Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap. 4• the Epiflle to the qalatianr. · z83 Chritl to fpcnd rwelu~ doi<'O in r~uclland ri- A fort.Our faith dorh notfauo vs,bccaufeit isa f or inn:a,ktn• and mumming,ih ti~ding and perfe<'tverrue; but becaufe it apprehend•~ a dibtn~ (., m~nydoel) this is rather roboric perfe<'tobie_Cl; namely,_theperfect: <:>bedithemcmoricof ChrHt, and ro doe homage enceofChnCl. So rhen, rfour fartherreno.~ iorhegod ofpleafi1h!. Ofrhem rhar faid, Lrt in his obiect,but be rightly fixedon the true vn•ie,drinb.<.•ndferpt,P•ulfairh rhu.: ,~.,.~, caufes ofourfaluauon, though 11 be bur a· 4 nddt#righreoliflj: forfom< of JOM doenotk._no,.. weakefaith,and doe no more but caufevs to GbJ, r.Cor.r;,J·4· · will,defire,& indeauourro apprehend Chri!t, Ph/faith further, -But rathtry""' IQ<ownt iris rrue fairh,and iutlifieth: the weakenelfe efG•d.TheknowU:dgewherebyGodknowes ofit O~all .nor hiRder our faluarion, which men' flands·in t\JO things: his:Etection or flands nor in rhis,rhar we doeknow God,but ihemtohisfpeciall'loue, z.Tim. r. 19. and inrhis_, rharGodknowcs vs, whofc_ know· rheexecurion ofEiection,whereby he makes ledge" perfc<'tand cannot f•lle. Agame,our men his peculiarp'eople,bycalling,iuflifying, faluarion flands nor in our apprehenfion of ilndfanttifyi'ngofthcm.Ttr.z.verf. 14,; B Chrifl, but in Chri(lsapprehcnding of vs, ,Hcnceobfcrue:6rfl,thar Gods Election is Phil,3 1:. rhe rooreof all rhe·gifts of God in vs. We This knowleJgc ofGod wherby he knoweo know God, becaufe he firflknowesvs. P••' v•, harh rwo properties, Firfl,ir isfpeci•ll, [aith,rhat»tr>trdltUtliihAt.,,mightb•h•IJ, whereby he knowes all the Elect euen by Eph. r. 4. Therefore we a·re nor <iected(as name,Exod.J3.17. Againe, iris a perpc:uall fome reach)eirher for our fairh,or according and v;,changcable knowledge. Fur whome ro our faith 1 bur roour faith, rhat is,Eiect:ed God once knowes, be neuer forgets, Ifa. tharwe might beleeue. 49· r;. Secondly,bence we Jearne,rbarwecan neiTherhlrd ellateofrhe Galarhians isrheir rhcrrhinke, will, ordoerbarwhiChisgood,· e£lareinrhcirreuolr or Apollafie, in rhefc vnletfe God preucnr vs with his grace. God words, How IHr>t)t •g•intto impotmtA.dbrgmufl firfl voucHfafe to acknowledge vs, beg•riJ rudiments,rrhtrtHnto.u fromtbt begi•niqg fore we can acknowledge him. /oh. 1 o, 14. 1' ..,;n btinbondagt"g•i••! or rhus,to~<hicbJ' Prcuenring grace,is rwo.fold. The firfl, and "'illdot [truirt"g•in<.u[r.mth<·b<gin•i•.g? ..., rhe fecond. The fir£!, when God in our fir{! The words carrie rhis [en(e:Ho,.turn<Jt "'" conucrfion rakesaway thellonie heart, ·and' g•i••? rhar io, iris an intollerable offence.ip pursa Helhichearrinthe roome. 'fhe fecond C you,hauing knowne God, to rerurnc agalne is,afrer we areregenerate: for rhen.God llill ro rhe rudimentsofrhc law. ByrHdiments_wc preuenrs vs with good motions and delires. are ro vnderfland circumdfion,rhclewilh.fa·- Ofborh reade Ezec.3 .S. :6. Some reach,thar cri6ces, and all theceremonies ofrhe bw .of ifwe doe that which we can, God will giuevs Mo(ts, And it may nor fee'llellrange, rhar hisgrace: bm rbia is falfe:for rhen we lhould rhey arccalled imporenr and beggarly rudipreuenrGod. menu. For they mull be.coofid~redthree Thirdly, byrhiswe fee, rha~the workes waies,wirh Chrifl,wirhourChrill,andagaiofl of grace in God impl'inrrheirimage in rhe Chn!l. WirhChrill,whenrheyareconfidc· hearrs ofrhem·rhar belongto God. And this red as types and figures of Chrifl,rocome, is worrh rhe marking. There is aknowledge and as fignes of grace by dluine inlliturion 10Gdd whereby he knowes whoare hi•: and forthe rime of the old Tcflamenr. Wirhour this knowledge brings' forth another knowChrifl, when they arc vfed oncly for culedgcinvs, wherebywe know God for our llome, wherherbeforcor afrerrhe dearh.of God. There la an'Eiec9:ion in God wbich Chrill. AgainctChrifl,:whenthcyareell,ee: woikea in rhc Eleaanother election,where'. med as mcrito rious caufes<>f falualion, .and by rhcy chufe Godfor their G6d.The looe, D rhc iufl16cariono( a Goner is plawl in thfm, ~~hereby God louesvs,workes in vs an othtr i eirherin wholc,m·in parr: -puhough CI>T(fi ll'>ue whereby we loueGod, t.lalt.4.t9.Chrifl alone were not fofficient. Inrhis refpeaPAul firfl apprehendsvs:and this apprchenfion of cals them impotent andb~ggarly rudiments. his, workes in vs the apprchenfion offairh, And P.Jul hauing faid;lnarrheGalatl)ians whereby we laj h'61dvpon him, Phi/, 3· 11. returned againc ro rhcrudi!I)(ntsof rhe-law, When Chrict makes interccll)on for vs in inrhcnc! rheydoeir: heauen,theuis anotherinrerd:ffion wrought namely,by[trflingthmugAint;· Theyferoed,l in our heatro by tlicfpirit, •h'tref,y"''er' Ab. or yeeldedferbicc to rhemrbree waics: In obaf••htr, Rom. 8. :~. Thedearhof Chrict . pinion, becauferheyiudged rhemro bcnel,arhavertoci~ ir,toworke i'1 vs rhedearh of celfarie parrs ofGodsworlhip, and meanes' 1 ~ne.Thu.dorh rhe fpirir ofG'odfealevs ro · . of rheir faluarion. In confcicnce, becaufe r'!ie day ofour icldemprion. By this maywe ! 1 they fubie<'tcd rhcir confciencesro them. In know that we·belortg toGod, ifwe finde any I 1affedion; becaufc they pbced pm of rhm unprcffion ofrhegracc of God in v•. The. ' affiancc in' rhem fOr rhcir,iuflification apdl f"nne by his ligh!lhilles vponvs,'tnd by rhc faluation, ' .. fa111e light wevie1Y'and behold ili'e·funne. It may bedemanded, ·bow rhe Galarhiaos L•llly,here is rhcfoundationofrruecom• can befaid to rerurncagain ro rhe rudimenrs_ ; -----~--------------~------------------------~A~a~4_________o~~~~-----