Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

!I J 1'~4 . rv{ 'Commentarie·"lpon Ghap·4· , \ofthe l'iw, and femerhem againe, tharwere A mediatour,which is an admirable worko; nor ! 1 rreuer V'fed to them before/An{lnrhe fpecch meerely humaoe,bur tht~ndric~,rbar~• b•· ' of P"ufth~re i~ that wh1ch iscalled C~JtAchre-· manr.dit~ine. For rhiscaufe no atlion pe~tal..- jir;that'is·, akind of rpcaking fomewhanm· ningtorcdemption, caobeperform~d by'a ' preper in refpe&of finc"etTe and ElcgancJe. mcere crcature,whether man or Ange)l, , : J'!1e\ikeweh~ue,Ruth.r.u. when Ruth!! Obi,[/. /. Ioh.:o.zJ.1'!lc-Apoll\~s!!al11', fal'd to rcrurne to !ttd4 w!thNaom1; and yer the power to remitand retaindidnes: therclh&wa'S neuer_thcr_c betore. ~eucrtheletTe, fore iris not proper to Chrill. An[. To f~1pi~ ·t~e.feecch·in fenCe "mofl Ggm6~atll & pro· by meriting and by etlicacic in the eonffl· per. For P•r~l)no doubt) f>go•fies hereby, nngofpardon, upropcrto theMediatour. rliat.when ~he Galatl]1ans !ub!etled them· The ApoUiesandother Mmifle,rs.rcplil by' fclucsto thcrudm1enrs ofthe law,and placed prcach1pg ancl by dcclanngremitlio,., The ·theirfaluation In parreuen in them,they did Mmiflcrs ofthe word doe not procure our .In effelhn~ in trurh as much as rerurne areconciliation with Go~as.Cim!l doth, but g"aanl! to theiroldfupertlitions, and ferue athey exhorfmeoto be recon'ciled to God ... ~ainetheirfal.fegods. Cor.s.zo.- · : ' - ' ·, Here then wehaueadefcriptionoftheA- B ObitU. Il. r.Peq.a8. B•pt;[mt.(au~th: isavoltmtarie thereforeootChriOalone. A•fw. Bopti/!:"e [lo(for Paul[allliiJ''"!Ij eru•) afcer the know· faueth by Ggmfymg and by fcalingvnto vs ledgcofthe1ruth., in which they returoe a· thegrace and mercieof God, and tho effcgain totherudlments ofthe law, by yeelding Clmgof our faluation, is in the fame place (ubicclton,aod feruiccto them: which a a of afcribed toChrifl and his refurrcClion. thms is indeedas much as ifthey hadferued The coocluGon then of Paul is to b~·ie~ aoaioetheir falfc gods. Here fome mayCay,if membred: for it ferue; •• an engineto ou.ertl;'is be (o, theothcyllnocd againtlthe holy turnerhe maioe grounds ofPop~rie. The Ghofl<.' rJ.n[w{r. The Gone againtl the holy primacie ofthoPopeisa certain< eOate, in GhoO,isindeed<!voluntnrielione: but that wh1ch bee is [ubOimtcd into the place and i:iJJ'y reafon of. the ob!lioacie and maliceof roome of Chrifl: forhet~,ktsvpon him to· the w1ll: and thts offence 10 the Galathians makelawes, that properly.& truly bind con· ,v-asvoluntarieoody by in6rmitie. Againe, fcicnce,eueo as thelawes ofGod. Againe,he the Gooeagaintl the holy Ghoflisan vniuertakesvoto him a proper~nd iudiciall power, faH Apollafie, in refpea of all the Articles to remit or retaine the Gnnesof men; Now of'religion:for!hat finne makes men crucifie C thefe aClltms indeede, arc the proper aClions ChriCI crucified1Heb 6.<S.aod totrtad voder of God and Chrifl, no mcere creature is cafdqttbefonoeofGod: the Apoflalieof the pableofrhem. In thisrefpeCl the primacie G~lathf•ns wa:s particular, onely in thearti· ofthe Pope is an impotent and beggarly in· cl e·oTiu!lificati<Jn.• . ueotion. Againe,the Romitl• religion,neGde ''ihe\lfe. ·In thllt the Ceremonies of the the al-fuffiaienr oblation of ChriC! vpoo the litwJeivp againfl Chtifl, in thecaufc of our crotfc, fersvp 'he (acrificeof the Malfc fur iu~ific·atibn and faluation, areca!led 11npo, rbc Gnnes pfthe qutcke and thedead: beGdes rentO.nd'beggarly rudiments, P••l,teacheth the intercellionof Chrifl,itfetsV'p the interaW\i!g~tlo c<itidullun: that ChriO flands a-. cellion of SaintsandAngels: beude theper•. ltO'ilciin tf,e 1vbtkdof. re'demption, without fet!fatisfat!ionofChriO, it fersvp humane 1 cotlegue·1>r parrner, withoui'lleputy, or fub· fatisfatliom: befi'de the infinite merit of ! !lirute, w'hether ive refpca the whole workc ChnO,it maint~ines and magnifies the merit !lf'~cdemptio~,?t'rheleaO part:ofit. Againe, ofhumane workes, But,all th~fe a!cbu~1m-: !1\lirall tile ~·ot~es or•media!IOlf !land alone p!Jtent and beggarly deutfes of men. Fpr, I;>{' ti1emfelues, and admit.notliingtobe ad• ·:I Chnfl in~l.s.~awfi~e,Satisfa,Clion,lntcrcefdil!and adioyned lo them, Thm11n"ther D Gon,Ment,admrcsno comuall or atfec~ate. ~~:mlmhmbJ w~''"' luf•tul. 'bt{rde the n•me of All atliop~of his arc perfeel in thei~. kinde, 1 Gh•iP, ACl. 4-·•·•·"Chnfl (••mlumper(eUIJ and need no fupply. ... ~ rhit C!Jmt-vnto h'iWI, Heb:7· l5 0 ·In I:Hm w~ Are Thia.agai.nemun teach vs,to content our ' d!mplm, Col. •. a·o. Ht Alonnrud<ttht ..,;.,. felueo with Chriflalooe, arid not rolet ''P•· ~rr!f• if(jodswrAth,••dnon•with him,Ifa.63·1• oything with him, oragainU httn • Thts" ,JfChritl bC"a Sauiour, be mull bea perfeet. the fafefla9~ the furcfl courfe. Acmame , Sauiour,conlideiinf;he is God and mao:aod PapiH wri(~t~.t\) this dl'ea, that we Prole- ' IJeeing a ·pcrftdl Sau1our m.Jmnfclfe, he (!anumounu0r6catlop, cleaueoolytothc n<edesno porrt\ef., and ·becaufc he is cuery body-ofthe1tr~e, and tliat the.Paprflo cleaue;, ~~here ar allllm<l!,. therefore hemeeds node, t!Jc bodyand thebraunches. And f,; plllicin his fle~d.' A:gaine,eutr.y worke o(rt, . fay·againe,it is·the fafell with both the hana~-1 acri\ption i's atteapy .whole <i:htjU,.accor- · tocleauctothebodypfthetree:andhcthat ! \Jiogtobothl\is ,natur~s: and :isthcreare in withonchand)aics holdevponthe body of : him .two natures, _fo are there two opera• theme, and with the other llaies !Jimfelfe lionSi5f•r1li:'fJ.Id nMurcs, & as both natures vpon the hla,unchco, ts mgreat.daungcrof cbnc-urre·tomake the"compound worke ofa falling. The ' lt lt