Chap.+· the Bpijlkto the (jalatianr. 1.-79 ,----,---- ceiued, and-before" be vrrcrcd, I' IVilanf<vcr. A groaning in their harts for grace and mercy, ..... That rho ddiresofour hcarrsarecnes, lt letthem !;,c1cOntCr, for it is chcfpirirofgrace is by meanes of Ihe inrerceffi6n of Chrif!. aod praicrl rliat makesrhem Gghand grone. This Inrerc.:cffian is not avoca/l,but averttM! And cucryllgh cf acontrite heart, harh a p;ayer,in rharthcS<1nne ofGod pre(enrs his Jowdctle 10 the earesofG<>d. · manhood and IllS merircs before the Father It fallesotjt often, that men in <Xtremitie ' in hcaucn, IVilling as GOD, and deGring as ofdaungerconfounded irithemfelues, know man, rhar rhc·Father fl10uld accept ~he {aide nor what in the 1vorld to fay, or do. EZJechitU merit< for vs. Now this will'and dehreofrhe in his·fickenelfecould noifayahy thing; bur Sohne isofgreat force with rhe Farher, Iris charter in hinhroar,and mourne Jik ea doue a Crie in which the Father is well plcafcd :.& l{a:3S.14.Some lievndcrthefword of•lneeby itthe deGrco of our hearts are cries in the! · nemy,others in 'a rempef! areca(! oner 01ip· cares ofGod. ..1 board mro ihe[ea. Now thir mu!! bce~heir ·' Qfthcfcdefi~eS there be two,fpecia!l CX· COmfort, ifthey <·an hft vp theirheutsvnto ampies in the Scriptures. T.he firll is, when God, ifthey.can but Gghand groanefor his i.eeare toui:he'd in our hearts for our Gnnes, B prefanceand affiflance, rheLord will heare 10 flie to the.rliroancofgtace, and io defire rhe petitions of their hearts : forrhe'lnw;rd reconciliation withGod in GhrHl When (obs,groancs, and lighs ofrepentant finncrs, D'tmiddid but deGre the pardonofhis Gnnes,l are lo111d and (lrongcries in the cares ofGoa and therfore hiahart ro humble the farher. ;. ·' himfclfe,he.receiued pardon,P[afm• p.s. I The third point is, that fhecric ofrbe fpi- [aid I wiOcoif'ejfo my wic~dw,f•againf/ myfeife tit is d(retled toGod; bec ..ufeir mak!rvt,crJ, vnt. the Lord, andshouforgaueft thepunifbmm, A66a,fatlm. Hccre firU·ob(eruc, that Pra1er of"'7finne. \Nhen rhe prodigall fonne conto Saints and Angels, iscam;;.I Ipray<r. For ceiued a dcGre robe reconciled to hiS fatfuer, thepraier which iscaufed by the Spi!it,is diwith a purpofe to confelfe·his offence,before reCicd to the- Father. Andgood~e•fon': for he had vrrered his deGro, hce is •eceiued to itisrhe pr_opcrricofGoq ro beare rhc crieof mercic,l.uk_e. J5,.z.r. the haf.t,RO.w.8.z7. Som~ fay, rhat rhc Saints · Thefecond,cxampleisadefire of Gods inhea"eoarewith G0D, ·and rharinh'iin prefence an·dproretlion in common iudge· they feethe dcGresofour'harrs: bur ir ~~ lal1e mcnrs. WhcnMo{es f!oode attheredfea,in which th~y fay. forthe Sifrfpturefaith, that greatdanger;hauingrhefea-before him, and C G•d a/onefoarcheth tbeh-an, 1. K•?g' g, 5'9· Phara•hscharibts behmd him, nodoubt bee None knoweswhat is in man bur God, a'nd hfred vphis hearrvntoGod, but wee reade rhcfpirireofman, r.Corin.z.u. ThoughAnot ofany thing that hoefaide, and yetrhe br•ham had the fighr of God, yet iris [aide, LordCaith,Whycriefhhou tome? ExOti.14. JS. Thou Art our'F111h", and~Abraham J:...nonfn vs When l•h•fapb;.r was in greu dJf!relfe by' not, Efay6J.l6, And 'for this caufc, Inuoreafon ofrhearmy ofrhe Ammonites, con· cation ofSaints, whether ir becalled Latria, foundea in hinifdfe, he faith,O,£ord,,.,, kn•w or'Dulia, is Bar ldolarric. mt whtft todot , but ourries .u: towArds thee. z.' ·Againe,Prayer isto be made ro God as he Cbfon,• o:u; arid hereuponheobtained de· hath reucaled himfelfc in the word ; that is, Jiucrance. ' '' o .,;, '''• roGod, whoisthefarherofChrif!,andin " Thevfe.6)"tlris wo•loarnctol~yafidifor· him our father, whoalfo'{ends his fpirite inmaU prayin~ a~dllippe:Jabotw,a~d ro learne. t~oud)t)irr-s, cr.ying Ab6a. Iris an hearhetohfrvpournartstoGodm;heauenlyfighs! 01fi1 prat!lfe. (Wh1ch IS alfo the pratl1fe of and defires' fer_}hat ioihdeed·'l"~Y;"l~ isj lmanr amongvs) .ro praytoan abfolntcgo1,' rhevcty"firf!,thmg; tha~ thechrld<>f <li 0-D· D 1that JS,taOod out ofthe•Farher,Sonnejand doth,inwardlyto figh·andBeflr;l!l'l:conciliati.l . · holy Spirit. , .! • qn withiGbd'in.(2liJri!b~nd 'he ll(hich cannot!u Thlrdfy,·hore WC fe~ that't<Ue and fpiriru. doe.th1S;11no'tras~r b"Orne.oi.God; ···" all •l~uoC<a•ion of Go-d, is 'a marke of rhe .\ '-Agairl,mari}'U'ecaf! dowri inthemfelucs,l childe ot God: becau(eit is.a fruit·ofthefpio bec~u[e thfY fe~.thcir. IJliildes:fu!l of igno·l' rite·of God In rhem tli~t :ire the children of ranee, thelrwiile~full<ofrcbellton, and full'- <God. rhu the pe'OpleofGod are noj i~tho many~emptarions ;'and t~e)r findelirted,Afl. 9:t4. r.Cor.r.z,and on the contra. rlegoodnes in the'mfelues, .buhhejl hluf! bel I ry, it isthe marke ofan 1\rlfeif!not topray comfortcdby.thiS'!{theycan butgroneaod llf•l.l4"f• • • · '' 1 '1 ,Ggh \>'nit> God iitrtheir:heartsflicmercieandI 1 • 'The la~ pllint is, the m~nner ofdirecting fi1f~1_uencs, tl]ey h~4e the fpmt~!'•J ourcrl!s-tcl Go'd.'F1rtt ofall;:rhey are ro bee 1 m~1h them Ab6•,;:andrthey haue receiuedl d1ret!ed to himwith reuerence,:isbeino pre' rhl'_lir'f!.fruiro o,frhe[· & criel f~nt with•v.a·:, ~ric Ab'b•.isnot ro.fpea~ of't>'urllelrt·•arefrtnrso£rhe lnterceffion, or words mto rlie:atrc, but tq.direttour beam ftidnfHr: SonneofGoJ in beauen•for vs.·· :[ .ro one•that·;, ptefenr·wfrh:v~inall duerifull '!~<hers are g'ieued i becauf~~rhey. hauo ·and childe-liUe manner < .:rlius· did Da•id, 1 P-'~ypd !ong ,' •ndthe'y·~nde not• of P{•l. 1 •9:}8'•;and !'••1, eph•/. 3 • 14 Second· rlurp,..,m: but<frhey,can p...y,,fighmg &I Jy,ourcnosareto'b"C'diretlechoGod, with .. ·.' A a z fi1biel'tion