Gllpp:¥ the Epift{e to·thely.a!ailt!bJ. z8t r itis w<j4ke: becauleitf~rues b~y. te!cu.t,pt{ "" ,Grul;'b,ur dP<-<J.JOJ~oncciu~ (ljl)l ,. os l~e~ •yi.\.( j c.·cuf<;. ~nd'it Is !2.;; fvi!ieiem,tq ,:Jjr.#J, v~ in ~~~?onceiu~d;.l!nd asbeha.tlneueajc.d hi!lli><?.i01ip ofGo~.N<IY wol>e(!.i1YJ!~ ~~gio f~lfein rhe,.qrd~l!l tl)tsrefpett,rhe Epbcil-, 1 1o.fer ~own the ""db.(pofGo.d1'l!~,h.qn.~uo 1 a_ourefa•~~ tp bee ,,,~••! G.o;lj ;/iph•[. J. lJl., .heaalongintoft•p.erlliuon,:ll<v·anity, !J.•f!.~d, ~ and the Sama.nt~Qs I~WlltOvp~rb•rJ:!'qwnqtl / 1edk.."'w"dg• is, tb~twh•c[tisf<ct QQwnem l.he ' wha!,loq.fl~.. f.!>.r. t)l.eyC!lOP~med t.h~t~ue I written word, "'hereby wee q>ay:)<JlQW what G.od ro afalfei.Pann>••.ciJcq~u(~ t/lcy c()occ•;, ) God himfclf~,·~.wl~at he is tdy,s;lnall!eu.eq.!Jilll fprJlJ.Pf.t,heF•t.hcr,SQOJle,.~!l?·hp., ly, af~thcrinCbti(\),~mingpardon,nl'onn• ly.G)lo,.l: and t)le~~fqrethey,/fJYP. a l~l[e, ( &life cuerla!•~kn.o~>.ledgetne QeAS!l4 VJ1tothemf~l~~~- F.;'llf~"qr,O~p.g•lleQIQ i tilesaltogether want :,nay,.by r~afo.o'of th~ pod, pre(ur,po(e.rh a fal(ep,piQIQn ofGoR :, 1 blindnesandiu,pt>!encieof.~heirJllinds;th.ey and afalfeopm10n ofGod,fets vp ·~1dolw I iudge,it foolilhn~lfc, . .Thus th~n in dte~. faJfegod,intheroomeofthet,fucGod, For j though the Gentiles by nature know.fome it i• not fufficjenc to ~oncei!le , fome,.tEpc things e( GCJd, yft,dee they nor kilo.w·God t{lings of Gqd., hA\.w~e f!IU!l p(ecJfely con, . as he will bckno•·neofvs. ,.. B •~i'lehjm,;u hehatl)reueak<lhirnfelfe,witbAgaine,it mayoc demanded,whethcr this ouradduion or•detraClion. And!buspidth~ , ignorance be a linnein the Galatlans ~ A ,f. wifetl ofthe qalatians ••orfl•ip~lfegods. Yea. For all menarebound to know God by This Idolatrie io a commop fin,and bred the fir!! commau'!ldement, Andthisigno- (as it were) in.rhcbone. TheTurkcsorthis ranee is awantofthe Image ofGod, irt.the da.y worlhip a(alfeapdf~nedGod. For.they mind,Co/o!f.J. Jo. An'deuery defeCloftheJ. conceiueandw,orfl>ipa God ereatour ofheamageo(God, isabrawJCh oforigiha!Hlnne. uen and earth, that i• neither fa~her. fonne, And veogeance is che. puniflunenf:CJI:.rhis norholygholl: and<heieweswol.fllip·GQd finne,z.Theff.r.8. , .L. , • 'L:r>l~· 1i. qqtpfChri!l:.andfoafainedgod. ForHu It may be obiected.,. that PaNlhee~tllcu-1 1 .'fhich h~t~not th•,h~thnpt ;k~F~ther, 1, feth the Galatians'by'their ignorance,. .dnf. 1 : lqb!'.1,ZJ,·Likewi[e thereligiP!l'GftbePap1£1 It excufcth a••••• ,;l!ona wu, that is;·the dc.l .reachcth &mainraincrh the woJOiipof la.Jf~ gree and meafurc'<>f th~finne• andn.ot the I .gods. For ir giues t.o Angelsa.nd S~iots a.fa– finneitfelfe,LHk•n.48. , . . eo:d , GUity or power to know-the delires,of our Againe, it may,be faid.c, that rhis their ig-· Ci ·he~rrs,ro hearo,andhclpvs in all·places;at al nocate is inuincible, btcaufeas theGentile's 1 .rime" and hereupon praier is made to them: do nor ko01V God,fo rbey cannot know him., but al this is indeed rheprerogariue andpri- ..dnfw. That theycannot know him.,itis not :viledgeofrlle_true God; ~nd in as much as 11 Gods fault, but thefault ofchei• fir!! pacccs, 1 is gi~en :pAngels~ad-Saint~departed, they a0dconfequently th.eir faulr: and tfu) igno.· tr~fccvpinJ.l.leroo.afcof!IJelrueG.od, , rancefpreads irfdft ouer all mankinile; as•' ;.,, Again;thatreligivn tcachfrhm~n to worpuninmtent ofthe fi]ll offence.. ·. , /hip God,io,at,a(ld·beforeImages. And.thi• Th~ third point is, th•tthis ignorance isa woe/hip prefupp1>ferh an Opinion orimagigrear.and gncuousUl;l,: for her.e.P••lmakes · qat!on that there IS aGod that will,Pecprclt thrmurberoffuperfl•li"J>and Idolatri.e: Thi• Cent to hearc and help vs,in, at,and b.cfore Imu!l teach vs alhod<relltbisijjpbf;thccof. 1 .mages: now this Go<! is,a God dcpifed by God and hiswill, and fo feeke bfallmeanes I (!hebr~inq_ofman;Papi!ls allidg~;that.thcir to know God, God harh a ccwto,uerfie.with · in~eo.iion I• toworlhip thetrue GPd, rhe Fa. men,bccaufe they kn.ow himJ.Jot,: Mof•~· >f., l.(liu. )Sqnne,<an4 hoJx.Gho(l .•a11. 1H fay a. J.~. ·.,.• ,l"" . '· • HI\• "' · • ,g;tac,.thM the true,Gdd hath>cue~led.his AgaiQe, this feruesto warne all Mini!lm 'b .wUI,rhar bee.dotb'Jlete!l thi.s ip)IJiJ<r.,;>fwon ofthe word, to becarefull to ro.orer<l.llt·igno-1 - 1 1hip :.•P.<I th.e·>.\'pr/hjp j} directed ranee out ofthem·ind~~fthe1'eopl~; -.nd to 1 ,ey1b~r t.o th~ IJIJ.ages; o.r to die planttheknowle<fgeQfG:Q.d,, we' 1 :G.Qiilf'epifcd in the braine. ·.' ' , ·;,.– fee, 1t ls falfe wh1ch tbeP.ap. .!heacb~th, that j·>dThfrdly, t/I~Jlfthe PQpifh religior. wor– Ign.""~7<r<~ thrm•l~er_of'JJ.!ngt•D~<.ra:1 "' · .(\J!j>.~[amed.,ChpQ.of.,th~rowne d"ifiog; Thefecond finne_of!heGalariam (<;th_at ! ~~n~~ly,a,CIJ.ri!lth;u fusat t~etightliand of thry (•~llrdthqn, JOh~k "''""' gods,, ~~~re,l I dt<>:li~tllfr inheaueq, and is;with'\11 in rhe th~t b, falfe gods, uot,gods lnde~~~bu~gods. h.antls of,~u·ery.P.tiell, after the.\Vords ofcomop1p10n. '-:''· ,_.,., :.,,.t,., , .. ·i 1 ,r~~ri(IJon.1 AQdthey.•·orlhip'a.godfervpby lt may be obJected,:tbat-rhe w•f~tt.o{(t.he 1 .rbemfelue!,namely, ; Godrhat,W.W b_ce·ap-·, wor.fl;•pp.e~fh. etnJeGqd,.{;l~4tor! , .p~~~d by humanef~ti•faCiionr;:& :twho[e ofhcaucnand..eart\1,.!'iJnf..·Falfe gods :u~(c~ band• .a finfull man may merit~ e'Perlatling vp tl!!QlJI~•et . .The!ir(l:~s,whent\Ta~ WA\ch,ia 1 1 ~if~1fpat iS19f&y, aGod.all ofmcr~y,and lit-· notoGo~,"placeq,apll wotlh1!!Pe4·:!n,t)le: : tle!o!.DIIlU!l!lle-..,,.., , ... , :·:. · roorn~o(rhetrue.Oo~ ;,as wh.enrl;qf~~uei ,'"'Tb.PIIS,bout Religion teach ndldol~try moone,,a~d f!a(r~·-~~e:wor.OJipp·ap.f~!f,, andl ,)!e.tilettalp~ it-ii.,:thatmany alnong vs ·l'ra~ \ I thiS'' t:\1~ gro!Tefi,k•p~c OfidolatrY,, ,T)l~;{~r; ~'l'i~[plrittvlUdol, in:rheir·hearu. For \ c<>n~ :• .~ _wflen f!l~n ~~~p,wled~o ,(AA,tr.ue'_ ~IW~~·JI'IW a<J~a.IJJIG,\)~':Jf'I,Cl,and caresmofl --~~· ----------- =-------~-~~·~3------~fur~,~----~