A[ommentarie11pon Chap.f. (ubiethon to hiswill, Readcthe exampleof A rion muG Girrevpinvs,acarc roleadcabea· Chr~il,Mar,r4.36,and ofDauid, >.S•m.15, uenly &fpirirualllifc, r./ob,3·3·•harwcmay zG. ThiS condemnes rhe pracb(e of many be like our ddefi brorher Chrifi Iefus. men. B•l•amdcr,rcd ro u1e rhe dea~h ofrhe Ptrje 8. Buuuentlun,.hmJel{_~~e.,n•tG•J, righceous, but without fubicClion to God: y~didft!Hice 't.lnto them, which-6]nt1111re 11rtmtt fur hcc would not liue rhe hfc of the rigbteCjodr. · ou•. And many among vshaucofren good Ptr[t 9. BHt """ fedng }" k.,nowGod, .,. motions & defires m their mindes,buc there ratiJtrare~nowneufGod, hmt11rne ]re ~tgt~ine is no{i.:lundnes in them : bccau(c they arc not tmtoimpotent And htggArlj rudtmet~tr> wherum· ioyncd with a chang~.& conucrlionof heart ro :u.from the beginning, ]te wiU beiin 6ondlfge and J!(e. Thirdly,our deliresarerobe dire. 'l""'· aed vnro God l"ilh importunity and inllanPtrfe IO. reobf<rutd.irr•ndmonethr,•nd cy. For the fpirit makesvs·cry A66a,Fathcr: li;ms,~tndyMr~s. that i•, My father, and rhy father. God rtPer(e 11. I aminfta~<ofJou,lef/ I haue/u. quire~thisimportuoiryofvs,LHf:! t8.J.It is P9rv~d!~JboHronJ~Hinv4int. praC\i(ed byDa,.iJ,Pjal.69·4·bY the woman B HerePa•/rerurnesagainetotheprincipal ofCanaan,Mauh.15.Wemufl doe as Jacob concluGon ofthewholeEpi!lle, whichioon d>d,wr.Gie1yithGod,and giue hi:r> no rdl ril this maner. Ifl Paul becalledto teach, and hcc fulfill rhe deures ofuur hearts, and giue. my doarine be rrue: ye haue done euil to revs the blelfing.And ourcon!!ant deures and .uolt from ir to another gofpcl :Burlam calgroanes to beauen for mercy, fhall neuer bee l<d to teach, &my doarinc is l!uc: rhis Paul in vainc. Forifwc aske any thing according prooued inrhe firll, fccond, and rhirdchapto his,wtll, hee hearcth vs indeed<, 1.lohn 5· ters, Therefore yehauc doneeuilltorcuolt 1 4· trom my doClrine. Thisconclulion hepro- ' . Per(e 7. Thefe worda, are theconcluGon pounded bcforc,and here againe he repeateo ofrhc forQJer doClrincof Paul. Thetime of it: andwithallamplifi'cs irrwo waies.Firfi,by your liberty is come, in th~t your liberty is (erring downe the particular·matter of the procured and purchafcd by Chtift, and yec reuoltandapofiaGeoftheGalatians,vcrfc ll· haue rccciucd the fpirit offonnes crying db1 o. Ye retnrneto impount rudimmtt :TeohferH« ba, thercfora ye arc not[eruants !O the Law, daier•ndrimer. Secondly, h~fetsdowne the but fonnes of Gog. And fr,om this conduQ. grcatnelfe oftheirteuolt: fir(!, by cornparion Pau/deriuesafccond, which isrhe(umme C (on thus : Once ycef<rued fal[e god• : bur and (ub[lanceofrhewholedifpularion,from there is fome excufeofrhatoff'ence :becaufe the beginning ofthe rhird chapter·, to this yedid not know God: bur that yee haue replace; namely, that they which are fons,are turned totheRudimenrsofrheworld, there alfo heires, not by rhc Lawe, and theworkes is ooexcufeofir: for yerhen knew God, or thcreof,b•r by Clum. ratherwere knowneofGod . Againehefcrs T his vcrfe is a.repetirion ofthe 26,and29 forth thegreatnelfc ofthcirrcuolr,by"rhc efvcrfes ofrhe third chapter : therefore I will feet, verfc 11. Ir makosmeefcarele(! Ihaue not fland a•JY longer in rhe handlingofit. loG my labour among you. Onerhmg" to bee obferued,namely, the H<re P•NICers downe arhrcefold efiareof ·ch!!Qgeofthrnumber. Paul[aid before, Yet rbeGalarians: theirellareinGentilifmcbcare fonnef: here heCauh,Thouart afonnr, And fore their:.Conuarfto"n, their Hf'ate in their '.~his bee dooth ro teach vs •. r)w rhey which conuerfion, and theirefia(ein theapofialie. turneroGod and be(eeuein ClrriG,.mull bcj Theirellatc inGcntilifincHands in rwo .aiJured thar theyare rhefo.nnesand hcires of] ' thihgs•: IgnorJinceofGod {·rhonJ«·k..nmnot God. Pa•lhathfet ,downcimmtdiatcly be.-1u 1 Goa.]ldolathc!m(uperfiilion,je[erNedtbe"' fore,theinfallible Ggne,whereby a man may· whichAYe>f91'{,•4i bj nAIHre. ·. ·· know himfelfctp l>•·rhechildoiGod:rhere- D - Touchingrheirigoorani:~ofGod,ltmay fore in the nexr words hefaith;thcrfcrerhou be demaumfed, .bow they{:tn·be faid not to are the fonofGod.S.lohnfairh,Thif<rhings knowGod,·whereas p..,tfaith, Tb.,,hich rn writ~ tmltJJf'U that beluHe, tlu~(Jel ma.J·ktfciw ""'7be ftno'/&'Nr:ofGod, u m~tdemAwift./} vm.o_tbe thatJ<h..elifttutrl.jling, t .lohn 'f·'3· Thus Semiles? Run>)m. 1, ~o. And th..t godd1dnot mufl euery beleeuer applythe-Gofpell, and1 /<aot himf•lf•'"ithoHtwitntfJe? Afltr 14.r7. tbebenefirst,here9ftohimfelfe. "' 1 ' An(w. K:nowledgeofGodisrwofold,N•t.uThe medirarionofthis poinrferue•gr..r. ' "r4U, .or.rtH<•Ied·k..•((Jllledge :.MA(w•ll.rs,-that ly rof••cet<n all·the crolfcsvnto vs : forTfwe which al me hhue in theirmm"ds by rhe l1ghr koow that,.~ he God1 cliildren, rhar io com-j' j ofnatute,which alfo theymay gather by the fort enough : .and "'ee may·rhen aiTu~cou; . \>iew and obferuarion ofthet.rtarures. !h'~' , ,felu~srhat in eu~ry,cmlfe, God.comcsvnro1 , knowledge:hothtwo properties. Thcfirfi,lt vs as aiath.er. Againe,this meditation works is imptrtca: becaufe by it·wc·knowfomcfew .a contetltatio"1oeuery lolfe. ·For if·thou be. ' and generall rhing• o(God: as oamely,t~at· rilechild of God, rhou canlllhaue no great rher< is aGo"d, and rhar hero to bewor!lir~- lolfc. F,or allrhi~~~ are thl~•, t{;ou Chriftt, and ped, &c: fn rhisrefpetl, rh" knowlcd~cts Chn[fGodr. 1,Cor,3.2z. Lafily, this m<dira. Jike the ruincs ofaprmccly J'allace.Agame, ltJS