthedcUill, . -, Sentfmh J afpeech bor • The perfon fending is God, that is, theFawed fromEmbalfadors,ll·hich are (ent forth thcr, in thefewords, Godjentfoorththe(pirir with in!lruClions, whatthey !hall fay or doe: o(hu fo•••· Where marke ihe ddlinchon of &it figmfics, thac thefpirit reuealcs nothing the pcrfons in Triniry. T Jierc is the Father, butthat which is the will of the Father and theSonne,and thefprmeofthe Sorme.And ,5onne,loh. 16.~~· C17ing).makingv.~ to cri I.", hare remembe-r 1 that rhis.aelion offending Rom.8.:6. Forirtbe words be taken proper· foorrh, argues not fuperiority in the per{on ly, theipiritmufl prayt~it fclfe. Abba] the fending, nor infcriomy in the perfon fent: next word is the·expofition, F.tther. (for cqualJs fnay fend cch otherbycommon Thcfenfe. The F.rher hathfcnt forth the confent) butit argues Order, and a diflinctrfpiritofhisfonne vntoyou; this fpiritefem B on of perfons inrcfpectofthcfr beginning. forrh,dwels in your heorrs; dwelling inyour For the Father is ofnonc,rhe-Sonne is ofthe hearts, it maketh you pray to God as toa Father, and the holy Ghofl is ofl:lorh t and father : and aiJ this it dotb, becaufe JOU are hence it IS ihat he i• fent Otboth. -, indoedfonnesofGod. Themanerofthisfcndlngrorth, was'o;i The (cope. The qudlion is, whether bethis forr.W e may nOrimagin chat in thisltnleeueri of rhe newTeUament be'eferuanrs ro ' c.Jmg, thuc was any changeofplace 1 for,d1e thelaw,orchHdren!Po~u/an{wcrs,No:andhe holy gholl is curry where. But heiS(aid to be giues t~voreafons. The firft, was in the forfCnt forch,whenhemanifclls his prefence by mer vc:rfes:thefec6dmthis.And iris drawne his tliuineoperation,orby f~cciaJ aodfupl'r· tfom the ligne, rhus. Yc:e ho:t.uere~eiued rhc nawrall gifrs in rhe hcartsbt belc:euers, 3$ by fplrit, crymg,Abba;father: thereforeye are rhcgift 'of1iluminarion, faah, regeneration, tonnes indeed, Jife,fen(e & .morion,arc thegifls ofthe fpirit, In the words, I conGder fiuerhings : the & fo arc ciwll vcrrnes: butthe(endwg of the pcrfon fent foortb, tlu Jftirit oftheSonn4: the fpir1r is only in refpctl offuch gifts as arc bcperfon (endmg,qod :the manner offending: floll·cd in the Church, in the rcceiu1ngof thcplace,whither thefpirir is{ent,yourhearts: ro which, thefpirit is acknowledged. the officeofthcfpirit,crying, Abb~. "' The placcor'1ll"!onlion of rhe fpirite is the Ofrhefirll: th~Jpirllcofthefo,,uir is, wh? hearr,that lsJthern1nd,wil,:tndattcthon. Tbc j, fcnt forrh. H ee i•focalled ; fir(!, becau!c hcart)srhe very Grikeoflinne ;yet rhat doth beproccedes by commumcatro offubilancc, the Spimechute for his abode. Hence •·cc orgodhead, norondy from rhc Father, bur leame: :~ alfo f10m the Sonne. Secondly, becaufcrn 1, That the beginning ofourn.w birth is his manhood heisannoynred and fifJed wirh in the heart, when anew J1ghris purmro the the holy Ghon aboue mcafurc: Thrrdly,beminde, anew and heauenly difpolition into caufe by his death. heehath meri:cd rhc s•· thewrll and affection. uiog and fending rhc holy Ghofl vnrov.. 2. The moil principalpart ofour change Morcoucr, theffiiritofthrS4n"~ is hc_~edeor rcnouation, is in the hearr, whercrhe fplfcnbed. F1r!l,he is a,perJOnfublittmgot him· rite abides. The end ofall teaching is, lor.te ottt fclfc, in that hlc iS fa id lO bcefenr forth: feofa purehco~fr1 goodconjcienu, andfaith r.mfai· condly 1 heisadiuinepcr(onand nocreature, ntd, I.Tim\J.s. becau(c he dwells in the hearts of all belce3· The beginning and principall part of ucrs: thitdly, he proceedei from the Father, Godswor!ltip is in the hcart.Hee that ferucs andtheSonne!fromtheFather, becaufehe., D God in rhe righrequf.tolle of hrsh<art, in IS fent olhim ;from•the Sonne,bci:aufe he IS peace, and 10yin the holy Gho(l, ISaccepthefpiritoftl!cSonne. ~ red,Jiom,r4.17. Thevfe. Bythiswclearne,thattheinter- , 4· .In our hearts no wicked or carnall ccllionofCli'till;is offorce wirh God.Forhe thoughr, will,defire, or lu(l mufl raigne, bur prayed for the£<ndingofthefpirite 1 and iris on<iy Gods word andfpirit. For thy heart is accomplrlhed,Readdobn '4· 1·.6, , the houle where rhe Sprrite dwelles, and hee And it is a!ilper.fluousdochin.e, to teach mu(! be Lord of his owne hou(e, rl]e Real prc(enocbfthe Aelh-o{Chrifl in the s. A houeall things keepewatch &ward Sacr~mmt.Fo•Chrtfl is deputed from vnn. aboutrhy heaft: and liiiJt with all good corefpe<'lofhis;nailhood: becaufc thefprrfre is I gital10no and delires,that it maybea fir place fcnt,lohn 16'·7· 1 :o·) 1 iJ:1- · 1 ofimertaim~tn~ntforthl"fpirire, wl1ois(asit Thirdly; rhat!~hlch the Spirit"e inward!)') were 1an E·mbatfadour fem from rhc ol'cat rcachctb, is the (ame with thar w_lucp·rhc God •·-nto'thee, " ~onl)~hariHeucaledby the mroiaerie·..frhc. The lafl thing is, theoffice oft he fpirire, Prophets, and Apolll<s, becau(~tbe.Spime. whrch IS to make beieeuerscric Abbd. Here i"he!J>.~Sonne, Reade_l4hn Io.14. ]j conllder f:Oure things: .,, The meanes Aa whereby