Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

t8z for ;·ana del•ghro moll ih ~rhlit-is his Gdlf; i.A this1s'thc rlghrknowledge of God. ro baue Conic rherefore haue their richts for rhei~ · rcg~rdrohitwiii,Rom,u,z.Ephef;s,•I7\'D•· gbd,fomerheir pleafurcs,fodl~ their bea(!lyl •iii faith, AOth.J la•oes""hfor•me;2,:Y4mHil .I!ills. .for w!iere ihy 'heart is i'rhere it thy tz.. 23! an~ whenShemei reuiled, heefpake ~God. •Again~, rhe ignoranhculrirudeworrhus, Haraileth heca•fi Cj•d~iddnhimrail,, !hip agod of•rheirownecbidiAg', which is a >.SamNil, La£lly, wee mu£! knew and \god m•dc all df nmcie ,~ha n&iu!lice, For 2Cknowledge God in the power which 'bee •rhey perfwaderhen\felues , 1rhbt !here is llJer: lhewedjn rhe death& refurrcClion ofChrill. cy wirh Goa,rhough rhey rep'cnt riOtjbur·go R~adcand CllnfiderEphef, '·'7· wherep.,,/ on in rheir lino<s:whcroas the true God i£1n' placerh the knowledg·of(lod in rwo th'i•gs: 6nir<, nor ondy in mercy, ~uralfo iniu£lice; mthe knowledge ofrhetich<S oferernallife, f:x.J. 3-'!· ' · · ·'• and in an experimenrall knowledge of rhc ' Tbarrhis finncofldolatry may beroored verrue of the refurrection of Chrill m our out of_!he minds ofmen ,'there mull be firll felucs, · anl/lumin.tionof•hernin~. wirhthektfoiv· Thnhird properry it 1 rhat rhis know· ledge ofthe rruc God and his will: imd there B ledgemuil bean etfe8uall and liuely knownlUilalfo be a rm•Hati"" of rhe hcarr and afledge,working in vs new affci!lionsand illl'li· feClions, rhat rhcy fer nor vp tomerhingclfe nations;He th~t (aith be~norm l.iod,andkjeps in the roornc ofGod. not his ccmmanJtmtnlr~ tnllt..-s him•lfar,lJ,loh. The e£larc ofrheGalarian'safrcr rheir ~on· •+and 3,6,Tit,z. verfc!all. uerfion is in thefcwords, Tee k!Jow God, wr.· 'FheviC.Seeing theconuerfion ofafmner tlurarek..•orrne o[qod. ' ' !lands in'rhis fpiritual knowledge ofGod,we The knowledge wherby men know God, mull be llirrcd vp to feekero know God acis eirher httralli0orrlei1ge. ·orjpiriruafl k.,now. cordingas he will be knowne ofvs. We deledge' ltter•C. iawhen thc•do~tineofGod;& fire to ferue God: and WC can nor ferile him, hiswil isknown,wirhout reformation o'f'lifc. vnlelfcwe knowhlm;oay,fo longas we know . 'spiritual/ knowledge is, wt\cO'Ihc·mihd i•·irihi'mnor, wee doe norhirig butferuerHefal(~ the fpirir of God,withthe k'now· gods of,our ownehearr~. 'Againe,wce dcfire ledge ofGod, by the word, ~lld accordingre life crcrnall: and this is life, in right manner rheword; foas rhcreup~n men arerransfor.l to acknow.ledgc GO'd! 1•hn' '7··3· Am! rhe medinrorhelmageofGod,>.C•r+ 18.Ana whole martcrof our'blla!liog, mufi beerhe rhis kinde of knol'ledgeis'hcre meant,when knowledge ofGod,/mm, 9·•4· God himPaulfaith, Yeek!Jow(jod, ' • ' , C felfe minillrcth vn!on1ea further argurnenr The foundarion ofrhis l<'nowledge is,thar to mooueyou ro rhis defite: n~mcly,by rhe GOD isto.bekrfowbeinChrifl : foriilhim moouingofrhecarrhyellcrday. Forrhough God hathmanifc!!led hiO,infinire wifcdome, Phrlo(ophcrs ·afcribc all ronarurc, yet the iufiicc,mercy.Thercforeh'eeiScalled7he i~-~ rrurh is, rharrhc trembling and the fhogging gr.-mimageiftheperfono}th<(arhtr,H<~.I.i,• ofthe earrh,is a figne ofthe grearand extra· AndPRul(aith 1 Thatf¥e·hAN<th•k,nowledgeof ordinuy-angcr of God, The caufe of·rhis rheglurieof!joJ, inrhefac.oflifui Chrij/; ~. ang.r io,rharweknow·norGod,ncyrherdoe c.... 4.G, ' · • wcfonhemofiparrcareroknowhim. We , The properties of rhio knowledg~ art 'hauc·had•rhtgofpellong.burwcbringforrh rhrce. The fir£liS, rhat irmu!l bl!'a Sp~cl•lll butfmallfroirs,Forrhiscaufcthcearrh in his knowledl;e 1 wherebywee mull acknowl:dg~ rremb!ing dorh, as lt ~ere, groanero be d•f· God robe our Gdd 111 Chnfi.The firll corn- .Qurdened,of [O'rcbdhous a nallon, ah'd 11 roandemenMfrhelaw (e<juirco, that we ·tak~· dorh afrer afort crauelcaueof God , rhar ir, rhe true God for our God,'rl\c comnlar\\le. D may dMolirea finfull people. ·as ironcc de1 menI ofChrill is,Brleeuetb< ~·JP<I. Nowl!lle,' : tJOuredllil.lrthMi,a~d thecompany ofMbim,, llipularion of the (w1if~h NoW'm1r du~ry ''!!~·th!s mager:n~ntpfGod alfo isrhe{ub!lance ofrhe gofpel)IS th1S;[~t.l.1 : toackno•·ledg,ehrs.rnaJelly, hiS anger, and rhy God, Ter.) r. 3.3'· this.rherfore mull'wc be- 1 •his iullict: an~with fcare and rrembling to Jieue,and to rhis knowlidgeurhepromife<il~ 1 humbleour~elu~sforourfinnespafl, rherelifc euerlafiing annexed, /Oh; I '1·3·lf.t!$j' n.• .by to·pretlent lliungerto come, The mrh. The fecond properly it ,' tbarrl\is know-: a•brute 'and dumbe creaturein his kmde, " ledge mull not bee confufed, but dillfrftt 6ecolflta'preathervllJOvs : and h1Strem- . FirCl!l acl<nowledgerbe rruc God'in blingmull reach vs to rrcmblc in our hearrs, , reCpea er his .pref<nceU>lrh v~ i!laii place!.: and ro finneho'more. :,:' ' . • ThusMo[n18 [aJdcrok!Jo,.thl••••fbl,,llftlrt. · ·Age)ne, if we rl!iriHnow God, wee mull u.z7 Secondly.wcmull knowandackn~.' . remcmber.Godand C,hrlll: andas:w• muO ledge God mrefpi:ttotl1is 'pallicula't proi1;..! • k~ewGod; f'? mulh•c! remember hun, NC~> dence ouer vs. ThusDaurd knelVGod;lo'll'en wt!e'lrnulllr.odmow Ctit~llaecordmg to rhc he[aid)h«t·hunumb~<<lh~ftittingsi'dn~ put i 6cfb,'lt-,~inr~s.r'f. and rhcrcfore wee may hu teamintohubottle,P(Rfme 56.8. ·"'Iiirdly; 11rot rc!irl·ehibcr Cbri£laccordmg to the flefh, we mull kn0w God in rHpdtt ofhis will,. ;~ 1tiiat·is' in any worldly and carnall manner. all thin~ to_bedone, and>ro befuffereu. and I Thlll'ri:crdcre i• 001·10 keepe aMemory of ' Chri!l,